All students at 10 Santa Ana schools to get free meals

[quote author="Anonymous" date=1223438003]Linked as I think we could use some happy news to offset all the rest today...

All students at 10 Santa Ana schools to get free meals

The USDA will provide meals to students for the entire school year regardless of whether they qualify for the federal free and reduced-priced meal program.</blockquote>

God Bless America!
Government will spend a thousand dollars in looking for the penny lost. In this case they realized the time and personnel effort to collect lunch money from just a few students is counter productive and created a greater burden for the administration.
Wow, lunch at Irvine elementary schools are $3.25 (Santa Ana $1.25), and middle schools and high schools are $3.75 and up , not including drinks and sometimes cost more depending on what's served.
[quote author="Allison C." date=1223451235]Wow, lunch at Irvine elementary schools are $3.25 (Santa Ana $1.25), and middle schools and high schools are $3.75 and up , not including drinks and sometimes cost more depending on what's served.</blockquote>

Irvine children arrive to school in Mercedes 300 while Santa Ana kids arrive in Biped 1000 yards dash with occasional distractions from Aqua motel.
[quote author="Anonymous" date=1223438003]Linked as I think we could use some happy news to offset all the rest today...

All students at 10 Santa Ana schools to get free meals

The USDA will provide meals to students for the entire school year regardless of whether they qualify for the federal free and reduced-priced meal program.</blockquote>

[quote author="bkshopr" date=1223456013][quote author="Allison C." date=1223451235]Wow, lunch at Irvine elementary schools are $3.25 (Santa Ana $1.25), and middle schools and high schools are $3.75 and up , not including drinks and sometimes cost more depending on what's served.</blockquote>

Irvine children arrive to school in Mercedes 300 while Santa Ana kids arrive in Biped 1000 yards dash with occasional distractions from Aqua motel.</blockquote>

1000yards dash ... Aqua motel. Sad and true. Sometimes I really wish <u>some </u>of the parents I know who lives in Irvine would teach their kids how to be thankful, instead of demanding Juicy couture and iphones.

My aunt is a part time cafeteria worker in LAUSD, too bad this offer was not extended to her school district. Some parents work two jobs to keep their heads above water, and unfortunately in some cases, made just enough money to disqualify them for any govt assistance.
Sorry, I don't feel sorry for Santa Ana...there are lots of parents out there working two jobs trying to get ahead...trying hard not to apply for welfare. And there are parents that wouldn't care, cheating the system every chance they can get.

I hope all free lunches apply to all school, not just Santa Ana.
Jeez tulip, did you even read the article?

already, 90% plus of these students qualify for free meals, coming from families with less than $27.5k annual income.

the district will save money not having to administer the program for the last few %.

Do you really not care about such obvious poverty? And government's attempt to reduce costs by cutting out the 'bureaucrats'?

It sounds like a win/win to me

I just think it is not fair, because it only applied to Santa Ana district only. It just seem like most low income family always expect a hand out. They have to remember, these programs are in place to help them for a period of time only not LIFE. They have to better their life, so "these programs" can help the next family that are in need.
[quote author="tulip" date=1223637585]Freedom,

I just think it is not fair, because it only applied to Santa Ana district only. It just seem like most low income family always expect a hand out. They have to remember, these programs are in place to help them for a period of time only not LIFE. They have to better their life, so "these programs" can help the next family that are in need.</blockquote>

Welfare is an addiction. It is hard to quit and Uncle Sam has no rehab program for this addiction.
[quote author="tulip" date=1223637585]Freedom,

I just think it is not fair, because it only applied to Santa Ana district only. </blockquote>

tulip-did you see where I wrote: read the article? did that not sink in the second time? what part of "nationwide" don't you understand?

<blockquote>The USDA, which runs the free and reduced-price lunch program nationally, began the pilot program at other districts across the country recently. Besides improving nutrition for all students, another goal was to determine if offering free meals to all students in certain schools would cut school district administrative costs.

Results at other participating districts nationally so far have shown reduced administrative costs for running meal programs, time was saved as staff were reallocated to other tasks, and the number of lunches served increased 10 percent, said Robert A. Robinson, a researcher with the USDA.</blockquote>