A couple of questions on the economy...


New member
<p>I have a couple of questions, maybe they're stupid ones but I'm dying to know...</p>

<p>1. Are we in the seventh Circle right now? Are there only seven circles? if so, which is the worst one to be in? Circle one or seven? (sorry, that was 3 questions)</p>

<p>2. Do we still have Schadenfreude (sp)? </p>
<p>Dante had 7 circles. Larry Niven did a Dante take-off some years ago, which I recommend tho it may be out of print.</p>

<p>Dante, like Machiavelli got kicked out of his home city and did his best work in exile. Including the Divine Comedy.</p>

<p>I'm told that Gallileo did his best work after the earth moving around the sun flap, under house arrest, also.</p>