Search results

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    Price Increases on Resale?

    I don't understand price increases on resale homes that have already been on the market for a period of time. Take Went on the market 12 days ago at $1.985 million, today increased to $2.199 million, an increase of $214K. Why? If...
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    Toll Brothers Customer Service

    I'm considering buying a new home from Toll Bros outside of OC and want to know what their customer care is like? Top notch like the New Home Company? (My current Irvine home is from The New Home Company and really can't complain about any of their after-sale warranty replies/fixes.)
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    Luna Grill at the Marketplace

    Anyone know if Luna Grill has opened yet at the Marketplace. It seems like it's been pending for quite a long time.
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    Coral Crest - TNHC - Crystal Cove

    Coral Crest at Crystal Cove from The New Home Company. 7000 square foot home anyone? 6 car garage anyone? These homes look spectacular!
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    Great Park Hosting Ducks Ugh. So upset at what the Great Park is becoming. It's much less Central Park and much more a commercial/entertainment/retail collection of buildings. Ugh.
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    Municipal Library

    If this happens, it'll be one of the best things at the Great Park. Sad to think that we could've had this with 1/2 the amount that's been wasted/stolen/lost at the Great Park so far. Councilwoman Christina Shea needs to STFU. Irvine won't continue being a great city without a municipal library...
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    Orchard Hills 92602

    Looks like Orchard Hills sales are now affecting 92602 avg sales price. 92603 used to be the highest sales price (Shady Canyon), consistently followed by 92618. Now 92602 is a bit ahead of everyone else.
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    So, what's your daily grind at home? Starbucks Pike Place Roast here. Sometimes will do Peets Major Dickason's blend. I love me some Starbucks Holiday blend during the season.
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    "Irvine Community News and Views" Publication

    So, Irvine Community News and Views, which recently started appearing as a print newspaper in my mailbox, is a Larry Agran-backed publication/political ad. There is nothing, NOTHING, objective in this publication. A few days ago, I replied in a comment on their Facebook page this fact. I didn't...
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    City Election 2014

    Who to vote for? The Choi block or the Agran block? They're flinging the mud so much I have no idea who to vote for. Being a liberal, I'd prefer the "liberal" Agran. But from what I understand, he's quite pro-developer, and has only recently started to back slower-growth policies with a...
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    Candidate Signs

    So sick of seeing all the candidate signs on all the roadways around Irvine. Talk about sign pollution! It's quite unsightly. I know that political speech is the highest protected form of speech, but the signs don't contribute to the discussion at all. They're merely candidate names for...
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    Anyone have a good pruner they use, specifically for olive trees? I don't mean just any regular gardener, since there is an art to pruning trees.
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    Disneyland Annual Passes

    I'm considering buying an annual Disneyland pass soon. I'm sure there are people on here who have these. Thoughts? I'm strongly leaning towards the Premium Annual at $700. Just makes it so much easier not to have to worry about any blackout dates and not to worry about parking as well...
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    Sand Canyon Underpass

    Thank goodness, finally. I hate the Sand Canyon/5 Fwy/railroad intersection. Getting rid of the railroad stop is one improvement. Another would be to synchronize the series of lights at the 5, such that you're not stopped at one light while the light ahead of you is green for no reason, only to...
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    So, who still subscribes to a newspaper? I remember as a kid (1980s), in my neighborhood in Fountain Valley, almost every home had a morning newspaper on the driveway, usually the LA Times or the OC Register. Some homes also had afternoon delivery of the OC Register, when that used to be an...
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    Toll Roads Do Toll road officials realize how stupid they are when they raise tolls to raise more money and then complain that not enough people are taking the toll roads? My work puts me in a position to take the roads every day. Depending...
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    Talega 2.0

    This past weekend, we visited Alora by William Lyon in San Clemente. Nice homes, too far south to seriously consider, however. We learned that William Lyon had a development that shuttered up when the housing bust, and that they sold off the models, but kept the undeveloped lots. When the...
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    New Home Company IPO,0,308115.story#axzz2s2JH6Uub
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    Big Homes

    New York Times story today on big homes, and certainly the homes in Orchard Hills, at 6,000+ square feet, qualify. First the link, then the article. Mention of OC/Yorba Linda at the end.
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    Exploring the Toll Brothers website, I came across this community in Virginia. 5000 square foot homes, from $860,000 or so. What struck me, however, was the site plan below. Look at those lots! Just dreaming of having such a development in OC...