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  1. K


    Wondering if anyone has any experience with doing some spot treatments for termites in the attic.  Does home need to be tented?  Approximate cost?  What solutions to use (orange oil, etc)  TIA
  2. K


    We are looking to order some cabinets online for both kitchen and bathrooms.  Does anyone know of a good installer or a company does that kitchen and bath remodels? TIA
  3. K

    sewer inspection?

    How many of you guys have had sewer scope inspection prior to home purchase?  If a house had a history of tree root issues requiring removal of tree because of damage to nearby walls, would this be something you would consider?  If a problem was found, would this be something to discuss with...
  4. K

    window seals broken...

    Hi All, I have windows that are foggy and with evidence of water between the windows.  I assume the window seals are broken and as a result water is getting into the windows.  Does anyone have experience with this and if so what did you do and who did you use?  I would appreciate if you would...
  5. K

    looking for recommendation

    Hi everyone, I recently entered into escrow on a house but I recently saw some things that concern me.  There is a cinderblock wall that seems to be pushing into the side of the house.  There is a closet on the inside the house where this cinderblock wall is attached to and wall inside this...