Search results

  1. N

    List of Contractors and Vendors

    looking to get some form of hot water recirculation in my place - at my shower it takes 4-5 minutes to get hot water, and I just can't honestly look at that as acceptable anymore.  I saw there were under sink options that could recirculate the water, any recommendation for someone do to the work?
  2. N

    AirBnB issue in Irvine

    pregnancy FOBs don't bother me much; they will be around for 9 months.  Even airBNB doesn't bother me unless people are partying unreasonably, or leaving trash outside.  At that point the owner is doing a poor job of being discrete where opportunities exist to be discrete. Does it annoy you...
  3. N

    Suggestion for someone to do black out Fixturing/Curtains on Bedroom?

    DIY is def out of the picture - I do a lot of other things myself to derive that sense of satisfaction.  No way I even want to do this.
  4. N

    Suggestion for someone to do black out Fixturing/Curtains on Bedroom?

    I'm looking for a contractor to help black out a room at night for sleeping.  Its not a matter of just putting a pole with blackout curtains - that leads to a lot of light bleeding through the edges.  I think it likely needs custom fixturing setup so that all light is blocked, but can still be...
  5. N

    Real Bad ROIs in Irvine

    Terrible comparison.  1700sqft vs 900 sqft?  How about finding a 1700sqft rental to compare with? I agree with your sentiments about short term flipping in GP, but your comparisons are terrible.
  6. N

    The 'Slums' of Irvine offers great deals

    I haven't seen any perks (unless I just missed it) for GP residents yet - if there aren't any, and everyone is using the park, it then becomes an oddity why one GP is taxed for the park; at that point after 2049, that will be a huge amount allocated to "Park Maintenance". Anyways, all of this is...
  7. N

    Frustrated with lack of retail

    zero care about retail.  woodbury is close enough and has basic necessities.  Anything more I get in tustin/irvine marketplace.  Anything beyond that, you have south coast plaza. of course, i use amazon and uber eats 99% of the time - too bad there is no gas fill up service. 
  8. N

    Irvine to install new traffic signals to cut down left-turn wait times

    I got a feeling that adding key lanes, or highway access loops are far more expensive than 1.73 million.  Might be reasonable for Light Timing Improvement, but I'm in neither industry so I can't say for certain.
  9. N

    218 homes to be built this summer on the old Tustin Marine base

    Location is good, although it already is traffic central. Having Hangers a 1/2 - 1 mile away isn't anything.  People will buy anywhere- a friend bought out in the boonies of Corona because it was cheap (detached condo 2400sqft on ~3000sqft lot for 550k) and outside stinks of the Cow farm next...
  10. N

    Great Park Neighborhood Homeowners, how do you like it?

    This is biased because I live in Beacon Park, however I simply love it. * The Park area is nice, and I love walking around the neighborhood; I even walk to the GP and enjoy having it all be pretty accessible.  I can't wait for the Bosque and the other sides of the park to open * The layout...
  11. N

    Cadence Park: Location

    Give us the unadulterated versions for BP, PP lol
  12. N

    How about houses of columbus grove area

    next to train tracks and power lines. also very high MR compared to the surrounding area, but that factor goes away when you look at new construction because GP has MR all over.
  13. N

    218 homes to be built this summer on the old Tustin Marine base

    I agree - I actually don't think both need to be kept, but its a historic and iconic item that could be revitalized into something unique that lets all people (those looking for development & bringing in tax dollars, and those interested in preserving history) coalesce around.
  14. N

    2018 Housing Prices, what are the indications?

    See this I don't like....inheriting a house and maintaining 1960s and 1970s property taxes.
  15. N

    Cadence Park - Great Park

    How does the # of Units/ density compare to BP and PP?
  16. N

    Irvine to sue Orange County over its Great Park condo, retail development plan

    Yup.  And in both cases street and FWY access sucks.  Almost like OC needs another major freeway artery similar to the 5 and 405 that goes up to LA and down to SD.  Warning: Armchair Analysis of something I have zero bout: Another major artery along northern edge would tremendously help...
  17. N

    Orange County to finalize plan for Great Park condo, retail development

    I laughed when I saw that too - its still 53 million a year which isn't bad, but that excludes the cost to construct.  What does IRV want to see there?
  18. N

    Great Park: Upcoming Projects

    cadence park, should be
  19. N

    Beacon Park Elementary School

    Can you explain how so? I'm curious because I'm stunned with the idea that elementary school children should be up with HW from 9-10PM every night.
  20. N

    2017-2018 Property Tax Bills are out!

    my understanding was the GP residents get 'free' access to things not available to other that correct?