Search results

  1. badcandy_IHB

    Wierd Al Yankovic + Charles Nelson Reilly = ... My husband sent it over to me asking who CNR was. (English people, I swear!) I love Match Game reruns. I admit it.
  2. badcandy_IHB

    Could this be TRUE?

    (I blame IHB for introducing me to LoanSafe. :P) In this particular thread, the poster claims that his house is being sold in 3 days, but manages to get a loan mod...
  3. badcandy_IHB

    Irvine politicos

    So I checked my mail today and found "Irvine Community News and Views - Serving the Villages and Neighborhoods of Irvine" in my mailbox. At first I found it humorous... I mean, some of the "quotes" in it are hysterical. Example: '"They once claimed that the creation of the Great Park was...
  4. badcandy_IHB

    Allerca (the cats?)

    Totally off-topic, but I figured I'd start here. Anyone have or know someone who has one of these cats? Went to see the allergist this week and the outlook was kinda bleak. However, I am wary of adding myself to a 12 month waiting list and upfront costs only to be heartbroken by severe...