Search results

  1. I

    Phil & Teds Double Stroller

    Anyone have the Phil & Teds inline double stroller? Are you happy with it? We have a BOB Revolution Duallie which is great for strolling outdoors. Perfect for going to the park, walking around the beach, etc. But I hate having to haul it in and out of the car and maneuvering it when I...
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    How long does it take to rent out a place?

    Friend just signed a purchase contract on a Woodbridge townhouse (or is it a condo? I have no idea) 3/3bath, 1600sq.ft. Since he's not local, he's going to hire a property management company to find a tenant for him and manage it for him. They told him that it would likely rent for...
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    Plaintiff's Workers Comp Attorney Referral?

    My mom has some repetitive stress injuries from work, and we're trying to figure out the best way of approaching this. Does anyone have anyone that they could refer to us? My mother is driving me crazy with questions, but I am not equipped to competently answer. I've purchased the workers...
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    National Teacher Appreciation Week

    Uh's that time of year again. What kinds of things are you doing/giving to show your appreciation for your kids teachers? My kid is 2 and in a montessori daycare...there are 4 "teachers" and 2 part-time assistants... I'm never quite sure what is appropriate to give to them...
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    Charities that you like that need donations?

    In the name of spring cleaning and tax season, I need help finding a worthy charity to donate stuff and time to. Anyone have any pet charities that they are involved with that need donations? I've already donated our used business clothing to Working Wardrobes, and have donated...