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  1. W

    The Golden State isn?t worth it - LA Times

    Having lived in both states, I can see a lot of truth in this article. The excerpt below laid the blame on the public sector and the spend-spend-spend legislature: In what respects, then, does California "excel"? California's state and local government employees were the best compensated...
  2. W

    Seeking Financial Advices-Converting 401k to IRA then to Roth IRA

    I am in my mid-forties and hoping to retire at 55. After 20 years with a company, looks like I will be changing job at the start of next year. I have another big financial decision to make. In my 401k I have about $500k spreading pretty evenly amongst company stocks, international fund...
  3. W

    What to do with $600k cash now?

    I sold my house in 2005 and have been parking my $600k in CD's earning 5 to 5.5%. I don't expect to buy a house for another 18 to 24 months. I have been kicking myself for not putting the money in the stock market in index funds or emerging market funds in the last 2 years. I would appreciate...
  4. W

    Real Estate Investing - How dumb can people get?

    Reading this article, it is just amazing to me how dumb some people are with their money.
  5. W

    Jim Cramer's Big Article

    Jim's latest article. It sounds pretty scary. Do you agree on what he had to say? I am a financial and RE novice so please break it down for me. Thanks!
  6. W

    LA Times link to track foreclosure rate increase by zip code

    <p>Just ran across the LA Times link.. Just enter the zip code and it will give you the comparison in the last 12 months by count and buy percentage. I thought it would be fun to keep track of the numbers for the next couple years. I have never posted a link on here but I hope it will work...