Retail Openings and Closures

Hah... crossed wires... the one on Irvine Center Drive is still there as far as I know. The one on Sand Canyon is also still there.

The only one that changed is the one in Crossroads off of Culver and Barranca.
Speaking of Crossroads, Chip (a cookie place) opened where Ha Long was. Expensive but might be better than Crumbl. Variety is still better at Dough and Arrow.
Opening at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 27.

Irvine Bass Pro opening March 28th.

I think Chili's closed. It's behind an OCReg pay wall.

Last man standing is Mimi's Cafe.

It did. Per reports, their lease expired in 2020 and they’ve been month-to-month since. A new tenant (Mikyia Wagyu Shabu House per Reddit) has been signed. Probably a similar situation to Albertsons - Chili’s refused to sign a new lease, so they were allowed to stay month-to-month until another tenant could be found.