Recent content by crucialtaunt_IHB

  1. C

    Have you read any good books lately?

    About halfway through <a href="">Walter Mosley's 'A Red Death'</a>. My copy looks like a well-thumbed yellowing paperback from 1991. Smells good though :-) Great story so...
  2. C

    IHB Rice thread

    Microwave it! What you need: A large corelle or glass bowl, 2 small cup measures of Royal Basmati long grain rice (Costco or Wholesome Choice sell it), 5 measures of water (i.e. 2.5 x rice), and microwave it partially covered (like with a microwave-safe plate warming/venting lid) for 22 -...
  3. C

    Electrical Outlets

    <blockquote> That is why there are battery operated toys?</blockquote> For the bedroom? :-)
  4. C

    Bikram Yoga Irvine is Now Open!

    Over the weekend I was talking to Jeff Wang (the director of the studio) - he mentioned that summer special deals are coming soon...
  5. C

    US House Prices in Gold

    Whiskey and Gunpowder has this excellent article on the Case-Shiller index vs. Gold. Worth a read... <a href=""></a> "True long-run figures for housing, like the concept of...
  6. C

    WATER...literally re: Contamination in Irvine

    We use pur brand faucet-attached filter. Works just fine in removing the smell of chlorine (and whatever else it says it removes). I think most if not all the water in Irvine comes from IRWD - they have some resources on their website that provides detailed information on water quality and...
  7. C

    Poor Property Tax Planning!

    You can call it a "Prop 13 Adjustment." :-)
  8. C

    Arlen Specter (D!!!-PA)

    Yikes - Arlen Specter is crossing over to the dark side! Must watch Fox News and MSNBC tonight! <a href=""></a>
  9. C

    What's the best Indian food place in Irvine/Tustin?

    For an inexpensive, down to earth, (and vegeterian only) Indian food experience, you might give India Sweets & Spices a try. It is an Indian grocery store and eatery located in Tustin, on the corner of Newport/McFadden: <a...
  10. C

    Has Your California Tax Payment Been Cashed Yet?

    Ours has not been cashed yet - it was post marked @ 4/13/09. I even called the post office with the tracking number, filed a complaint with the post office last week. Got the same answer - they receive too much mail around tax time and it takes a long time for them (FTB) to process. In...
  11. C

    Should I buy this condo?

    I am in agreement with a lot of the other notes in this thread regarding rent v. buy. My only 2 cents is on the rental assumption: A) Have you checked into craigslist etc. to see if $2500 is a reasonable rental assumption for this size property? It seems a little high to me. B) For...
  12. C

    "Virtual Staging"

    I clicked on this banner ad at, and it was so cool I had to share this with you guys. This takes the realtors' "smoke and mirrors" concept to a totally new level: <a...