Who walks to school?


New member
Been enjoying my daily morning walk with the kid to kinder.  Great bonding time, much more so than driving.  Nice to have just time alone with her without all the world distractions for 10 minutes.  Been a few weeks now and haven't noticed anyone else consistently walking like us.  Since we're on the same bell schedule, I thought I would run into the same people every day.  But so far, more older exercising people show up than anyone else.  Crossing guard ladies are friendly, and we do appreciate their work (volunteer or paid?).  Seems like everyone else drives.  After dropping off, I get to exercise for another 10 minutes... ran into a few neighbors and get to chit chat a little before work.  Looking forward to our walk tomorrow...
No that many walkers, but if you compare Irvine to Santa Ana. There is grip of walkers in Santa Ana. I saw this when I went to jury duty.
It's pretty mild weather at 8am, even the past few days.  Guess people just don't walk in my area.  I'm guilty as well, don't believe I ever crossed a major artery in Irvine (Culver, Jeffrey, Jamboree). 
I walk my kids to school every morning, and I agree that it's great quality time with them. That being said, I pick them up at dismissal with my car these days because its Africa hot in the afternoon here.
Still enjoying our walk, but lately it seems drivers are more and more impatient.  Lots of honking at the majory crossing intersection, crossing guards are whistling more for cars to stop.  Hopefully more Irvine PD presence to keep things in check.  Still see lots of parents illegally parking on streets and taking up staff parking spots in school lot.  See the same late kids/parents every morning while I try to enjoy my leisurely 12 minute walk in 20 minutes I work hard to allot myself every morning.  Wednesdays are the worst with the high school/minimum days kids mixed in.
On Scented Violet, which I think is the worst, things seem better than the first few weeks. Certainly disallowing parking on the far side has made passage easier and less hectic. I still see quite a few cars making u turns despite the emails and initial police presence. I agree with you in hopes that the Irvine PD revisits frequently. What's your walking route, ps9?
I walk my kid to the same kinder every morning, probably running into PS9 but since he is not a hulking Mexican or Austrian, I cannot recognize him out of all those Asian parents.