What's common sense for us isn't for them

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Incredible. A teenager asked to borrow my desk phone to call his grandparent's house. I handed over the phone. He dialed and had a puzzled look. He said, "I think it's broken. It's making a weird sound." I took the phone and listened. Can you guess what the "weird sound" was?! A busy signal!!  ???  It took me a minute to figure out why he wouldn't know this. Like, why is this not common sense. A younger girl mentioned it's because they've never heard one. Nowadays, you always get a voicemail if the line is busy. Geez. These kids need some survival skills. lol! When I got home, I made sure to run my kids through a practice drill, teaching them what a busy signal is and what to do if you hear one. lol.  ::)
SoCal said:
Incredible. A teenager asked to borrow my desk phone to call his grandparent's house. I handed over the phone. He dialed and had a puzzled look. He said, "I think it's broken. It's making a weird sound." I took the phone and listened. Can you guess what the "weird sound" was?! A busy signal!!  ???  It took me a minute to figure out why he wouldn't know this. Like, why is this not common sense. A younger girl mentioned it's because they've never heard one. Nowadays, you always get a voicemail if the line is busy. Geez. These kids need some survival skills. lol! When I got home, I made sure to run my kids through a practice drill, teaching them what a busy signal is and what to do if you hear one. lol.  ::)

But it might be the only time your kids ever hear a busy signal.  Kinda like how I was taught how to fiddle with the TV antennae to get better reception. 
paydawg said:
But it might be the only time your kids ever hear a busy signal.  Kinda like how I was taught how to fiddle with the TV antennae to get better reception. 

Until 911 infrastructure stops the use of busy signals, kids MUST KNOW this.
At least the teenager saw what a desk phone looks like. 

Also, they'll have a bewildered look when you tell them to "hang up", as in, hang what up?!?  Lol
pay phones don't exist anymore either and if they did show up they wouldn't know how it works, I noticed the sand canyon post office used to have a payphone that they ripped out
Millennials. I went to the store and asked the kid where they keep the mending kits. "Mending? What does that mean?" Made me feel so old & so... Amish. I know we live in a disposable society but don't young adults fix anything anymore?
Here's one I forgot to post when the time change occurred. Since I work with seniors, they sometimes get confused what time it is. This 22 y.o. who works there told me, "I can never remember which way it goes - forward or back." I said, "Remember the old saying: Spring Forward, Fall Back." An 80+ y.o. man came and asked which direction to change his clock. She said, "Spring back, fall forward... so back." I was standing right there just smh. I thought the visualization would help her but evidently not. Millennials scare me.
I bought $40 shoes for a penny over the weekend. Here's why:

I go to the store. I find a few pairs of shoes. One pair is $40. Deal. Take all my boxes and other items to the register. A girl, around 19, scans everything. Everything had a bar code. She gives me my total. She remarks that I'm saving a huge bundle because of the sale. The total seems off to me, regardless of any sale. My quick, rough estimate doesn't really add up. But I pay and decide I'll just review the receipt when we're done. Transaction is now complete. She says have a good day.

I read my receipt. The $40.00 shoes were rung up as $0.01.

I don't believe in cheating. I decide to show her the OBVIOUS ERROR. I tell her it's important that we do the right thing. She can go ahead and charge me the correct amount. 

She rolls her eyes a full 360, sighs, and tells me: "My manager always says the computer NEVER lies!" She literally said it with a tone like: You moron, you don't get  it.

Sure, the computer is never wrong. But the person who input the information is. The employee letting the customers walk out the door with 1 cent merchandise is a detriment to the business. In the end, she refused to even think about double-checking with a higher up or anything.

No brain? No morals? Just lazy? I don't know. Either way -- scary.
A generation always thinks the younger or older generation has flaws.

I'm sure when we were teens or twenty somethings, the Boomers were teletyping on bulletin boards or in AOL chatrooms about our antics.

In a few decades or so, the Millennials will be mentally broadcasting on the mind net about how the TwentyTeens don't know what cable TV is or how X Gens are too old to drive hover crafts.
It can be several things:
1. Black Friday Sale
2. BOGO (buy one get one) 
3. Close out, old style
4. Store error
