~ The IHB, 7 Circles Cycling Club information, upcoming events and Post-ride reports thread ~

How much practice and how much in Hospital Bills would it take to do <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiE1Qm7HSd8">this</a> ?
[quote author="flmgrip" date=1213053946][quote author="PeterUK" date=1213018716]

if anyone is into doubles... i did the Eastern Sierra Double Century this weekend... one of the most scenic ones i've ever done... fairly intense climbing the first 70 miles or so, cutting it close to the cut-off time for the second CP... i certainly paid the price of living 50ft above sea level... climbing as high as 8400ft... only bummer was some 20 or so miles is on horrible bad and cracked roads going downhill... wondering if your spokes, butt and hands will survive.... well they did and beeing blown back into town was a nice way to finish... a ride i can highly recommend despite the poor road conditions in parts of the ride.</blockquote>

Funny you should mention it, a Friend and I were "talking" about doing a double earlier in the year, I think it was after Cruisin' the Conejo, we were just done and I said "well, could you get back on the Bike and do that again"? I think the thought of that scared us both!!

I know exactly what you mean about bad road surfaces going downhill, I always imagine my front Forks snapping off...

One thing I have always found also is that a really bad road surface can be really annoying after 80+ miles, I blame the Organizers for torturing us on purpose even though I know they don't....

How long did the double take you?
[quote author="PeterUK" date=1213054942]How much practice and how much in Hospital Bills would it take to do <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiE1Qm7HSd8">this</a> ?</blockquote>

Have you watched this rad 80s movie? <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091817/">Rad</a>
This is the one that got me into cycling...."American Flyers"

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
[quote author="profette" date=1213008410]It looks like Obama rides a Trek.

<img src="http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20080608/capt.6b9b87d3b55749138d81bba7671c18e8.aptopix_obama_2008_ilab102.jpg?x=400&y=300&sig=Ky7DxD8jhqWGv0MFH59kLA--" alt="" /></blockquote>

Nice find Prof....

I found this at quickrelease.tv, read on.....

It turns out that Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, rides a Trek. So does President Bush.

Trek gifted bikes to the Bush camp, has it also pushed bike?s Barack?s way?

The man who could be president later this year joined family and neighbours for a bicycle ride along the shores of Lake Michigan on Sunday. Story and pix carried on the Associated Press website.

Riding a bicycle is one of the first things you must be seen to be keen on, if you wish to be a leader of the free world. There are a disproportionate amount of real cyclists among world leaders.

In March, President Bush took the prime minister of Denmark on an MTB tour of his Texan ranch. And, of course, one of the key problems with UK prime minister Gordon Brown is that he doesn?t ride a bike, unlike the increasingly popular David Cameron who rides to Parliament at least once a week.

His ?helmet-hair? recently made headline news in the UK:

?All that happened is I got on my bicycle, put on a cycle helmet for once, because I?m always being told to? and something went a bit wrong.?

Cameron?s biking credentials will likely win him the next election. In the US, president?s used to have to worry about the ?Jewish vote?, in the UK politicians have to fret over the ?pedalling plebiscite?, such is the newfound popularity of the bicycle.

Barak Obama tried to reach out to the cycling vote at an amazingly early age. And, of course, who can forget the meme that whizzed around the world earlier this year
<strong>Saturday June 14th @ 9:00am - Tour-de-Backbay</strong><span style="font-size: 14px;"></span>

Meet at San Marco Park which is on Harvard between Alton and Main.

This is a nice easy ride, everyone is welcome, please let me know if you have any questions.

See you there!!
Saturday June 20th @ 9:00am - Tour-de-Backbay

Meet at San Marco Park which is on Harvard between Alton and Main.

This is a nice easy ride with Coffee/Tea at the end, everyone is welcome, please let me know if you have any questions.

See you there!!
The 7 C's just completed the <em>Sunday Sunset Beach ride.</em> It's about 50 miles, mostly along the coast. The weather was spectacular and there were many cyclists out and few cars; the conditions were ideal. One member of the club was sporting a fancy new cannondale. The rest of us were hard pressed to keep up with her (and I was rather distracted by all the lycra-clad eye candy spinning by). But, I digress. After a quick coffee, we were back on our bikes and speeding towards Irvine. The number of ocean view condos for sale in HB would be shocking to anyone, expect IHB'ers of course. Somewhere along the route home, PeterUK felt it was appropriate to douse me with water from his bottle. Note to Peter: as our friend Fatty would say, <span style="color: purple;">"My revenge will be as thorough as it is calculated."</span>

Towards the end of my ride, the naproxyn wore off and my knee began to hurt. Some might say I bonked, but that's a little harsh. Luckily, nobody is dropped on our rides, so I finished with some encouragement from my friends. Thanks, you guys. You're the best! Check out PM's new ride, below left. Sweeet!

<img src="http://profette.smugmug.com/photos/317815194_7GqoV-S.jpg" alt="" />
Profette, thanks for the nice post-ride report (as usual)....

It was a great ride, we rolled out at around 7:15 am, weather wise it kind of reminded me of riding in Maui and the heat seemed to stay away somewhat untill we hit the Backbay for our return up to Irvine.... :) then it got pretty hot :red:

The Pocketmoney took Her <a href="http://video.cannondale.com/images/08/bikes/CUSA/large/8RWC5T_wht.jpg">new Bike</a> on it's maiden voyage and unfortunately for us made Her swifter than usual...

I'm thinking one Sunday we can turn left on the PCH after the Backbay and ride from Irvine to Dana Point Harbor....

I missed Vicstah but we all knew it was probably too early to get His Arse out of Bed, I had to take all the abuse myself from the Female Members of the 7C's....

Sorry about the water Prof :cheese:
"Sorry" and a smiley will not save you, PeterUK.

<img src="http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:J9772IwrlKLFjM:http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/HPM/BM1149~Plotting-Revenge-Posters.jpg" alt="" />
Seriously, 7:00am start time for a ride... And on a Sunday? :p

We rode out to Sunet Beach on Sunday as well, starting at about 11am though. Gorgeous day out, and we had a great time.

Peter, sorry about catching crap from certain member (ahem, Prof!). I usually catch most of it (until I offer to buy coffee), but I'm glad that you were able to pick up the slack. Anyhow, see y'all on the next ride. :)
[quote author="halfnote19" date=1214270886]Is there an easy ride planned for this sat?</blockquote>

We normally post rides on Thursdays and don't worry, just show up, nobody is ever dropped, there's never any pressure only a lot of fun....and Coffee...plus, if you feel you've had enough someone will ride back with you.....

It's actually a great introduction to Newbies on how to ride in a Group and not force others to crash or hit hit Pedestrians and Joggers etc.

There's also <a href="http://sandcanyoncyclery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=72&Itemid=86">this ride at Sand Canyon Cyclery in Irvine</a> which starts at 6pm, Thursday June 26th. There are 3 seperate rides ranging from those who can just about balance on two wheels to the Elite Cyclist.

This is a Women's only ride and looks like it will be a lot of fun...
[quote author="profette" date=1214266547]"Sorry" and a smiley will not save you, PeterUK.

<img src="http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:J9772IwrlKLFjM:http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/HPM/BM1149~Plotting-Revenge-Posters.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

<strong>Saturday June 28th @ 9:00am - Tour-de-Backbay </strong>

Meet at San Marco Park which is on Harvard between Alton and Main.

This is a nice easy ride, everyone is welcome, please let me know if you have any questions.

See you there!!
<strong>JULY 4th ~ Tour-de-Backbay</strong>

Time: 9am

Location: San Carlo Park which is located on Harvard (opposite the School) between Main and Alton.

This is actually my anniversary event, I started riding again on this Day in '03 on an old borrowed Hybrid which was too big for me, myself and two other Limeys decided to ride the Boardwalk from Newport to HB and back in 92* heat. It was only 12 miles but it killed me, we also got badly burned and de-hydrated, the pre-ride Pizza and Beer didn't help :sick:

If you want to join us, please PM me so we can expect you....

<strong>HAPPY JULY 4th EVERYONE!!</strong>
[quote author="PeterUK" date=1215129338]<strong>JULY 4th ~ Tour-de-Backbay</strong>

Time: 9am

Location: San Carlo Park which is located on Harvard (opposite the School) between Main and Alton.

This is actually my anniversary event, I started riding again on this Day in '03 on an old borrowed Hybrid which was too big for me, myself and two other Limeys decided to ride the Boardwalk from Newport to HB and back in 92* heat. It was only 12 miles but it killed me, we also got badly burned and de-hydrated, the pre-ride Pizza and Beer didn't help :sick:

If you want to join us, please PM me so we can expect you....

<strong>HAPPY JULY 4th EVERYONE!!</strong></blockquote>

Does the Tour-De-Back Bay stop by Fletcher Jones?
I just rode along the beach for the first time ever. It was along Newport down the Balboa peninsula. What are the options for actually <em>going somewhere</em> on these beachfront paths? Are any of them long enough for an adventure or are they all broken-up between cities?

Does the Tour-De-Back Bay stop by Fletcher Jones?</blockquote>

Well, kinda, we normally re-group on the Bridge by FJ... :)