Taiwan foodie tourism video

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I think I read somewhere California has the largest concentration of Taiwanese people outside of Taiwan. You can find most of these dishes here locally, pretty decent too. PM me if you want recommendations!
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ps9 said:
No need for PM, just post here.  Find me this:


That's a tough one! 'King of Mackerel and Shrimps' in Rowland Heights has something similar, fish paste pork potage. It's hidden inside the Pacific Plaza food court. Also try the fried shrimp roll and chicken roll if you get a chance.


Will have to try it next time.  I've been to that food court years back, remember they had the cheapy black pepper steak place with the noodles on the side, the 3 dish combo for $10.  It was very subpar food, the best was the mango shaved ice. 

I doubt they have the squid potage.  Never had the mackerel one before, and I don't care for the pork potage.  Restaurants here over season the soup, it's all muddy/brown.  The potage pic I posted shows a clear broth, it should be a light bonito flavor with a hint of satay.  Man I'm hungry, I need a foodie run to Tainan.
ps9 said:

Will have to try it next time.  I've been to that food court years back, remember they had the cheapy black pepper steak place with the noodles on the side, the 3 dish combo for $10.  It was very subpar food, the best was the mango shaved ice. 

I doubt they have the squid potage.  Never had the mackerel one before, and I don't care for the pork potage.  Restaurants here over season the soup, it's all muddy/brown.  The potage pic I posted shows a clear broth, it should be a light bonito flavor with a hint of satay.  Man I'm hungry, I need a foodie run to Tainan.

Yeah I haven't seen the clear broth anywhere. Tried it for the first time at Keelung Night Market last year. But the pork potage deserves a chance, much better than other places! Mackerel potage has a strong fish smell, not for everyone.

Better quality night market teppanyaki steak can be found at either Yummy Hero or Cowboy Cafe.

Beef noodle soup is best at 5 Bobee (half brisket half tendon with thick noodles), but Java Cafe is also quite authentic.

Flavored shaved ice (like blockheads shavery) is best at i-sweet dessert house, especially the peanut or black sesame flavors. Their red bean and custard wheel pies are pricey but good.
Thanks, that's quite a number of places I haven't been.  As for the pork potage... Haven't had one where I did not bite into a chewy piece of pork fat.  I'm a texture type of guy and any chewy, fatty consistency makes me retch.  Don't like mochi nor that goopy ba wan stuff.  Most places that make the potage stuff aren't detailed enough in prepping the pork, maybe if DinTaiFung does it....
ps9 said:
Thanks, that's quite a number of places I haven't been.  As for the pork potage... Haven't had one where I did not bite into a chewy piece of pork fat.  I'm a texture type of guy and any chewy, fatty consistency makes me retch.  Don't like mochi nor that goopy ba wan stuff.  Most places that make the potage stuff aren't detailed enough in prepping the pork, maybe if DinTaiFung does it....

Oh boy... If you like DTF, you gotta try the XLB at Super Juicy Dumpling in Brea:

They've got two kinds of savory XLB, sweet and non-sweet. Most people prefer the non-sweet. Also try the pork belly fried rice and Szechuan style beef noodle soup.
fluffy said:
help me out man D'''':... i been looking for place with..

cold ??? (i dont like the hot style)...http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/米篩目


taiwan style ???....https://cn.pixtastock.com/photo/7137636


I distinctly remember seeing the cold noodles at Yummy Boba in Artesia:

Got nothing on the second one!

Aga Taiwanese Food (turkey rice in Artesia) has since closed. But Yummy Hero in RH serves turkey rice too.