Synthetic Grass


Well-known member
Has anyone installed synthetic grass in your yard and overall are you happy with it? Also, would mind sharing who you used and if you liked them. The wife and I bought our place about a year ago and it was a foreclosure with a big patio / yard for a townhome.  The yard had been run down when we bought and we put it on the low end of our priorities (put in some new floor, etc) but now are finally making the way to the  backyard (and just in time for our little one who started to walk) and in the area that is currently grass (or some semblance of weeds and dead grass), I have been debating between concreting the whole area or putting in synthetic grass (low maintenance but clean and useable and another area for our daughter to run around on). 

I am curious though as to how well it holds up and whether it bounces back if you put furniture or different toys on there (say a fisher price slide or a little pool for her to play in during the summer). Any feedback is greatly appreciated. 