Stonegate street name theme?


New member
So I was a little bored and decide to Google Map Irvine neighborhoods and go to thinking about street names.  As a longtime resident of the city, I was quite familiar with the themes or street names in the older communities.  For instance, University Park is overwhelmingly based on tree types, while Woodbridge uses mostly birds, types of wood, and words related to water bodies to to name their streets.  In Northwood, all you have to do is open a 5th grade US History textbook to find out that most of the streets are named after important people and places of 18th and 19th Century America.  Among newer IP villages, Portola Springs theme seems to be Western Native American, and LagAlt is all Italian themed.  Cannot for the life of me figure out Stonegate, though.  Paragon, Spring Meadow, Encore, and Groveland are some weak ass street names if you ask me...
Dungeons and Dragons?

Get the "Diamond" from the elf and cross the "spring meadow" before showing the "medallion" to the imp.  Head to Groveland where the dragon is waiting for you.