
There is an unstable matrix holding this snowflake together...she needs help and her poor child will be collateral damage.

'I don't know I'd have had a baby if I'd known about climate change': Orange Is The New Black star Yael Stone breaks down as she questions decision to have child just a year ago

Orange Is The New Black star Yael Stone recently returned to Australia over concerns about the carbon footprint she was creating by travelling to the US to work.

And on Sunday, the 35-year-old actress broke down in tears after being asked a question about climate change at the All About Women festival held at the Sydney Opera House.

Yael has a one-year-old daughter, Pemau Stone Bancroft, but said she may not have had a child if she had known about the climate impact and the uncertain future they would be born into.
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
You just did. 161 views..I'll take that, gets the word out and entertains me. >:D

Yeah I responded to clown you as usual.

Takes one to know one!
I'll make it three, Friends.  The three of us against everybody else on this dang forum I say.... 
Now see my thread dedicated to you two clowns.
eyephone said:
He doesn?t care. Because I am right of course.
We all know I am smarter. I have more money and probably look better.

You forgot to tell everyone about your extreme humility.  Now you just said some very nice things about me in another thread.  Even if all the things you claim above are correct, so what? 
1.  Ted Kaczynski is a genius.  He just enjoyed killing people.
2.  George Soros has more money than anyone reading this.
Anyone want to trade places with him?
3.  Lots of Hollywood Homos are very handsome.  Anyone want to be like them?  Not me.

In the movie Wonder, a teacher gives his class the precept for the week: 
When you have a choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.
StarmanMBA said:
eyephone said:
He doesn?t care. Because I am right of course.
We all know I am smarter. I have more money and probably look better.

You forgot to tell everyone about your extreme humility.  Now you just said some very nice things about me in another thread.  Even if all the things you claim above are correct, so what? 
1.  Ted Kaczynski is a genius.  He just enjoyed killing people.
2.  George Soros has more money than anyone reading this.
Anyone want to trade places with him?
3.  Lots of Hollywood Homos are very handsome.  Anyone want to be like them?  Not me.

In the movie Wonder, a teacher gives his class the precept for the week: 
When you have a choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.

All I got to say is: Don't play with fire if you can't take the heat.
I couldn?t help myself. Not only topical and timely but has just the right amount of self important indignation with a pinch of self-loathing about the trivial to provide real comedy...

'I stand with you': Emma Watson breaks her silence after being accused of prioritising her Instagram aesthetic over Black Lives Matter post by using a white border

Earlier on Tuesday, Emma joined millions around the world by posting a black square, but sparked backlash by editing it to have a white border around it.
'I?m still learning about the many ways I unconsciously support and uphold a system that is structurally racist.
morekaos said:
You just did. 161 views..I'll take that, gets the word out and entertains me. >:D

49,316 views today.  Well done, Friend!

Now please the latest from one on my Ignore List, which I clicked on the link to read after you responded to his nonsense quite appropriately:

eyephone:  "Pick up the trash in Lb [sic]  (since your [sic] allegedly from LB maybe Lakewood idk)"

"You're from LB" he should have said, but doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're."  [The failure of our public education.  More money!  NOW! And LOTS OF IT!]

I didn't want to read his inane post, morekaos, but I had to follow up on your response to him. 
StarmanMBA said:
morekaos said:
You just did. 161 views..I'll take that, gets the word out and entertains me. >:D

49,316 views today.  Well done, Friend!

Now please the latest from one on my Ignore List, which I clicked on the link to read after you responded to his nonsense quite appropriately:

irvinehomeowner:  "Pick up the trash in Lb [sic]  (since your [sic] allegedly from LB maybe Lakewood idk)"

"You're from LB" he should have said, but doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're."  [The failure of our public education.  More money!  NOW! And LOTS OF IT!]

I didn't want to read his inane post, morekaos, but I had to follow up on your response to him. 

Uh... that wasn't my post. But if I made your ignore list... that's awesome!
Mayor Snowflake Gets Eaten by the Mob...the tragedy of identity politics metastasizing onto actual policy is that Minneapolis will now turn into Baltimore on steroids...People will die...

Oh, grow up, Mayor Frey: Devine

Minneapolis? soy boy of a mayor, Jacob Frey, proves that no matter how much you abase yourself to the mob, you can never be woke enough.

In a scene reminiscent of a Maoist struggle session, he stood before two black protest organizers Saturday and confessed through a mask into a microphone that he was ?coming to grips with my own brokenness.?

But the organizers, standing on a platform above him, weren?t interested in providing therapy for this 38-year-old man-child.

?Yes or no?? asked a woman with a microphone. ?Will you commit to defunding the Minneapolis Police Department ? We don?t want no more police.?

Poor Frey couldn?t bring himself to say yes, so his fate was sealed.

?Get the f?k out of here!? she snarled, and he was forced into a ritual walk of shame through the jeering crowd as they chanted, ?Go home, Jacob!?

The only thing missing was a sign around his neck listing his transgressions.
It's not easy with a wanna be boy king Garcia as mayor and an incompetent woke police chief prioritizing snowflakes over tax paying citizens...change is hard work but I am working twords ousting both of them.
Kings said:
eyephone said:
Lb is still in trash. I thougt (sic)  you were going to make it great. Lol

spread love, not hate  :)

Well said Kings.

"Thougt" - "LOL" ---->>eyephone

NOT so well said eyephone.  Ignorance is nothing to giggle about.
Nor are looting, rioting and arson.  The bitterness and hatred have consumed the Left since Barack Obama began spreading them.
"You can ride in the bus with us (Democrats) but you'll have to sit in the back (You Republicans)." - Obama

it's about time we start burning movies and books!

[size=14pt]Gone with the Wind removed from HBO Max[/size]

Gone with the Wind has been taken off HBO Max following calls for it to be removed from the US streaming service.

HBO Max said the 1939 film was "a product of its time" and depicted "ethnic and racial prejudices" that "were wrong then and are wrong today".

It said the film would return to the platform at an unspecified date with a "discussion of its historical context".

Set during and after the American Civil War, Gone with the Wind has long been attacked for its depiction of slavery.

Based on the novel by Margaret Mitchell, it features slave characters who seem contented with their lot and who remain loyal to their former owners after slavery's abolition.

Gone with the Wind received 10 Oscars and remains the highest-grossing movie of all time when its takings are adjusted for inflation.

Hattie McDaniel became the first black actress to be nominated for, and win, an Academy Award for her role as domestic servant Mammy.
Yup, let the Snowflake cyber burning begin....whats next "Driving Miss Daisy"?

Netflix subscribers slam hit film The Help for its 'white savior' narrative and demand for it to be REMOVED - as it tops the US most-watched list amid Black Lives Matter protests
2011 historical drama The Help is currently the most viewed movie on Netflix US
Set in the 1960s, it depicts black maids, cooks and nannies serving racists
Netflix subscribers have taken to Twitter urging for the film to be removed
The movie stars Jessica Chastain, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Emma Stone
Spencer won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the movie
