Removing dents from engineered wood floors?


New member
Does anyone know if it's possible to remove dents from engineered wood floors? There are some sites online that say you can use a damp rag and an iron but they didn't make any mention of that being possible on an engineered wood floor. Thanks.
A quick google foo returned this:

"Shallow dents in bare solid wood can be removed by raising the dent with steam. Do not use this method for removing dents on finished wood or veneer. The steam may scorch the finish and will raise the glued veneer"

dealcatcher said:
Does anyone know if it's possible to remove dents from engineered wood floors? There are some sites online that say you can use a damp rag and an iron but they didn't make any mention of that being possible on an engineered wood floor. Thanks.
I'd be concerned about the finishes on the engineered floor.  Even a good hardware floor, I'd be worried about hazing the coating that is protecting the wood.

Unless it's a very high end engineered floor, I'd suspect the top finish wood layer is too thin to effectively decompress.