Presidential Debate #1

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I'm calling it a tie. McCain wasn't as good as promised, Obama held his own, neither of them destroyed the other on substance. Both made sure their rhetorical barbs got planted whenever possible.
[quote author="tmare" date=1222509867]For once, I guess I'll have to agree with Nude.</blockquote>

My apologies, I only meant, I agree with Nude.
I can never sit through an entire one of these things. I just get so repulsed by the never-ending finger pointing and inarticulate arguing. They memorize all these trivial points and throw them out there at every opportunity to show the unwashed masses how "smart" they are, but they never say anything really thoughtful or meaningful. I can't in good conscience vote for either ticket this year. If I don't vote I don't have any right to complain, I know, but really, each of these tickets terrifies me!
<a href="">One down, two to go...</a>

Question, why wasn't Gov. Palin spinning the debate in McCain's favor? Did her handlers lose the key to her cage?

As for the Veep debate, that's already in the bag.
[quote author="irvinesinglemom" date=1222517090][quote author="GOTTI" date=1222516989]I have one too.</blockquote>

I have to fess up to ignorance on this one, guys. Do tell.</blockquote>

Sure thing mama...

When McCain was talking about the surge, he mentioned that a mother of a deceased Iraq veteran gave him a bracelet and asked him to not let her son die in vain.

When it was Obama's turn to speak, he mentioned that he has a bracelet as well. However, the mother who gave him his bracelet asked Obama to not have another mom to go through what she's been through.
[quote author="irvinesinglemom" date=1222515263]They memorize all these trivial points and throw them out there at every opportunity to show the unwashed masses how "smart" they are, but they never say anything really thoughtful or meaningful. I can't in good conscience vote for either ticket this year. If I don't vote I don't have any right to complain, I know, but really, each of these tickets terrifies me!</blockquote>
My wife feels the same way, she's stuck because she doesn't like either of them or their plans/policies/attitude. Fortunately, we don't live in a swing state and we won't see either candidate here anytime before November so we'll probaly just split our votes and call it good.
I managed to listen to the part about the bail out, but

fell asleep when the foreign policy stuff started.

The hub & son who are O supporters felt McC won by

a hair.
I was going to vote for McCain originally because I'm leaning towards the right in terms of my values, but ever since he picked Palin, he lost my vote. I don't like Obama either, so I'm kind of battling whether I should vote at all. Maybe one of those libertarians, Barr?