OC Register to Install "Paywall"

Can't read the article :)

this sucks... signed up for the 7 day trial.. who gets the paper anymore?
I still read the paper paper.

Only access the online version when I have to post an article I read here.

I think the way they should do it is subscription for today/recent (or this week's) articles and then free for past articles. Or subscription for exclusive writer content.
ps9 said:
Can't read the article :)

this sucks... signed up for the 7 day trial.. who gets the paper anymore?

Me, I get the LA Times (ugh, I mean the Viva la uni?n Times) on the Thursday thru Sunday delivery (Sunday ads) for $26/year, it comes with e-access.  Not sure if OCReg does something similar. But at 50 cents/sunday paper, it's worth it since.
I don't get the paper paper anymore because of the huge mess of Sunday coupons with my wife (don't ask).  I will never get print edition anymore because of that. 
Under most circumstances, I can do without the OCR. However, it's too bad when it comes down to a situation like we have going on right now with two missing hikers around Holy Jim.http://www.ocregister.com/articles/hikers-502164-deputies-overnight.html

They are organizing searches, using volunteers, providing updates, and their coworkers and family are having discussions via the comments section... that's one advantage of a minute-by-minute instant news cycle intertwined with social media vs. the dead tree version.
I'm sure you've all read by now about the rescues of the hikers mentioned above. Incidentally, I read a user comment saying the OCR eased up on their paywall restrictions for rescue coverage. I didn't know they started it. Glad to know they did do that as it was a concern of mine. However, I quickly discovered it made not much difference anyway. Papers across the pond had this as headline news right under N. Korea! Wow!

Anyway, the rescue made for some interesting discussions at our house. For the last 6 months, we have enjoyed hiking in the same vicinity where these two were. Gave my kids pop quizzes to test them. Things like:

What is good to wear on a hike?
A) Board shorts
B) Jammies
C) Your birthday suit
D) Pants and proper boots or shoes


Where should you hike?
A) On the trail
B) In the bush, chest height to 10-foot
C) Cliffs and ravines


If you don't follow the rules, who should you blame?
A) 911 for not getting to you faster
B) God for not giving you more smarts
C) The sign saying "Stay on the Trail" (<-- my son's suggestion)
D) Yourself

Thankfully, both kids scored 100%.

I am very happy these two hikers are alive and hopefully well. Pity a rescuer was severely injured!  :(
Does anyone do the e-edition of The Register? If so, is a PDF download option for the newspaper available?