OC Oil Spill

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KTLA News: O.C. oil spill: Company waited more than 3 hours to shut down pipeline after alarm went off

After an alarm went off in a company control room at 2:30 a.m. Saturday ? signaling a rupture that would spill tens of thousands of gallons of crude into the Pacific Ocean ? the company waited more than three hours to shut down the pipeline, at 6:01 a.m., according to preliminary findings of an investigation into the spill.

The Houston-based company took another three hours to notify the U.S. Coast Guard?s National Response Center for oil spills, investigators said, further slowing the response to an accident for which Amplify workers spent years preparing.

Ktla news: Volunteers can register to help with O.C. oil spill

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is registering volunteers to help with the Orange County oil spill, according to its website.

As of Wednesday, the agency is only using trained volunteers, but registration is open to those who want to help. Interested community members can fill a volunteer form on the department?s website.

morekaos said:
...and the boy king is trying to spin the blame on the "evil" carbon producers when it really is the shippers fault for dragging their anchor across a perfectly good pipeline.  I like how they use the panic poRn gallons figure instead of the barrels (only 3000 BARRLELS).  To put that into perspective the Deep Water Horizon spill (quickly forgotten) was 3.2 MILLION BARRELS, EXXON VALDES?  257,000 BARRELS.  The boy king wants to stop ALL oil drilling in Californian, which would only drive energy prices higher and cause further inflation. The fools are truly in charge.

And now that the fear porn has moved on, the spill turns out to be only around 588 barrels...resume panic elsewhere...

Oil Spilled May Be Much Less Than Initially Feared

At a news conference Thursday afternoon, U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Rebecca Ore estimated that roughly 588 barrels of oil had spilled, which would equate to about 24,700 gallons.

I like Todd Spitzer but he is looking dopier and dopier the more he presses this lawsuit thing.  today he had to admit any plaintiff would not see any money for many years...if ever. Move along. ;D >:D
Move along indeed.

This is an accident, plain and simple. Yes, someone should be accountable, but it's not the drillers or the pipe owners in this case. I know some might think the pipe is this narrow gauge PVC tube running a mile or so from the platforms to the shore but it's not. The pipeline was anchored by cement, yet dragged about 100 yards or so - an indication that an anchor created this problem, not a design flaw.

As a lifetime OC resident having grow up living in a beach town and spending nearly every day out in the Pacific ocean (May/October), I'm the last person who wants to see a befoulment like this or any other. These lawsuits and protests however are neither productive or solution providing. 

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
Move along indeed.

This is an accident, plain and simple. Yes, someone should be accountable, but it's not the drillers or the pipe owners in this case. I know some might think the pipe is this narrow gauge PVC tube running a mile or so from the platforms to the shore but it's not. The pipeline was anchored by cement, yet dragged about 100 yards or so - an indication that an anchor created this problem, not a design flaw.

As a lifetime OC resident having grow up living in a beach town and spending nearly every day out in the Pacific ocean (May/October), I'm the last person who wants to see a befoulment like this or any other. These lawsuits and protests however are neither productive or solution providing. 

My .02c

You heard it here first. The republican way move along.
So republicans dont complain about the oil spill. The big loan guy said its okay. thumbs up

People in Huntington Beach, dont worry it will clean itself. It is not a big deal according to a gop supporter on talk irvine. Thumbs up
Republican mayors and board of supervisors dont worry about the oil spill. We got oil spill experts on talk Irvine. They seem to be okay with the spill. Lol
This will be a nonevent in one or two news cycles...Only had 4 soiled birds and one fatality...not enough to garnish long term attention....I don't have to tell them "move along"  It will happen all on its own. ;D ;D >:D