No homework


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What are your thoughts on this no homework policy?  Think this can't happen in IUSD?  Think again.  I am on the side that you definitely need homework.  Especially for math.  I know I would have done poorly on exams if my teachers decided on a no homework policy.

A second grade teacher's no-homework policy has gone viral, thanks to a student's mother posting about it on Facebook.

Last week, mom Samantha Gallagher posted a note on Facebook from her daughter's teacher reading: "After much research this summer, I'm trying something new. Homework will only consist of work that your student did not finish during the school day. There will be no formally assigned homework this year."

Godley Elementary School teacher Brandy Young told parents research doesn't prove homework improves performance. So, she said, time after school is best spent eating dinner as a family, reading together, playing outside and getting children to bed early.

Gallagher said her daughter is "loving her new teacher already!" The post has more than 67,400 shares on Facebook and started a healthy conversation on Reddit: I wish this was the homework policy when I was in school.

The response has been overwhelmingly "supportive and positive," Gallagher said. "Many who have responded are educators themselves wanting info from Mrs. Young on how to go about implementing the policy themselves."

Hosburgh said her daughter had about an hour of homework each night in first grade.

?We plan on spending more time as a family unwinding and catching up in the evenings,? she said. ?Also Brooke is interested in gymnastics and this will allow more time for that.?

The National PTA and the National Education Association recommends the maximum amount of homework (all subjects combined) should be 10 minutes or less per grade level per night. So, second grade students should have 20 minutes of homework per night.

Parents' role changes as homework is more challenging

Duke University Professor Harris M. Cooper, author of The Battle over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents, said short and simple homework assignments are necessary.

"A creative and thoughtful teacher can make reading with parents the homework assignment or go out and play, keep track of your batting average," Cooper said.

No homework is a "bad idea," he said, because homework creates good study habits and self-discipline. He said it also allows parents to monitor their children's progress.

"Homework is a lot like medication," he said. "If you?re taking too much, it can kill you. If you take too little, it has no effect."
