Need a construction defect lawyer


New member

I'm in Irvine.  I'm looking for a construction defect lawyer.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

@ee11na, could you please further clarify what you need a CD lawyer for if the home builder is repairing the issues that you complained of?

Whether the home builder admits that one of your home's components is defective seems irrelevant if the home builder actually repairs the things that you complain of. Just make sure you put everything in writing to them, and keep good files.

What are you seeking from the home builder? Repairs or money? If you are only seeking repairs, it is unlikely that a CD attorney will get you something more than what you are able to get yourself (and without paying the attorney his or her fees). If you are interested in a monetary settlement from the home builder, an attorney will be able to help you in that regard. However, you will either have to pay the attorney's hourly fee, or sign away a percentage of your recovery. In addition, the home builder MAY void your warranty and refuse to do any further repairs on your home. Furthermore, you will have to disclose to future purchasers that you were involved in a construction defect lawsuit.

Just a few things to think about. If you still insist upon a construction defect lawyer, feel free to PM me and I'l send you a few names.