Myford or Ladera Elementary?

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We are leaving our IAC in Westpark for a rental house in West Irvine in December....meaning we will need to change schools and school districts for our Kindergartner. For a lot of reasons --- not the least of which we plan to buy in Orchard Hills when it comes online --- we are very ok with leaving IUSD. Dig the gated campuses and elementary uniforms at the Tustin schools.

My question for anyone who has (or had) kids at either school....Do you have a strong opinion either way on Myford vs. Ladera Elem.? Our assigned neighborhood school will be Myford, but it looks like we could choose Ladera on open enrollment, and it is pretty close by. My research shows that Myford appears to be much more crowded (although principal has confirmed they will have a seat for my girl in January). Ladera has a higher API (953 vs 936) --- but that does not mean a whole lot to us....If Myford is overcrowed and a stressful environment, however, that would mean a lot.

Many thanks in advance for any thoughts and opinions!


I don?t want to hear anymore lame excuses from you.

There was a guy at the book signing the other night who brought his wife and son.

They waited in line to meet IR and get their book signed.

You should?ve shown up with your daughter.
[quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226721390]CK,

I don?t want to hear anymore lame excuses from you.

There was a guy at the book signing the other night who brought his wife and son.

They waited in line to meet IR and get their book signed.

You should?ve shown up with your daughter.</blockquote>

Really? I thought about going with her....But when nobody else bit on my comment on the other thread to say they were also bringing kids, I didn't want to be the only one --- figuring for sure somebody would certainly have said something like "look at that doofus with the kid at the bar, call child protective services". I'm waiting for the "IHB Day at the Park" or "IHB Backyard BBQ". Wait --- I'll have a backyard, now. Hmmm.

I don't suppose you have any feedback on elementary schools, Ten??
I have a friend that had her daughter in Myford and then moved to Tustin Ranch and the child goes to Ladera now. She liked Myford a lot, but she LOVES Ladera. I always hear her talk highly of the school and the teachers.
CK, I can't help you with any direct experience from these schools, but I can help you in finding resources to help make a good choice.

If you haven't already, check out what says about them.

<a href="">Here is Myford</a>

<a href="">Here is Ladera</a>

You can use those links to compare demographics, test scores, and parental feedback.

When you inquire about transferring outside of your school of residency, I would recommend verifying how often you must enroll... with some schools it's every year and if there isn't the space, your child may be sent back to your home school. In some districts, it's good for the lengh of time the child would normally attend such as up to 6th grade. Just verify which it is to save yourself some hassle. (I would do it for you but I'm feeling lazy today.) You may be able to view this information on the district's website.

Good luck.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1226724656]

If you haven't already, check out what says about them.

<a href="">Here is Myford</a>

<a href="">Here is Ladera</a>

You can use those links to compare demographics, test scores, and parental feedback.


Great schools says...

Ladera Avg Class Size: 21

Myford Avg Class Size: 24

That's the numbers I'm looking for...As far as feedback goes, seems like you can't go wrong either way.
CK my boy, you didn't hook up on that house we discussed did you?

Myford is more crowded because it was the first to get Hicks Canyon overflow. Ladera started taking out of area kids later in the game. Everyone I know with kids at Myford has been very happy with the school. I spoke to a woman at an open house in Sheridan once upon a time that had kids attend both Myford and Ladera somehow. She preferred Myford and it was her perception that the stress levels were higher at Ladera.

Ultimately, either is going to be a very good and solid school. If you are living in WI, why not just go for the neighborhood school so your daughter can walk/be walked? I think the new elem in OH coming online next Fall will help loosen up class sizes at Myford.
[quote author="CK" date=1226723560][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226721390]CK,

I don?t want to hear anymore lame excuses from you.

There was a guy at the book signing the other night who brought his wife and son.

They waited in line to meet IR and get their book signed.

You should?ve shown up with your daughter.</blockquote>

Really? I thought about going with her....But when nobody else bit on my comment on the other thread to say they were also bringing kids, I didn't want to be the only one --- figuring for sure somebody would certainly have said something like "look at that doofus with the kid at the bar, call child protective services". I'm waiting for the "IHB Day at the Park" or "IHB Backyard BBQ". Wait --- I'll have a backyard, now. Hmmm.

I don't suppose you have any feedback on elementary schools, Ten??</blockquote>

I don't think you want my feedback on schools.

Since you asked, I never attended public school.

It was private schools all the way thru.

Where are you living now, Northpark?
[quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226728903]

I don't think you want my feedback on schools.

Since you asked, I never attended public school.

It was private schools all the way thru.</blockquote>

One of Ten's "private" schools:

<img src="" alt="" />
I would like to send my children to private schools, but what private schools exist in Irvine? Would it be even worth it? And what would be the cost? I don't want something too crazy expensive.

[quote author="ipoplaya" date=1226728885]

Ultimately, either is going to be a very good and solid school. If you are living in WI, why not just go for the neighborhood school so your daughter can walk/be walked? I think the new elem in OH coming online next Fall will help loosen up class sizes at Myford.</blockquote>

Excellent point, my man. Excellent point.
[quote author="ipoplaya" date=1226729211][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226728903]

I don't think you want my feedback on schools.

Since you asked, I never attended public school.

It was private schools all the way thru.</blockquote>

One of Ten's "private" schools:


We?ll see who?s laughing when we buy your company.

You?ll be cranking out those spreadsheets while getting my coffee.
[quote author="biscuitninja" date=1226730315]I would like to send my children to private schools, but what private schools exist in Irvine? Would it be even worth it? And what would be the cost? I don't want something too crazy expensive.


If I was set on private schools, I'd probably live somewhere other than Irvine. There is a serious school system premium baked into Irvine pricing. Just my .02.
[quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226728903]I don't think you want my feedback on schools.

Since you asked, I never attended public school.

It was private schools all the way thru.

Where are you living now, Northpark?</blockquote>

My wife's dream is that we could afford San Marino so she could send our kid to their schools, and live in some Father of the Bride house. I told her there was this guy on IHB who grew up and SM and went to private school. She's like "WHAT??? WHY????!!!!"
[quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226731553][quote author="ipoplaya" date=1226729211][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226728903]

I don't think you want my feedback on schools.

Since you asked, I never attended public school.

It was private schools all the way thru.</blockquote>

One of Ten's "private" schools:


We?ll see who?s laughing when we buy your company.

You?ll be cranking out those spreadsheets while getting my coffee.</blockquote>

If you give us 5X revenue I'll put the deal together today and bring you lattes all day long... We have turned cashflow negative.
[quote author="ipoplaya" date=1226731842][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226731553][quote author="ipoplaya" date=1226729211][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226728903]

I don't think you want my feedback on schools.

Since you asked, I never attended public school.

It was private schools all the way thru.</blockquote>

One of Ten's "private" schools:


We?ll see who?s laughing when we buy your company.

You?ll be cranking out those spreadsheets while getting my coffee.</blockquote>

If you give us 5X revenue I'll put the deal together today and bring you lattes all day long... We have turned cashflow negative.</blockquote>

I?ll make sure you get a retention package
[quote author="ipoplaya" date=1226731842][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226731553][quote author="ipoplaya" date=1226729211][quote author="tenmagnet" date=1226728903]

I don't think you want my feedback on schools.

Since you asked, I never attended public school.

It was private schools all the way thru.</blockquote>

One of Ten's "private" schools:


We?ll see who?s laughing when we buy your company.

You?ll be cranking out those spreadsheets while getting my coffee.</blockquote>

If you give us 5X revenue I'll put the deal together today and bring you lattes all day long... We have turned cashflow negative.</blockquote>

is your biz collapsing that fast? WHat are you seeing for IT consulting/staffing in 2009? I have a good buddy in this field in OC. Thanks.
[quote author="Boston2theBay" date=1227236304]


is your biz collapsing that fast? WHat are you seeing for IT consulting/staffing in 2009? I have a good buddy in this field in OC. Thanks.</blockquote>

It has been slowing since Spring, but really falling off the map over the past month or two. Lots of projects getting cancelled to do funding pulls. Companies are slashing perm and contract headcounts. We are on the verge of totally pulling out of the Phoenix market. Business there is terrible.

Carolinas are limping along but the banks (Wachovia and BOFA) have really tightened their belts of late. We are still seeing action in SoCal, but cycles are stretching out and companies are being very careful about taking on additional expense and/or new projects. Denver has been a bad market for a while and continues that way...

It's bleak out there and will probably get much worse.
[quote author="biscuitninja" date=1226730315]I would like to send my children to private schools, but what private schools exist in Irvine? Would it be even worth it? And what would be the cost? I don't want something too crazy expensive.


Bix - Many Irvine schools are way better than private.