Moving to Irvine in a week, need help with schools

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we will be moving to Irvine in a week. we are considering 4 apartments: Mirasol at Stonegate, Aanacapa, Santa clara, and San Remo.
The assigned elementary  schools for these are Stonegate elementary, Myford elementary, and Plaza Vista.
I have following questions:
1) From where we are moving, we have Traditional Academies with more homework, and more traditional teaching, and then non traditional schools. Out of the schools listed for Irvine , is it the same vis a vis traditional vs non traditional?
2) Any comparison of schools mentioned, any suggestions ( for elementary) ?
3) Out of context  for this blog, but any suggestion on apartments that I mentioned?

any fast response would be appreciated.

Irvine and Tustin USDs have GATE programs. GATE =Gifted and Talented Education.  JIMHO, it sounds like your 'Traditional Academy' being more homework and supposedly more advanced learning. 

I've included reference to TUSD as Myford Elementary is Tustin USD and not Irvine USD.  Tustin USD has Gate program, Non-traditional schools  GATE and STEAM magnate programs.  A being built TIDE (Technology, Innovation, Design, & Entrepreneurship) with no Sports or traditional arts program combo campus for grades 6-12.

Myford is a K-5th grade school.
Stonegate is K-6th grade school.
Plaza Vista is K-8th grade combo school.

In your current school district which program do you prefer?  How competitive are they?  The three schools have relatively minor socio-economic ranging from 45-65% asian, 17-27% white, 7-13% two or more races, 5-11% hispanic with 7-12% low income and 12-24% english learners.  JIMHO, all three likely have similar outside prep emphasis such as Kumon which potentially fairly extensive and more so if you're looking at GATE/'Academy'.
Did I miss something here, you guys are moving in a week and have not decided nor secure a apartment yet? 

Regarding to the schools, make sure you check the school's enrollment availability/openings.  Some elementary schools are completely booked and even if you are in (you just move into) the assigned neighborhood, you're kid can't get in. 
Another thing to consider is that Plaza Vista is a year round school so they have a short summer break but lots of 3 week breaks in-between.  It's good for taking vacations when other schools aren't so it's good for vacationing at Yosemite, etc.  Some people like this scheduling and others hate it.  Someone else mentioned that Plaza Vista is K to 8th grade.  If you have more than one kid, when the oldest goes to high school, they will go back to a traditional schedule.  You will then end up with a mix of schedules.  Some parents move their kids to Lakeside Middle School from here for various reasons including the scheduling.

If you want a school that gives out a lot of homework, this school is probably not the school for you. 

It does seem to provide a safe learning environment though, which is very important at this level.
Thanks for the quick responses.

Well, we have the apartments almost finalized, and got new job few days back, so that is why we are not done yet.
I will definitely call an find out with schools, my understanding based on schools here in Arizona was that if you are living within school boundary, you will be accepted, no matter what.

As far as Sports and arts program for Plaza Vista is concerned, from the responses, I have understood that it would be relevant only after Grade 6?

I guess another thing I noticed is that Stonegate and Plaza vista are walk able from respective apartments, but myford elementary is a bit far.

Is there a blog to ask questions for what apartment to choose?

sxm078100 said:
Thanks for the quick responses.

Well, we have the apartments almost finalized, and got new job few days back, so that is why we are not done yet.
I will definitely call an find out with schools, my understanding based on schools here in Arizona was that if you are living within school boundary, you will be accepted, no matter what.

As far as Sports and arts program for Plaza Vista is concerned, from the responses, I have understood that it would be relevant only after Grade 6?

I guess another thing I noticed is that Stonegate and Plaza vista are walk able from respective apartments, but myford elementary is a bit far.

Is there a blog to ask questions for what apartment to choose?


If the school is full in Irvine, you're not getting your kids in that school. Happened to people who moved into the boundaries for Stonecreek. You'll need to check for each grade your kids are in but in general you can't go wrong in Irvine, no matter what school you get into.