Moving out, sold home ?s


New member
When you sold your home and move out.  Should the sellers remove the nails on the wall and patch it up?  Should the sellers get the house cleaned, specifically the cabinets, drawers, refrigerator, oven and garage? 
I did all those things... Last thing you want is at the final walk through the buyers see you left things dirty for them or didn't patch holes, etc.

They could attempt to back out... Of course if they really want the house in the first place they probably wouldn't, but you don't want to fuel any buyers remorse fire at that point.
They should... whether they will or not depends on the seller.

In every house we've sold, we cleaned and left it in a better condition than when we bought it.

In a resale we bought, the sellers gave us a cleaning gift card for their maid service to clean one time either before or after we moved in, which I thought was a nice touch (and obv because they made tons of money off our our purchase).

In one of the homes we sold, the stagers left the screws they used to hang frames in the walls... we thought about removing them but figured that the buyer might use them, but we did make sure we left the matching paint in case they didn't. One thing I felt a little guilty about was the TV wall mount we removed when we moved out. It left some holes but they didn't say anything during the walk through (so maybe they'll put their own wall mount there).