Midterm Elections

morekaos said:
No, I don't really care. I work with quite a bit of celebrity glitzeraty.  Most all of them are vapid fools when it comes to politics so I don't give them (on either side) much credence.

You don?t care because it doesn?t fit your current agenda. Pete Davidson tore apart Kanye?s pro Trump rant. 

I can guarantee you previously mentioned him before in your posts.

Since we are done burning Nike shoes now

Are MAGA People turning on Taylor Swift yet

How would you do it ? Smash your kids iPhone that has downloaded Taylor Swift songs ? 
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
No, I don't really care. I work with quite a bit of celebrity glitzeraty.  Most all of them are vapid fools when it comes to politics so I don't give them (on either side) much credence.

You don?t care because it doesn?t fit your current agenda. Pete Davidson tore apart Kanye?s pro Trump rant. 

I can guarantee you previously mentioned him before in your posts.

So what is it?

You previously care, now you don?t.

You need to take a break and get coffe. In other words, get me coffee.

No Eye, I've been pretty consistent as to my views on celebrities sharing their political views, as if they matter, from both sides.  I'm an equal opportunity hater.

morekaos said:
fortune11 said:
Liar Loan said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
where's my popcorn?


Obama was in office for eight years and nothing in Chicago changed.

3:38 PM - 25 Apr 2018

Wait..Kanye West is important because?

Young people are easily influenced.  It's tough for Dems to claim the "hipster" mantle, when heavy hitters like Kanye are jumping ship.

So let me get this straight ?

Are Fox News and right wing pundits now going to tell Kanye to,  "shut up and sing" yet, or does that only apply to anti-Trump black celebrities like Lebron etc :)

Yeah right ...

Actually, yes, they should all shut up.  I work with a significant segment of the entertainment industry and if you think 18 year olds are politically stupid, you never talked to a movie star or rapper in-depth.  I think Kanye is an idiot buuuuttt, i think it is delicious to watch these fools feed on each other.  For that alone I hope HE doesn't shut up, the hypocrisy is too fun to watch.
This looks like an angry mob to me...

Anarchy! Portland residents' fury at mayor for allowing Antifa activists to take over street, direct traffic, abuse motorists and attack driver during march over police shooting of a black man
Activists gathered in Portland Saturday to protest shooting of Patrick Kimmons
100 people including Kimmons' family met at parking lot where he was killed
After a march they began directing traffic and were filmed abusing drivers
At one point a man tried to drive through the group and had his car attacked
So these were the same people protesting in Washington DC?

morekaos said:
This looks like an angry mob to me...

Anarchy! Portland residents' fury at mayor for allowing Antifa activists to take over street, direct traffic, abuse motorists and attack driver during march over police shooting of a black man
Activists gathered in Portland Saturday to protest shooting of Patrick Kimmons
100 people including Kimmons' family met at parking lot where he was killed
After a march they began directing traffic and were filmed abusing drivers
At one point a man tried to drive through the group and had his car attacked
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
You see?  So fun to watch!!

Beyonce and Jay-Z 'sever all ties' with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West after they show loyalty to Donald Trump


Click the above link to see the selfie of Kim and Hilary with Kanye. (This was take during the presidential election.) I think.
A) Is it going to be great once we're in December and much, but not all, of this will be behind us?

2) Quote of the day (today at least...) for me: "Avenatti's whole thing is like if MAGA hats came in blue". Matt Pearce, LA Times

III) Say what you will about celebutards and politics, but KK did good work on behalf of Anne Marie Johnson back in June as she continues to advocate for prison reform. The work isn't the usual virtue signaling by comfy HWood types but genuine heavy lifting.

My .02c

All I care about is my money

Abortion issues - don't give a shit
2nd Amendment - don't give a shit
Kavanaugh - don't give a shit
Carbon emissions - don't give a shit
Grab them by the pussy - don't give a shit

If the blue wave comes, and my retirement fund drops, I'm voting Republican & Trump in the future.
Only the economy matters.  Everything else is bullshit.

If trump and his retards make me richer I'm voting for him.
I should add that if the blue wave comes, and the dow remains above 25,000, then I'll keep voting democrat because I think long term wise, they are the better party.  You know they believe in puppy dogs and unicorns and are trying to make society better.
This is one reason you won't hear much campaigning over the next few weeks on the tax cuts (although Mimi Walter's mentions the "middle class tax cut" as one of her accomplishments in a current commercial).

Nearly two-thirds say they've seen no increase in take-home pay from GOP tax cuts: Gallup

Almost two-thirds of Americans polled say they haven't seen an increase in their take-home pay as a result of last year's Republican tax-reform bill, according to a new survey.

A Gallup poll published Wednesday found that 64 percent of respondents said they haven't seen a raise in their take-home pay as a result of reduced federal income taxes. That finding is identical to results in Gallup's February/March poll taken shortly after the tax changes went into effect.

The poll also found that a slim majority of Americans polled ? 51 percent ? say the law hasn't helped their family's financial situation. Meanwhile, 26 percent of respondents said the law has helped a "little" and 12 percent said it has helped "a lot."

As this fall's midterm elections near, more Americans disapprove of the tax overhaul than approve of it, per the Gallup poll. The poll found that 46 percent of respondents disapproved of the GOP tax cuts, while 39 percent approved of them.

Those approval ratings are unchanged from the previous Gallup poll about seven months ago. The poll before that, taken in January, found that 55 percent of respondents disapproved of the tax cuts and 33 percent approved.

Americans' views of the tax cuts are divided by party lines, with 8 percent of Democrats approving and 76 percent of Republicans approving, according to the poll.

The poll's results were based on telephone interviews conducted Sept. 24-30 with a random sample of 1,462 adults. The poll's margin of error is 3 percentage points.

Proponents of the tax bill have previously argued that polls could be misleading if they include adults who are unemployed or self-employed and thus wouldn't be impacted by withholding changes.
morekaos said:
"Its the economy , stupid!" That little hidden truth will never change.

This is the most often quoted cliche , first coined by James carville in the 90s

Not some hidden truth or pearl of wisdom that you are offering from your Himalayan cottage

Maybe works for presidential years but If this was always a true dems would never have swept the midterms in 2006

But here is the MAGA philosophy , you will hear this Spouted time and again by republican baby boomer types especially on TV (Rick santelli etc)  who fancy themselves as some fancy a** libertarians ===>

2016: The bull market is a bubble manipulated by low interest rates.

2018: The bull market is legitimate and the Fed is crazy

Not at all. I have said the fed should have raised rates a lot earlier.  Inflation needs to be watched like a hawk.  Rising rates do not kill the growth cycle..they sustain it.  People don't like to change horses in the middle of a race they are winning.  That is the truth of the economic influence at work now and in that saying.  It will be proven true again, social issues are a loser, hatred of Trump is a loser, self interest and the mighty dollar are all that really matters.