Midterm Elections

Liar loan -

I have news for you . Supporting racism = you are a racist , no two ways around.it. Try and project as you might onto others , there is no fooling anyone .

I know living and working in liberal CA gives you frustrations every day and this forum is your last refuge for some respite , but you don?t get to make up your own facts unchallenged - so get that straight

Whenever you don?t have an answer for my arguments or make some outlandish claim (like that bond bubble or trade deal wins or some other holier than thou b/s)  ,and I expose  you for the huckster you are,  you start attacking people personally .

Your John McCain thread is a perfect example of trolling like behavior intended to launch personal attacks on me and eyephone, but it miserable backfired on you , verbally challenged as you are,  when you go on these tirades.

Others with conservative viewpoints get the humor and jokes and can play , but you are too tightly wound up in your own b/s to chill once in a while  : )
fortune11 said:
Liar loan -

I have news for you . Supporting racism = you are a racist , no two ways around.it. Try and project as you might onto others , there is no fooling anyone .

I know living and working in liberal CA gives you frustrations every day and this forum is your last refuge for some respite , but you don?t get to make up your own facts unchallenged - so get that straight

Whenever you don?t have an answer for my arguments or make some outlandish claim (like that bond bubble or trade deal wins or some other holier than thou b/s)  ,and I expose  you for the huckster you are,  you start attacking people personally .

Your John McCain thread is a perfect example of trolling like behavior intended to launch personal attacks on me and eyephone, but it miserable backfired on you , verbally challenged as you are,  when you go on these tirades.

Others with conservative viewpoints get the humor and jokes and can play , but you are too tightly wound up in your own b/s to chill once in a while  : )

Is there anything Liar Loan said about John McCain not true? The fact that McCain did good things does not make the bad things he did untrue.

California is liberal until it is not.  Remember (back in the 80s) when California was Republican and Texas and Florida were Democrat?

Who would have thought that in Sweden, the shining example of Liberal Utopia for the past century, would a party with neo nazi origins win 20% of seats in parliament?

Nothing is permanent in politics.

Racism? There are only two kinds of humans in this regard:

1. Racists
2. Racists who think other people are racists.

Which one are u?

Happiness said:
fortune11 said:
Liar loan -

I have news for you . Supporting racism = you are a racist , no two ways around.it. Try and project as you might onto others , there is no fooling anyone .

I know living and working in liberal CA gives you frustrations every day and this forum is your last refuge for some respite , but you don?t get to make up your own facts unchallenged - so get that straight

Whenever you don?t have an answer for my arguments or make some outlandish claim (like that bond bubble or trade deal wins or some other holier than thou b/s)  ,and I expose  you for the huckster you are,  you start attacking people personally .

Your John McCain thread is a perfect example of trolling like behavior intended to launch personal attacks on me and eyephone, but it miserable backfired on you , verbally challenged as you are,  when you go on these tirades.

Others with conservative viewpoints get the humor and jokes and can play , but you are too tightly wound up in your own b/s to chill once in a while  : )

Is there anything Liar Loan said about John McCain not true? The fact that McCain did good things does not make the bad things he did untrue.

California is liberal until it is not.  Remember (back in the 80s) when California was Republican and Texas and Florida were Democrat?

Who would have thought that in Sweden, the shining example of Liberal Utopia for the past century, would a party with neo nazi origins win 20% of seats in parliament?

Nothing is permanent in politics.

Racism? There are only two kinds of humans in this regard:

1. Racists
2. Racists who think other people are racists.

Which one are u?

How can anyone argue with your social science thesis ? you have it all figured out with your human categories

CA is actually a good leading indicator for the country as a whole. And on the balance it is turning away from the Republican Party whose only value right now is cult worship and holding on to power by any means possible .

Under the system we have, 16 percent of the population has 50 percent of senate voting power so it is not really a true democracy we are living in . That can also change at some point , maybe think about that .

And keep on dreaming if you think CA is going Republican anytime soon .  Maybe you should have excuses ready for when after the November midterm results come out

Remember what Confucius said ? ??arrogance only looks good when you are winning?  : )

fortune11 said:
Under the system we have, 16 percent of the population has 50 percent of senate voting power so it is not really a true democracy we are living in . That can also change at some point , maybe think about that .

The Senate was designed to be a check against democracy (the representatives in the House), so it is functioning as designed, minus the fact that Senators are no longer appointed by the States.  The fact that we now elect Senators directly probably explains your confusion on this point.
More propaganda ~ After the disastrous Bush/Obama years, median income is at an all time high!!

Liar Loan said:
fortune11 said:
Under the system we have, 16 percent of the population has 50 percent of senate voting power so it is not really a true democracy we are living in . That can also change at some point , maybe think about that .

The Senate was designed to be a check against democracy (the representatives in the House), so it is functioning as designed, minus the fact that Senators are no longer appointed by the States.  The fact that we now elect Senators directly probably explains your confusion on this point.

So looks like you admit that we don?t really have a truly Democratic system - that was my point

The founding fathers feared the majority mob - little did they realize that one day it would be a cable news addicted and racially anxious minority that would impose their mob rule on a diverse , dynamic and forward looking nation
fortune11 said:
Happiness said:
fortune11 said:
Liar loan -

I have news for you . Supporting racism = you are a racist , no two ways around.it. Try and project as you might onto others , there is no fooling anyone .

I know living and working in liberal CA gives you frustrations every day and this forum is your last refuge for some respite , but you don?t get to make up your own facts unchallenged - so get that straight

Whenever you don?t have an answer for my arguments or make some outlandish claim (like that bond bubble or trade deal wins or some other holier than thou b/s)  ,and I expose  you for the huckster you are,  you start attacking people personally .

Your John McCain thread is a perfect example of trolling like behavior intended to launch personal attacks on me and eyephone, but it miserable backfired on you , verbally challenged as you are,  when you go on these tirades.

Others with conservative viewpoints get the humor and jokes and can play , but you are too tightly wound up in your own b/s to chill once in a while  : )

Is there anything Liar Loan said about John McCain not true? The fact that McCain did good things does not make the bad things he did untrue.

California is liberal until it is not.  Remember (back in the 80s) when California was Republican and Texas and Florida were Democrat?

Who would have thought that in Sweden, the shining example of Liberal Utopia for the past century, would a party with neo nazi origins win 20% of seats in parliament?

Nothing is permanent in politics.

Racism? There are only two kinds of humans in this regard:

1. Racists
2. Racists who think other people are racists.

Which one are u?

How can anyone argue with your social science thesis ? you have it all figured out with your human categories

CA is actually a good leading indicator for the country as a whole. And on the balance it is turning away from the Republican Party whose only value right now is cult worship and holding on to power by any means possible .

Under the system we have, 16 percent of the population has 50 percent of senate voting power so it is not really a true democracy we are living in . That can also change at some point , maybe think about that .

And keep on dreaming if you think CA is going Republican anytime soon .  Maybe you should have excuses ready for when after the November midterm results come out

Remember what Confucius said ? ??arrogance only looks good when you are winning?  : )
You keep on focusing on California for your perception that the country is going left. California is just one of 50 states. During the last 20 years when California went from R to D, Texas, a state with similar electoral weight, went from D to R. On a national basis, the aggregate number of Libs and Conservatives have remained fairly stable for decades.

Just because younger people tend to be liberals does not mean demographic genocide is awaiting conservatives. Newsflash: young people have always been liberal and they will always be liberal but young people grow up and often change. Do you know who the biggest liberal of the 80s was...it was ME. Needless to say, I'm not liberal anymore.

Single guys loved Obama's executive order allowing them to into women's restrooms and locker rooms if they identified as female. Once they grow up and have daughters, I'm sure their position on that Obama EO would change.
Happiness said:
fortune11 said:
Happiness said:
fortune11 said:
Liar loan -

I have news for you . Supporting racism = you are a racist , no two ways around.it. Try and project as you might onto others , there is no fooling anyone .

I know living and working in liberal CA gives you frustrations every day and this forum is your last refuge for some respite , but you don?t get to make up your own facts unchallenged - so get that straight

Whenever you don?t have an answer for my arguments or make some outlandish claim (like that bond bubble or trade deal wins or some other holier than thou b/s)  ,and I expose  you for the huckster you are,  you start attacking people personally .

Your John McCain thread is a perfect example of trolling like behavior intended to launch personal attacks on me and eyephone, but it miserable backfired on you , verbally challenged as you are,  when you go on these tirades.

Others with conservative viewpoints get the humor and jokes and can play , but you are too tightly wound up in your own b/s to chill once in a while  : )

Is there anything Liar Loan said about John McCain not true? The fact that McCain did good things does not make the bad things he did untrue.

California is liberal until it is not.  Remember (back in the 80s) when California was Republican and Texas and Florida were Democrat?

Who would have thought that in Sweden, the shining example of Liberal Utopia for the past century, would a party with neo nazi origins win 20% of seats in parliament?

Nothing is permanent in politics.

Racism? There are only two kinds of humans in this regard:

1. Racists
2. Racists who think other people are racists.

Which one are u?

How can anyone argue with your social science thesis ? you have it all figured out with your human categories

CA is actually a good leading indicator for the country as a whole. And on the balance it is turning away from the Republican Party whose only value right now is cult worship and holding on to power by any means possible .

Under the system we have, 16 percent of the population has 50 percent of senate voting power so it is not really a true democracy we are living in . That can also change at some point , maybe think about that .

And keep on dreaming if you think CA is going Republican anytime soon .  Maybe you should have excuses ready for when after the November midterm results come out

Remember what Confucius said ? ??arrogance only looks good when you are winning?  : )
You keep on focusing on California for your perception that the country is going left. California is just one of 50 states. During the last 20 years when California went from R to D, Texas, a state with similar electoral weight, went from D to R. On a national basis, the aggregate number of Libs and Conservatives have remained fairly stable for decades.

Just because younger people tend to be liberals does not mean demographic genocide is awaiting conservatives. Newsflash: young people have always been liberal and they will always be liberal but young people grow up and often change. Do you know who the biggest liberal of the 80s was...it was ME. Needless to say, I'm not liberal anymore.

Single guys loved Obama's executive order allowing them to into women's restrooms and locker rooms if they identified as female. Once they grow up and have daughters, I'm sure their position on that Obama EO would change.

Again w the same

Weren?t you the one who brought up CA and then when you couldn?t defend your argument are accusing me of being stuck on CA trends ?

Poll after poll shows this is a progressive country on most issues . There is only so many old people who can keep on reliably voting for gop after getting riled up watching Fox News . The biggest threat to republicans is not existing dems  , rather non voters turning into voters , ie an actual functioning democracy .

This is why they go to great lengths to suppress voting as we have seen time and again with all these court cases in Pennsylvania , North Carolina , Georgia , Michigan , etc .

Anyways ? I am just one lone voice for now on this as opposed to the hangout central for dozen plus right wing core group , so I will leave it here.  Maybe will check back in after the ?midterm elections ? and see how people are doing once they get a whiplash .

I repeat - ?arrogance only looks good as long as you are wining ?  :)
in case anyone needs a reminder of where we are today

The Mueller Charade

The outcome of the midterms may depend on how quickly the administration can counter-attack on the legal front.

The almost unnoticed fact in the latest Democratic assault on the Trump administration is that it is based entirely on charges of confusion, the circus, incoherence, and nastiness. These themes never have to be hammered very long before the faithful take up the incantation about impeachment, but these aren?t impeachable, even if the charges were true. The Resistance has abandoned the accusation of impeachable offenses. The media barely noticed Special Counsel Robert Mueller?s acceptance of written answers to questions about collusion, or Rudolph Giuliani?s assertion that there would be no discussion of obstruction of justice, that there has been no obstruction, and that if Mueller thinks he has evidence of any, he should present it. Everyone now knows that the entire Trump?Russian collusion argument was a complete fabrication on the basis of the Steele dossier, which was a pack of lies from A to Z, and, of course, was commissioned and financed by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, through a law firm and Fusion GPS. In terms of ingenious political treachery, Mrs. Clinton and her entourage scored an immense success in subverting high levels of the intelligence agencies and the Justice Department and FBI to pursue this canard with the zeal they did.

On what has emerged to date, fanatically anti-Trump figures in Justice and the FBI swallowed Steele?s story and invested in it so heavily they severely compromised the institutions that employed them. Once Trump was elected, instead of letting the ruse die quietly, they swallowed harder and set out to claim that the election result was fraudulent because of the illegal Trump?Russian collusion. Former National Intelligence director James Clapper announced just two months ago that he believed the Russians had determined the election result, contradicting James Comey?s view. Senator Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia, proclaimed 18 months ago that a thousand Russian canvassers had swung Wisconsin to Trump. The apparently thoroughly Trump-deranged John Brennan, former CIA director, has been routinely accusing the president of treason for almost two years. The 2016 Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, mused about whether the president?s son, son-in-law, and former campaign manager were guilty of treason because they met with a Russian lawyer who wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act (nothing to do with the election).

Hillary Clinton must have been serenely confident that the source, quality, and funding of the Steele dossier would never see the light of day. In her memoir of the election, What Happened (not a question), she directly blames former FBI director James Comey for ?shivving? her three times (two of the occasions were exonerations of her questionable appropriateness), and Donald Trump?s semi-treasonable collaboration with the Russian government, and she quoted Steele in support of this. When the fact came to light that her campaign had funded this nonsense for about $9 million, she breezily said that it was ?campaign information? but accurate anyway. (Treason applies only when collaboration is with a country with which the betrayed country is at war.)

It was the dirtiest political trick in American history, but, in fairness to Mrs. Clinton, I doubt if she intended to do more than throw muck at her opponent in the last days of the election, since the Billy Bush tape had not, as had been expected, knock him out. When she lost, as Steele himself was still, with the aid of some officials, padding around the less reputable media pushing his dossier, Mrs. Clinton seized on it to explain her inexplicable defeat and threw in poor old Comey, who had bent his giraffe-like frame over backwards to exonerate her on the emails debacle, where she almost surely lied to a federal official, Comey in particular. Martha Stewart was sent to prison for less, and seems to have violated serious statutes. This was when Peter Strzok had finished whitewashing Clinton for Comey and jumped to trying to inculpate Trump. He wrote, early on to his girlfriend and workmate, Lisa Page, of the collusion argument, that there was ?probably no there there.? Yet this purposeless beast of an investigation of something that everyone who knew anything about it knew did not happen is still continuing.

In their desperation to keep the president on his back foot until the midterm elections, the Democrats joined the Never Trump chorus in the McCain obsequies, and the habitually discredited political gossip Bob Woodward, reinforced by anonymous informants recruited or invented by the New York Times, wrote that the Trump White House was in chaos (irrelevant if the Constitution is not being violated and the policies work). Paid plants heckled at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings where Democratic senators reenacted a fictitious movie about a first-century slave revolt to protest the confidentiality of documents that had already been released, and Barack Obama hit the trail to rewrite the history of his broadly unsuccessful presidency. Even sensible and moderate commentators who don?t like Trump went back on autocue to announce that this was ?the darkest hour? of Trump?s administration, as they have, every six weeks or so since the executive order about travelers from terrorism-plagued or -sponsoring countries in February 2017: Charlottesville, Helsinki, Manafort and Cohen, etc. Trump is about to declassify what congressional committees have been seeking, and the anti-Trump media will have real problems maintaining their implacable righteousness. By then, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe may have been indicted, and the charges won?t stop with him.

I recommend clemency. I don?t believe in a deep state, just an arrogant, smothering, bipartisan mindset that easily construed self-defense as service of the national interest, even when it involved criminal conduct. In this respect it does bear some comparison with the conduct of Nixon underlings in the Watergate era. The mystery is why Robert Mueller, for all his experience and vaunted probity, chose a gang of rabid Trump-haters to conduct this operation, and why, when he must have realized it was a wild goose chase, he didn?t fold it up or turn it into an investigation of the sleazy conduct of Trump?s enemies, which, given the Russian connection, would have been within his mandate. There is now evidence that Steele, even after he was fired by the FBI for leaking material, via senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr ?and his lovely wife,? as Trump calls Mrs. Ohr (who worked at Fusion with Steele), moved straight to Mueller?s special-counsel team. Mueller may have mishandled this so badly, he ensnares himself in the misconduct of those who commissioned him. Mueller has prolonged this false cloud over the administration while using his authoritarian office to try to terrorize Paul Manafort into a false inculpation of the president, has mouse-trapped a couple of lesser figures (14 days in jail for George Papadopoulos), and purported to indict a number of Russians who will never appear in an American court and whose names could have been taken from the Moscow telephone directory.

The outcome of the midterm elections may depend on how quickly the administration can counter-attack on the legal front. When the Mueller charade is finally out of the way, everyone involved in the false applications for a FISA surveillance warrant against junior Trump campaign helper Carter Page will face the music, including Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and very prominent members of the Obama administration. Whatever happens in November, all this will unravel. The combination of the jungle ruthlessness of high American politics with the idealism of the Constitution occasionally creates bizarre and sordid dramas. Eventually, just when the pious claptrap about no one being above the law becomes almost insufferable, the puritanical conscience of America rises like a cobra and strikes the wrongdoers. The twist here is that the hunted president, who has broken no laws, will make the kill. It?s reality politics, wending toward a surprising climax.
Liar Loan said:
More propaganda ~ After the disastrous Bush/Obama years, median income is at an all time high!!


I like how you bash Bush and Obama.
1. This bull run started under Obama.
2. Someone tell George W. to stop campaigning for republicans for midterms. Because Trump supporters like Liar Liar don?t like him.

I said to my self, is this over John McCain? Since you started the McCain thread. Maybe he is mad that George W. and Obama gave a speech at McCain?s funereal.

Get over McCain. He graduated from Naval Academy. He fought for this country. He was elected to the House of Representatives and US Senate. Basically gave his life for America. A true US hero.

Who would a thought a Republican like Liar Liar would attack McCain? I guess things have changed. Attack people who don?t always support Trump?s agenda?
Notice how as soon as Obama left office, small business optimism skyrocketed.  I suppose the resident trolls will blame this one on racism also.  LOL..

Small Business Optimism Shatters Record Previously Set 35 Years Ago
The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index soared to 108.8 in August, a new record in the survey?s 45-year history, topping the July 1983 highwater mark of 108. The record-breaking figure is driven by small business owners executing on the plans they?ve put in place due to dramatic changes in the nation?s economic policy.

The August survey showed:

-Job creation plans and unfilled job openings both set new records.

-The percentage of small business owners saying it is a good time to expand tied the May 2018 all-time high.

-Inventory investment plans were the strongest since 2005 and capital spending plans the highest since 2007.

?Today?s groundbreaking numbers are demonstrative of what I?m hearing everyday from small business owners ? that business is booming. As the tax and regulatory landscape changed, so did small business expectations and plans,? said NFIB President and CEO Juanita D. Duggan. ?We?re now seeing the tangible results of those plans as small businesses report historically high, some record breaking, levels of increased sales, investment, earnings, and hiring.?



The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Short-Term Energy Outlook

The United States likely surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world?s largest crude oil producer earlier this year, based on preliminary estimates in EIA?s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO). In February, U.S. crude oil production exceeded that of Saudi Arabia for the first time in more than two decades. In June and August, the United States surpassed Russia in crude oil production for the first time since February 1999

fortune11 said:
If anyone thinks Latinos are going to start voting for these race baiters anytime soon , I have a bridge to sell you (or maybe a detached Irvine condo for 2m, how about that )

Esto es el economio, estupido!! ;)

Hispanics flourishing in Trump economy
President Trump's economy is the rising tide that is lifting all boats. This is especially true for Hispanics, who were among the biggest victims of the low-growth, high-regulation economy under President Obama.

Last week, the Census Bureau announced new household income numbers, which showed that median income for Hispanic households grew by 3.7 percent, adjusted for inflation, last year. That?s more than double the increase seen by all households. More Hispanics moved into the upper-income brackets, and fewer remained in the lower ones. That?s welcome news as the nation celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month.

Contrast this to the Obama economy. It took until 2015 for Hispanic household incomes to finally get back to their 2006 levels. For the population as a whole, household incomes remained flat between 2010 and 2014, as President Obama rolled out one job-killing policy after the next.

In addition to rising incomes, there are more job opportunities than ever today for Hispanics. This month, the Labor Department announced that the Hispanic unemployment rate remained at a record low ? below 5 percent for the fifth consecutive month. This is less than half the unemployment rate that Hispanics faced as recently as President Obama?s second term. Median weekly earnings for full-time Hispanic employees have grown by 4.3 percent, adjusted for inflation, over the past two years.

This is a 72% Hispanic district that Hillary won by 12 points and held by the Democrats for 139 years...nice Blue Wave.

Huge Upset for GOP in Texas: State Senate Seat Flips Red for First Time in 139 Years

This seat wasn't supposed to be competitive. It went 54-42 for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and 55-44 for Barack Obama in 2012.

Flores reportedly received "backing from some of the state?s most prominent politicians, including Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and U.S. Sens John Cornyn and Ted Cruz," according to MySA.com. He was also likely a beneficiary of a superior ground game, as the GOP has outraised Democrats and radically upped their ground game in recent years.

Nice! I was on Breitbart, or maybe it was Drudge, and a mayoral race in a small town in eastern Montana went Rep after voting for Clinton too!


This will be the wildest midterm election we've ever seen, from the standpoint of wild.
'Beto is way hotter than you, dude': Ted Cruz and his wife leave restaurant after being heckled


eyephone said:
'Beto is way hotter than you, dude': Ted Cruz and his wife leave restaurant after being heckled


This is crossing the civilized discourse line for me. Maybe gather outside the restaurant, engage arms, and sing "We Shall Overcome" or something. That would seem to carry more emotional weight, and be far more respectful behavior.
fortune11 said:
This thread is now the catch all political thread

I know ?both Sideism? and ?everyone is to blame? is the easy and polite answer ar social settings but at this moment in time ...  I think one party is clearly relying on thuggish tactics to stay in power and control power and does not care about Democracy anymore

Minority older white voters , evangelicals , and some other gun types and their dominance in the low population but high voting power states are what s forcing the agenda of 35 percent of the population on rest of the country .

The gap between popular vote and electoral college , and popular vote and representation in college will continue to widen

This is why the gop s best weapon in this fight is voter suppression and I am not just taking about minorities , it is also about suppressing the vote of Young people and college students

That's better.  Now, its this kind of condescending preachyness that lost you the last election.  Until the electoral college gets rescinded you can bulk up all the New York and Cali popular votes you want but as long as we win the mid-section we will control things.  Like I have said, you can have the youth vote, pissed off high schoolers or crazy celebrity sports figures...you can have them, they are all talk and never show.  So claim cheating or follow Hillary  who  just came out hatin on the electoral college, now that she lost it. (surprise, she loved it 2 years ago)