Jury Duty

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How often do you guys get a jury duty notice?  I seem to get one every 18 months or so after moving to Irvine.  I've gone now to 6-7 of them and it's starting to wear me out.  Is it better to just ignore them?
woodburyowner said:
How often do you guys get a jury duty notice?  I seem to get one every 18 months or so after moving to Irvine.  I've gone now to 6-7 of them and it's starting to wear me out.  Is it better to just ignore them?

How long have you lived in Irvine?  The rule is maximum of once a year...a lot of them are telephone summons too. 
I used to never get them until I registered to vote many years ago. Then I got one couple months after, so I went, but never got picked and haven't gotten one since. 
AW said:
I used to never get them until I registered to vote many years ago. Then I got one couple months after, so I went, but never got picked and haven't gotten one since.

That's just luck...jury duty  is based upon driver license now.
Irvinecommuter said:
woodburyowner said:
How often do you guys get a jury duty notice?  I seem to get one every 18 months or so after moving to Irvine.  I've gone now to 6-7 of them and it's starting to wear me out.  Is it better to just ignore them?

How long have you lived in Irvine?  The rule is maximum of once a year...a lot of them are telephone summons too. 

Lived here for about 10 years.  My frequency for getting the summons seem very high to me (once every 18 months on average).  Just wanted to check with others on this. 
Every 18 months is a lot.  I have lived here for 13 years, and have been TWICE.  Just last week, and about 4 years ago.  I don't know what would happen if you ignore the summons, but I certainly feel for you. Jury Duty is torture.
I was going almost every year for a few years in a roll and some how just stopped. Haven't gone in about 3 years so not complaining. I actually enjoy going and kind of hope getting picked. My employee pays two weeks of jury service so I don't mind serving at all. It's all part of being an Ameirican and doing my civic duty. My last one was at Harbor court in NP beach, probably the most enjoyable one so far, way better than the trot to Santa Ana.
Irvineknight said:
I was going almost every year for a few years in a roll and some how just stopped. Haven't gone in about 3 years so not complaining. I actually enjoy going and kind of hope getting picked. My employee pays two weeks of jury service so I don't mind serving at all. It's all part of being an Ameirican and doing my civic duty. My last one was at Harbor court in NP beach, probably the most enjoyable one so far, way better than the trot to Santa Ana.

I think you can call them and say you haven't been selected in a while.
I survived my jury duty in Santa Ana today. I got lucky and was released by lunch time. I was expecting to stay until 5pm. It was pretty boring but at least they had plenty of seating and free WiFi and parking.
I just got done serving as a juror on a criminal case at the Santa Ana courthouse. It was the shortest trial there... scheduled over a 6 day period. Luckily, we only needed a very short time to deliberate and got out a day early. Every time I have appeared for jury duty, I have been selected as a juror. This was my 3rd time. It was funny seeing the obvious fakers come up with crazy stories trying to get out of the 6-day commitment. Three people disappeared on their lunch break after being told to return. The judge was strict, got their badge #s, and told the clerk to make sure they get another summons immediately.
I agree they should serve and not bounce.

But in reality people are living paycheck to paycheck. Not all employers pay their employees when they go to jury duty.

Also, (if I remember correctly) jurrors have to make arrangements regarding picking up the kids.
