ICE or EV?

Which car(s) will you be buying next?

  • ICE ICE Baby (morekaos dinosaur option)

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • EV forEVa (unicorns for all)

    Votes: 22 59.5%
  • PHEV (I still have range anxiety)

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • Hybrid (can't plug in yet)

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Alternative fuel (Hydrogen, vegetable oil, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.7%

  • Total voters
The difference is I actually own RACE… you probably never owned Tesla🤷🏽‍♂️ I have to put my money where my mouth is…you have the luxury of sitting in the peanut gallery😂🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️
Ah, that's right, thanks for reminding me, sorry, a whole bunch of your posts are pointless, but the reason why I chose the timeframe that I did is because the conversation is that you bought RACE back whenever (2016)? I forget, it's somewhere in the history. You made quite some gains, kudos to you. But it pales in comparison if you have chosen TSLA instead

I have no short or open position right now in any of those stocks and you want to start after they’ve already lost 80% of their value. I’ve already made my money and moved on. Your list really should start somewhere around 2020 October prices when we began this little conversation.
You can choose whatever timeframe you please if you want to cherry pick, I chose the time based on a conversation on when you bought RACE, not some arbitrary time where it benefits your narrative

because stock price is a good arbiter of success or failure with all those companies. Success, the price goes up failure, the price goes down or zeros out.
So by your own definition, TSLA is a success, I mean, c'mon... 18000% gains, market cap of $767 Billion, that's like exxon and chevron combined
Peanut gallery. A doer vs a wisher.😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️ And where on earth did you learn math? 18000%? How do you figure?
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You said goes down. or zeroes out.

There are plenty of successful companies whose stock has gone down.

And there are plenty of industries that were successful but companies that are in that industry go to zero and go out of business but that doesn't speak entirely of the industry.
really? Again, please show me a company who continually increases sales , revenues and earnings…and their stock continually goes down at the same time. Please, give me specific examples. I want to learn.🤑
This is like talking to a child. Tesla is the perfect example. Last year their stock dropped to $100 a share but only you keep saying they are a failure.

And even better, your infamous Ferrari (RACE), dropped from 2021 to 2022... but you keep contending they are sucessful.

Today's Kumon lesson is over.
And where on earth did you learn math? 18000%? How do you figure?
I posted a screen shot a while back, from Google finance, guess that is a biased site.

It’s kinda odd that you’re in the equities space but know very little of one of the higher market cap companies :unsure:

You do your own math, but I don’t think you knew that they split twice, a 5:1 and another 3:1

They IPO market cap < $2B. Highest point was around $1.2T. Now it’s back down to ~$767B. Do your own math. Guess that considers a failure right? MK cherry picking info, l o l
You really don’t know what you are talking about…so now you are using the IPO price not the $10.00 2016 date? And all modern charts are split adjusted so prices are correct (but you wouldn’t know that), IHO figured that out a few posts ago🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂
This is like talking to a child. Tesla is the perfect example. Last year their stock dropped to $100 a share but only you keep saying they are a failure.

And even better, your infamous Ferrari (RACE), dropped from 2021 to 2022... but you keep contending they are sucessful.

Today's Kumon lesson is over.
Really Mr. Gecko? Which company would you have invested in? The one with steady growth in earnings and revenue ? Or the one losing more and more on skyrocketing sales with no end in sight for losses and dependence on government support? I’ll let you guess which is which. Please choose well😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ success and failure…law of the jungle is a painful lessonIMG_0652.pngIMG_0651.png
You really don’t know what you are talking about…so now you are using the IPO price not the $10.00 2016 date? And all modern charts are split adjusted so prices are correct (but you wouldn’t know that), IHO figured that out a few posts ago🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂
see, you FINALLY get it, i knew at some point you'll see it

you like to cherry pick your data points with the nifty hindsight tool, let's pick when tesla was worth 1T to ~700b and the last couple years, of course it looks like crap. i can show you when it went up from <2b or 10b or 100b or 300b market cap to >1T

ok, we can use the 10 price at 2016, you do the math of what % to what it is last month, last week, right now, is that still considered a failure?
Market cap and price are relative to the numerous secondary offerings of stock musk made over years…but again, you wouldn’t understand finance…..and you still didn’t buy it on the IPO or on the 2016 price did you? All talk and theory. So you can dance around and cherry pick all you want. Big boys actually do things, like buy RACE and still own, it so what is better? A fictitious wish of making 18,000% on your money or doing and actually making 750% on the dollar? Keep wishing, I “do” for a living🤑🤑🤑🤑
Blah blah blah blah.
So is Tesla a failure?
full of talk and dance.

That’s right, we all wished we could’ve gotten 18000% gains. What can I say. You chose poorly
Let me put it to you this way AW, you may think you didn’t choose well by not buying it back then, but pretty much everybody in the last two years who has bought almost any of those EV stocks has also not chosen well. Two years. That’s not some random number. Even over two years and tesla would be breakeven. If you made that choice two years ago you lost and a ton of people did. If you want to look at it your way I saved a lot of people money and grief by not putting them in that sector…that’s my job…nothing personal🤷🏽‍♂️

Blah blah blah blah

Not sure how many times I have to phrase it. Is Tesla a failure?
So much dancing around

Just so you know, I have owned Tesla stocks prior to 2016 along many others such as Starbucks, Costco, Coca Cola, apple, but I don’t go around gloating what great picks I had using a 20/20 hindsight tool

Feel bad for picking on a senior citizen, didn’t realize you were up late Friday morning and wee hours Saturday to respond to the interwebz on a site you have no connection for aside from you living in the city decades ago. Go drink your pina colada.
why does that matter when you’re right? It doesn’t matter what the asset class is, gold, real estate, stocks, bonds commodities, pot…I love being in the minority it’s one of the few indicators that always tells me I’m right. And certainly when the other side treats their point of view like a religious zealots. Remember Scion capital, I was on that side of the trade then.

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I will👍🏽🍹🍹 owning stock in some mutual fund in your 401k doesn’t count.😂😂😂😂
Wrong. Stock stock, not part of 401k, not indexed in some etf or spy. Like I said, I’m doing just fine

It’s kinda funny, asked in so many ways if Tesla is a failure, based on stock price, market cap, whatever and same answer is that you dance around or not respond.
Dance baby dance.