How long have you been with your significant other?

Cubic Zirconia said:
So, tell me more.. how did you guys meet your S/O? How did you he/she was the one?

Anyone else going to post their stories?

Traceimage, how did Mr. Traceimage propose?

homer_simpson said:
How did your husband(s) propose (CZ, Socal)?

On our third date, he stated emphatically that he was never getting married. Not now. Not ever. Oh, yeah? :)

Six weeks after we started dating, we were sitting in his car at night. He said he had something to tell me. He feels the same for me as he does for pizza. I thought he was letting me down gently and the next thing he'd say is I'm like a sister to him. Nope. He was in love with me. It turns out this is a man who seriously loves pizza!!  :-*  :eek: We still joke about this.

A week after that, out of the blue, he blurted out: "I want you to be my wife." He said that when we're apart it feels like his own arm has been chopped off and left behind. I started thinking he must like me a little more than pizza.

A few months after we started dating, he said, "I'm not asking -- but if I did ask you to marry me, what would you say?" I said since he's not asking, I wasn't answering........... but yes. It was late at night and we were already in the car. He suggested we drive through the night to Las Vegas to elope that night. We both decided to wait because we thought our families would think we're crazy. We hadn't known each other very long and I was only 19 at the time. We wanted them to be a part of everything.

Some months later, we had plane tickets to the east coast so I could meet his family. I didn't know it at the time but he was planning to buy a ring before we left, have me meet them, then immediately afterwards take me for a walk and officially propose. We didn't get that far! One night before we left for our trip, we turned on a movie in my living room and fell asleep. He woke me up a couple hours later so he could go home. I was still half asleep but he was alert. He said he was watching me sleep and said I'm beautiful. My legs were jelly but he made me stand up. He said he didn't want to go another day saying goodbye until next time. He wanted me by his side all of the time. He asked me to marry him. I thought he was joking. Maybe I heard him wrong or I was dreaming.  I thought it was just talk like the times before that. There was no ring. It wasn't planned. I told him to stop kidding around. But he said he was serious. I missed half of what he said due to being half asleep so I made him ask me again. I could tell this time he meant it. He told me about his secret plans but said he couldn't wait. I agreed, of course.

I won!  :) I already knew by that third date that I was going to marry him.  ;)
Homer, aren't you the one who has an artistic side and drew the cartoon for your wife or am I thinking of someone else?
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
So, tell me more.. how did you guys meet your S/O? How did you he/she was the one?

Anyone else going to post their stories?

Traceimage, how did Mr. Traceimage propose?

I think it's too personal to describe...but I will say that Mr. Trace first offered to marry me a few months after we first met (age 19), and then did it for real almost 10 years later. :)
traceimage said:
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
So, tell me more.. how did you guys meet your S/O? How did you he/she was the one?

Anyone else going to post their stories?

Traceimage, how did Mr. Traceimage propose?

I think it's too personal to describe...but I will say that Mr. Trace first offered to marry me a few months after we first met (age 19), and then did it for real almost 10 years later. :)

No problem, I totally understand as I edited out the more personal details on mine as well (before leaving in just enough to make myself slightly regretful -  a bad habit of mine on TI.)

Did anyone here do a surprise proposal - as in - you didn't know what her answer would be??? Those high-risk proposals tempting fate look like the most fun!! I get the feeling in most cases, the guy already knows how it will all go down. Booo!
Together for 14, married for 2.  No pressure from her or parents (just some from acquaintances who apparently knew us well enough to feel qualified to offer advice on such a significant and monumental decision  >:D).  We did have a long engagement of nearly 5 years though.  The wedding was mostly a formality.  We bought a home together after a few years, and when people ask why we waited so long to get married, I usually say that when you buy a home with your SO, you've already asked the same questions and come to pretty much the same conclusions you do when you decide to get married.  I did keep the proposal a secret though.  Sizing the ring was the hardest part (well, that and picking the stone!), since my wife does not wear rings.  Almost blew the hole thing. 