Home School?


Well-known member
Does anyone here home school their kids? Did you always know you were going to home school or is it something you decided much later on? How long did you home school or plan to home school?
I have two relatives who home school their kids (both NOT in Irvine).

One was not happy with her neighborhood school and decided that homeschooling was best.

The other started her oldest in elementary, was there for a few years, had an incident with another kid harassing hers, decided to go the home school route. She is also a stay home mom and I think part of her motivation was she did not want to work a traditional job. There was also a religion factor I believe.

They both like it and I believe both plan to home school through high school (which I don't actually think is a good idea).
Had a brother who married someone who was homeschooled.  Never used to have an opinion about it but now I do.  She and all of her siblings,  but one, are a mess as adults and none but the one can support herself and be out in the world.  They are all highly dependent but righteous.  Just a way for those parents to mind control and then the kids don't know how to become independent adults.
Trav25 said:
Had a brother who married someone who was homeschooled.  Never used to have an opinion about it but now I do.  She and all of her siblings,  but one, are a mess as adults and none but the one can support herself and be out in the world.  They are all highly dependent but righteous.  Just a way for those parents to mind control and then the kids don't know how to become independent adults.

I have family that homeschools their kids and I certainly wouldn't describe them that way.

I went to a small private school growing up and the biggest regret I have was not having the opportunity to learn / play organized sports (my parents were opposed to it even outside of school).