Have you ever been in a fist fight?


Well-known member
I was talking to Mr. SoCal about how he's never been in a physical altercation with another man (close but not quite). I find that really strange for some reason. Not sure why. Most guys here are probably the docile engineer type like him who don't hang out on the wrong side of the tracks or go seeking trouble. But I'm curious anyway. Anyone want to say whether they have or haven't put their dukes up? I have my guesses. Here they are... :

IHO: Nope

Zovall: NO WAY

Qwerty: Definitely!  :)

USCTrojan: Mebe.

Homer: No

rkp: Nope


IndieDev: Had the tar beat out of him

Irvinehomeshopper: Nah

TMC: Nooo
SoCal78 said:
I was talking to Mr. SoCal about how he's never been in a physical altercation with another man (close but not quite). I find that really strange for some reason. Not sure why. Most guys here are probably the docile engineer type like him who don't hang out on the wrong side of the tracks or go seeking trouble. But I'm curious anyway. Anyone want to say whether they have or haven't put their dukes up? I have my guesses. Here they are... :

IHO: Nope

Zovall: NO WAY

Qwerty: Definitely!  :)

USCTrojan: Mebe.

Homer: No

rkp: Nope


IndieDev: Had the tar beat out of him

Irvinehomeshopper: Nah

TMC: Nooo
I had a few fights but all back in 7th thru 9th grade and none since then.  Too much to risk in fights nowadays...from someone pulling out a gun or knife to trying to sue you.
Good guess Socal... You are right, I was never involved in a fist fight in anway.  Very close to one but thank god I chickened out or they would have messed up my money maker.  :D
Don't think I've actually out and out punched someone.

Only one I consider a fight was in middle school... principal's son (my best friend at the time) decided he wanted to fight me over a girl. He punched me on the back of head while I was kneeling on the ground picking up a piece of chalk he threw at me. When I stood up he was in his boxing stance trying to hit me... since he was the principal's son, I really didn't want to hit him so I just dodged his punches while faking my own until the teacher showed up. The size difference was enough where he would have "got a hurt real bad"... but then I would have probably been suspended real bad by his dad.

I've had altercations since then... but none involving me landing punches. The time I got mugged was 3-on-1 and they booked after hitting me from behind (I'm such a chump for turning my back on them). I've thrown a few guys to the ground which ends fights pretty quickly.

Just recently, the demographic IHS says doesn't exist threatened to punch me during a basketball game... a few times actually... all his friends left because they were embarrassed of him. Don't know what I would have done if he did swing... I'm old and slow now but when that "Hulk Smash!" gene snaps... I think I would be scared of me (we are "cool" now... as we see each other once in a while on the court).

I don't like resorting to violence to defend myself... but I would not question using it to protect others.

Don't think I would punch anyone in the face... too much risk of killing or permanently harming someone that way... there are other ways to disable someone without using your fists.
Plenty of times. I even had my Price Club membership revoked because of liability. One fist fight a long time ago I traumatized this kid from Carson/Harbor City and warned him not ever to step foot in the County. I think the location was a mom and pop that served donuts and heavily sauced Chinese food.
Had you gotten into a fight with those thugs you could have died and the rest of the us would only know you died from a suicidal self inflicted wounds.

irvinehomeowner said:
Don't think I've actually out and out punched someone.

Only one I consider a fight was in middle school... principal's son (my best friend at the time) decided he wanted to fight me over a girl. He punched me on the back of head while I was kneeling on the ground picking up a piece of chalk he threw at me. When I stood up he was in his boxing stance trying to hit me... since he was the principal's son, I really didn't want to hit him so I just dodged his punches while faking my own until the teacher showed up. The size difference was enough where he would have "got a hurt real bad"... but then I would have probably been suspended real bad by his dad.

I've had altercations since then... but none involving me landing punches. The time I got mugged was 3-on-1 and they booked after hitting me from behind (I'm such a chump for turning my back on them). I've thrown a few guys to the ground which ends fights pretty quickly.

Just recently, the demographic IHS says doesn't exist threatened to punch me during a basketball game... a few times actually... all his friends left because they were embarrassed of him. Don't know what I would have done if he did swing... I'm old and slow now but when that "Hulk Smash!" gene snaps... I think I would be scared of me (we are "cool" now... as we see each other once in a while on the court).

I don't like resorting to violence to defend myself... but I would not question using it to protect others.

Don't think I would punch anyone in the face... too much risk of killing or permanently harming someone that way... there are other ways to disable someone without using your fists.
irvinehomeowner said:
I don't like resorting to violence to defend myself... but I would not question using it to protect others.

Hehe. I asked Mr. SoCal what he would do if someone threatened my safety. His answer:
"I would build a robot to beat them up."
I should have known.  ;)
SoCal78 said:
IHO what did you do to annoy that (black?) guy so much.  :D
He's a hot head and he was mouthing off to me so I responded. Only problem was he's not as "witty" as I am so it got under his skin... and he started telling me to shut the [bleep] up. I guess I should have backed away then but the IHulk gene got a little aggravated so I walked up to him and asked him what he said. That's when he said he would knock me the [bleep] out. Again, I probably should have walked away after that but IHulk opened his mouth and said "Try it." Next thing I know, people are separating us and he keeps saying he's going to put me to sleep etc and IHulk just keeps egging him on (my Clubber Lang/Rocky moment).

We finally put it to rest but then later he decided to Metta World Peace me and actually runs over to where I am and elbows me in the chest. That's when his friends started scolding him ("You need to learn to get along with people") and then they left... which I thought was funny. He has a rep for starting trouble... I was told later that he's actually punched another guy there. Looking back, probably stupid of me to let it escalate like that (the Miles Square Park incident comes to mind) but as I've said in my pet peeves thread... I don't like bullies.
irvinehomeowner said:
Don't think I've actually out and out punched someone.

Only one I consider a fight was in middle school... principal's son (my best friend at the time) decided he wanted to fight me over a girl. He punched me on the back of head while I was kneeling on the ground picking up a piece of chalk he threw at me. When I stood up he was in his boxing stance trying to hit me... since he was the principal's son, I really didn't want to hit him so I just dodged his punches while faking my own until the teacher showed up. The size difference was enough where he would have "got a hurt real bad"... but then I would have probably been suspended real bad by his dad.

I've had altercations since then... but none involving me landing punches. The time I got mugged was 3-on-1 and they booked after hitting me from behind (I'm such a chump for turning my back on them). I've thrown a few guys to the ground which ends fights pretty quickly.

Just recently, the demographic IHS says doesn't exist threatened to punch me during a basketball game... a few times actually... all his friends left because they were embarrassed of him. Don't know what I would have done if he did swing... I'm old and slow now but when that "Hulk Smash!" gene snaps... I think I would be scared of me (we are "cool" now... as we see each other once in a while on the court).

I don't like resorting to violence to defend myself... but I would not question using it to protect others.

Don't think I would punch anyone in the face... too much risk of killing or permanently harming someone that way... there are other ways to disable someone without using your fists.

Note to self: Don't F with IHO!  :-\
im a pretty easy going guy, but in my younger days when i had more testosterone and was stupid and worked out a lot (i would get asked if i played football at USC, was 6ft 220lbs) i got into some incidents, mostly at clubs due to my one of my good friends having a temper. i even saw a buddy a mine get stabbed in one of the incidents - he survived. then i started getting wiser and making good money and realized there was too much on the line as others have mentioned. the reason i started lifting weights in the first place was to be able to defend myself. i used to hate wrestling with my brothers and because they were much older than me they would be able to take me down. i used to hate that feeling of defenselessness.  by lifting i ensured that the majority of people would not be able to physically do too much damage to me, i figured i would take them out first.
my brother and i are 2 years apart and we grew up fighting a ton.  the last time we threw punches was 5 years ago and both of us realized that we are just too old to do that still

with strangers, all but one fist fight were while growing up.  they were mostly on the losing end as i was a total nerd and had a big mouth

the one fist fight after 18 was in '99.  it was halloween night and i was at my parents house waiting for my friends to pick me up.  i heard my car alarm go off and ran outside to see 3 punks running up the hill.  they were probably 16-18 and i was 19.  my mistake was chasing them and unfortunately, i caught the slowest guy and he quickly apologized and said it was an accident.  well the 2 other guys come back to him and suddenly everyone becomes a tough guy and next thing you know, i have fists flying at me from every direction.  i threw punches but i wouldnt be surprised if they landed on me as by the time they left, my front teeth were broken and i had a couple bad cuts on my face. 

a twist to socal's initial ?, has anyone been mugged or had a weapon pulled on them?

Qwerty and his Woodbury lot size friendly dog looking for a fist fight.
irvinehomeshopper said:

Qwerty and his Woodbury lot size friendly dog looking for a fist fight.

i was not as big as that guy, a little smaller, i would wear large size shirts though to show off the chest like this guy. that looks more like IHO. although i would walk my small dog in the summers when i was back home in a wife beater to show off the guns.
qwerty said:
irvinehomeshopper said:

Qwerty and his Woodbury lot size friendly dog looking for a fist fight.

i was not as big as that guy, a little smaller, i would wear large size shirts though to show off the chest like this guy. that looks more like IHO. although i would walk my small dog in the summers when i was back home in a wife beater to show off the guns.
The friendly part describing your dogs is a stretch...they are friendly to my mom but they don't seem to like me a lot.  haha
USCTrojanCPA said:
The friendly part describing your dogs is a stretch...they are friendly to my mom but they don't seem to like me a lot.  haha

Unfortunately they have me trained and not the other way around. My little girl has her barking issues.
rkp said:
my brother and i are 2 years apart and we grew up fighting a ton.  the last time we threw punches was 5 years ago and both of us realized that we are just too old to do that

You're scaring me. My boys are 2 years, 10 mos. apart. It would kill me to see it come down to blows between them especially routinely! Your mom must have a ton of gray hair. Thank goodness mine get along so well... so far! The older one treats the little one like he's his baby. Very loving and gentle. The little one loves him back but sometimes bosses the older one around. However, the older one takes it and does whatever he says. LOL.