
Do you believe in God?

  • Yes, I am Christian

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Yes, I am a non-Christian

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • Yes, but I am non-religious

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • No, but I believe in a higher power

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • No, not at all

    Votes: 16 32.0%

  • Total voters
qwerty said:
My belief is people fear the unknown and believing in God/religion alleviates that fear because the unknown is now attributed to gods doing. They have a leader that will show them the way and give them hope

You have clearly defined what religion is.
Pretty much all religions are baed on fear and work they need to produce to earn salvation or anything good they can get for themselves. This is clearly saying the religion exists for someone's selfish desire.  They also seem to be brain washed or even threatened by the community to believe in certain religion to stay in their system safely. In contrast, people living here or any developed country like us are pretty much "choosing" the one religion that's mostly satisfying your needs, sometimes choosing multiples religions. These are all for fulfilling selfish needs.

However, Christianity is not to be selfish or seek for anything for our own needs. Christianity is about the loving relationship of God the Father and the Son Jesus. Their love relationship is what we are after to reflect while living here on earth and we ought to be thankful, joyful and humble to be part of that truth. Taking care of the weak and welcoming the rejected are all parts of how God is showing us what love is. We should also admit we are still sinful while living here and ask God to turn our lives to be more like Him, to be more selfless. Fear is there since the perfect holy God is all knowing, but we are only to "ask" Him to forgive us and transform us to be more like Him. Then He will grant our prayer and let us be in that beautiful plan of God's loving relationship.
irvinehomeowner said:
To touch on qwerchete's comment:
qwerty said:
My belief is people fear the unknown and believing in God/religion alleviates that fear because the unknown is now attributed to gods doing. They have a leader that will show them the way and give them hope

This intrinsic desire to find a solution or an answer for what is unknown, even science's quest for knowledge, do you think that indicates a deity at work? Does that indicate to you that this curiosity is proof that a higher power exists? Or is that the chicken/egg conundrum where because man can't fully answer these questions, he attributes that to a "God"?

My question is this:

If God/god/gods/Mother Nature/[?] do exist, for anyone who doesn't believe in the *correct version*, what happens to them when they die?

Although in Christianity, the belief is only through Jesus can a man be saved, it's hard for me to fathom that anyone who leads a moral, charitable life will end up in "the hot house".

Chicken or egg first? I can tell you with certainty, chicken first. A fully grown chicken, probably a pair of male and female one each. How do I know? Well, the Bible clearly says He created, "every winged bird according to its kind" (Genesis 1:21). Surprisingly, the Bible covers so many questions people have. It has so many, if not all clear answers.

Now to your main question,
Living a moral charitable life is not really what God is after. Of course it's better to live like that than to live as a jerk since that will affect more positively in our society, but you can certainly do those nice things without knowing or believing in Christ.

Now, if you look at Pharisees or religious leaders at the NT times, they were doing nice acts also. They would donate much money or gifts to the synagogues. There is nothing wrong with that itself. The problem was how they got rich and how they were being so proud of their so called nice acts. Whenever the poor people were to come and give sacrifice, the religious leaders would send them back to the front temple and force them to purchase "more clean" sacrifice (animals usually). This was done so that the leaders would make money in their pocket by forcing people to buy more and more each year, disregarding the very ones the poor wanted to present. It was robbing the poor as opposed to the command God gave them to be merciful especially to those in need. This is the very reason Jesus turned the tables and rebuked people at the temple twice during the feast. It was a small preview of judgement. The religious leaders would also blow the trumpets and make such a huge announcement whenever they dropped the money in the bag. This was a hypocrisy at best so Jesus condemned those things also. I believe those hypocritical leaders knew deeply inside their heart that what they were doing was hypocritical. They just weren't willing to repent for they loved sin and the glory of this world more than God.

But was every religious leader then like this? I can't say that, but I can say someone like Nicodemus would come to Jesus and ask Him questions since he knew it wasn't just right and enough to be doing what was going on to be saved. The gospel of John tells us that he after Jesus was crucified showed up to take care of Jesus' body, showing he was genuinely believing in Jesus. There was also Joseph of Armethia who boldly showed his faith. These are the ones who were truly seeking God even in the midst of hypocritical system they were in. I do believe, as I've mentioned before, if someone is truly seeking after God, He WILL reveal Jesus to that person. Many Pharisees also did come to believe Christ as there must have been some genuine ones and it also shows in the book of Acts as well.

This is all to say someone who is in "wrong" religions because of whatever reason, the culture, the background, or even the pressure from others is still exposed to have chances of believing in God genuinely. Just because someone goes to church and say I believe in Jesus, it doesn't mean that person is saved. It's the genuine heart God is after. I'm sure Job from the OT never heard of the name Jesus, but he surely was aware of his sin and feared God if you read the first part of the chapter 1. He was not a Jew. He was a gentile which means he was not in a "correct version" of religion. Yet he was even giving burnt offerings and sacrifices for he recognized sin before God. Many argue this was a time even before Exodus which means before the Law was given. So Job even though was not 100% sure of the concept of Trinity God at first yet, was worshiping Him with his genuine heart. His sincere heart even after all the sufferings he had resulted in knowing of the Christ which God allowed him to recognize as we can see he prophesied about Him throughout the book.

It's not a matter of being in a "correct version." It's a matter of having a genuine seeking heart after God no matter what church, system, culture you are in. Any genuine heart will come to repentance and finally believe in Jesus as a Savior even though that person might have not gone to church once in a life. As for us living in Irvine of USA, who can stay in a church and fully exposed to be in a "right version" all the more, we have no excuse to not to believe. For those outside of such environment, God who is fully in control will do the work to save His people.
Many of the signature beliefs of Christianity existed in Jewish society before the birth of Jesus. For example, some of the Dead Sea Scrolls describe apocalyptic beliefs of their Jewish authors which more closely resemble modern Christianity than modern Judiasim but these particular scrolls predate Jesus by many decades.

The first inkling that Christianity may be something different than mainstream Judaism is found in Luke which historians unanimously agree was written by someone decades after Jesus? execution and who was not a contemporary of Jesus. Jesus? actual disciples such as Peter, and his contemporary followers such as Paul, never gave any indication that they were believers in anything other than Judaism.

If you were to take a time machine back to the first century and commented to Peter, Paul, etc. about their preaching a new religion called Christianity, they would have looked at you like you were crazy. They would have told you that they were observant Jews and if you want salvation, you must obey the Law of Moses.

Jews, the original Christians.
Happiness said:
Many of the signature beliefs of Christianity existed in Jewish society before the birth of Jesus. For example, some of the Dead Sea Scrolls describe apocalyptic beliefs of their Jewish authors which more closely resemble modern Christianity than modern Judiasim but these particular scrolls predate Jesus by many decades.

The first inkling that Christianity may be something different than mainstream Judaism is found in Luke which historians unanimously agree was written by someone decades after Jesus? execution and who was not a contemporary of Jesus. Jesus? actual disciples such as Peter, and his contemporary followers such as Paul, never gave any indication that they were believers in anything other than Judaism.

If you were to take a time machine back to the first century and commented to Peter, Paul, etc. about their preaching a new religion called Christianity, they would have looked at you like you were crazy. They would have told you that they were observant Jews and if you want salvation, you must obey the Law of Moses.

Jews, the original Christians.

Essenes, one of the sects of Jewish people around the time of Jesus were the ones out in the wilderness writing those Dead Sea scrolls copying of the OT. They served as how accurately the Holy Bible is written throughout the generations and some are still kept in churches today.

The Hebrew nation, a Jewish is the God's chosen. No doubt about it. God chose Abraham, his son Issac and his son, Israel (Jacob) because of God's grace purely, not because particularly they were any better than other nations or they did any works to earn it for then it was even before the Law was given by Moses. Those people though did demonstrate acts of faith later on in their lives.

Peter and Paul were Jewish indeed. They first tried to preach to their own people, Jews. When Peter first preached right after he received the Holy Spirit, 3000 Jews around the world who were visiting at the time of Pentecost were converted to believe that Jesus was the Messiah they were waiting for. However numerous persecutions broke out as Jesus promised would happen and the disciples then fled to all other countries which they kept spreading of Jesus as Christ all the more. This is also what Jesus promised would happen before He was taken up to Heaven. Paul (Saul then) was one of the very devoted Jews from the sect of Pharisees of Zealots who persecuted "Christianity" or "The Way" or the church. Those terms were used to insult the believers by the Jews. If they were to say "You, Christian" that meant as if "You, cult." Anyways Paul then met Jesus on the way to persecute Christians and was converted to believe Jesus as Christ also. Though God called Paul to be the channel of spreading the gospel to the gentiles, he also first tried to preach to Jews. Even after many rejections, he still continued and then finally he became an instrument to spread to gentiles and further in Romes as well (possibly to Caesar also).

Both Peter and Paul were confirmed by Jesus in a vision that they are also to accept gentiles which means the good news is not only limited to be heard among the Jews. Peter preached to Cornelius a centurion of Italian and Paul to many other un-circumcisions. They did not prohibit the Law of Moses, but they only preached that the salvation is not by practicing those. Their message was Jesus was the one who completed the Law and by believing Him only you are saved. There were couple times mentioned in the book of Acts that Paul did Nazarite vows as prescribed in Numbers, but those were not as a way to earn salvation. He did once when he wanted to show the Lord his thankful heart and another time when the elders among Jewish believers suggested him to do so so that other Jews would not misunderstand that Paul ignored the Law.

Also the book of Acts shows the transitional periods of Judaism to Christianity (to those who believe). Many Jews still had their habit of following the traditions which is not a bad thing at all as long as the heart and the motives are pure before God, but the transitional period also shows us that Paul started to bring the importance of accepting Jesus as a Savior by faith alone, not by any works or following the Laws, as Pharisees gave burdens to people to do so. Therefore he actually rebuked those Jews who taught in a way that you must follow the Laws to be saved. He also warned churches, especially Galatians believers to see those teachings as a false religion.

Paul who followed the Law all the more than anyone preached the importance of receiving God's salvation by God's grace, not by the works or following the Law just like how God gave grace to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be saved. This is actually what Jews still don't believe today, but there will come a day when Israel will call on the Name of Jesus as their Lord. For now since the "Christians" or even the "Gentiles" have received God's grace, they are the ones who are now being saved. But God surely promised His salvation for Israel also so it WILL happen one day. Hopefully soon.

Edit: typo
Mety said:
Paul who followed the Law all the more than anyone preached the importance of receiving God's salvation by God's grace, not by the works or following the Law just like how God gave grace to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be saved. This is actually what Jews still don't believe today, but there will come a day when Israel will call on the Name of Jesus as their Lord. For now since the "Christians" or even the "Gentiles" have received God's grace, they are the ones who are now being saved. But God surely promised His salvation for Israel also so it WILL happen one day. Hopefully soon.

So this is why I wonder what will happen to those who don't believe in Jesus.

Everyone received God's grace, Jesus died for everyone's sins... how will there be a day that Israel will call Jesus their God? After the rapture?

I guess it's just above my pay grade.
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
Paul who followed the Law all the more than anyone preached the importance of receiving God's salvation by God's grace, not by the works or following the Law just like how God gave grace to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be saved. This is actually what Jews still don't believe today, but there will come a day when Israel will call on the Name of Jesus as their Lord. For now since the "Christians" or even the "Gentiles" have received God's grace, they are the ones who are now being saved. But God surely promised His salvation for Israel also so it WILL happen one day. Hopefully soon.

So this is why I wonder what will happen to those who don't believe in Jesus.

Everyone received God's grace, Jesus died for everyone's sins... how will there be a day that Israel will call Jesus their God? After the rapture?

I guess it's just above my pay grade.

Standard POV is that Jews are in heaven because they are God's chosen people but that non-Jews must go Jesus. 

But like you...a lot of things are above my pay grade.  I have enough to deal with myself.
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
Paul who followed the Law all the more than anyone preached the importance of receiving God's salvation by God's grace, not by the works or following the Law just like how God gave grace to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be saved. This is actually what Jews still don't believe today, but there will come a day when Israel will call on the Name of Jesus as their Lord. For now since the "Christians" or even the "Gentiles" have received God's grace, they are the ones who are now being saved. But God surely promised His salvation for Israel also so it WILL happen one day. Hopefully soon.

So this is why I wonder what will happen to those who don't believe in Jesus.

Everyone received God's grace, Jesus died for everyone's sins... how will there be a day that Israel will call Jesus their God? After the rapture?

I guess it's just above my pay grade.

You can either take the debt paid in full already or you could try to pay the debt on your own which you're never able to complete anyways. Jesus did die for everyone. If you don't accept and believe, then you're on your own to pay for the penalty of your sin.

The same thing applies for Jews or non-Jews. It was never by observing the Law you could be saved. It was always the same from the book of Genesis that you are saved by receiving God's grace by admitting your sins and inequities, asking God to be merciful and forgive you. Those who denied that all went to hell by their choice either Jews or non-Jews.

God particularly chose a nation Israel to be His everlasting nation with His own covenant. This is still kept with His promise and they just need to admit the sinful nature themselves and accept the Savior God already sent, Jesus Christ. Those who accept will go to heaven, those who don't will go to hell.

How the Jews one day all will accept Jesus as Christ? Like you said, there will be a rapture of church before the Tribulation described in the book of Daniel and also in the book of Revelation. The word, rapture might sound weird since many false scholars twisted their own interpretations and gave a bad name, but what it really is is that God will call His church, The Bride back to heaven whether by them dying of old age or take them up to heaven as Jesus was taken up. This is a part where many denominations of churches have their own interpretations each, but I'll state what I believe. I think there will be a rapture of His church, those who really really have believed in Jesus. Those who were just superficial church people probably will not be raptured. Only God knows the heart and He will decide who will be. When will this be? No one knows and those who claim they perfectly calculated the time and the date are all false. Jesus specifically said it's none of our business to know when. Once it really takes place, then people around the world will probably start to take the Bible as serious since what's described in it will start taking places. Jews will be jealous of church (as described by Paul) then they will call on the Name of the Lord, Jesus. Surprisingly many will still deny, Jews or non-Jews according to the book of Revelation. There will be persecutions against God's very people, Israel. This is the time of the Tribulation when the world will be facing the darkest hour. God, however, set a time for such days to come to an end and He will come and save His very own nation then. Those Jews who finally admitted the very One they pierced was their own Savior and who have accepted and waited for Jesus Christ will be comforted by Him and enter His Kingdom. This is the moment all Christians should also be seeking for. Think about how God's own words and promise are finally being completed. This will be a moment when the raptured saints will come with Jesus from heaven and rule over the Kingdom of God with Christ. A beautiful reunification of God and His people. We can talk about A Thousand Year Kingdom and the final rebellion of Satan and all that, but for now I'll leave at where Israel will be saved.

This again is my interpretation of Eschatology along with many Bible teachers who tend to take His word as is without any compromise, without twisting in any human desire. However, having a different interpretation does not mean you're not saved. The OT saints didn't fully have this revelation either, but that didn't stop them to be saved by God. The salvation again is by admitting your sin and repenting of it in the Name of Jesus Christ. This Eschatological theology I explained above though is how I believe Jews, as a whole nation, will come to know Jesus as their Savior one day.
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
Paul who followed the Law all the more than anyone preached the importance of receiving God's salvation by God's grace, not by the works or following the Law just like how God gave grace to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be saved. This is actually what Jews still don't believe today, but there will come a day when Israel will call on the Name of Jesus as their Lord. For now since the "Christians" or even the "Gentiles" have received God's grace, they are the ones who are now being saved. But God surely promised His salvation for Israel also so it WILL happen one day. Hopefully soon.

So this is why I wonder what will happen to those who don't believe in Jesus.

Everyone received God's grace, Jesus died for everyone's sins... how will there be a day that Israel will call Jesus their God? After the rapture?

I guess it's just above my pay grade.

Standard POV is that Jews are in heaven because they are God's chosen people but that non-Jews must go Jesus. 

But like you...a lot of things are above my pay grade.  I have enough to deal with myself.

I don't know if that's really the standard POV, but that seems a little off with God's character since God is a God who saves people with the same base even from the OT times whether you are Jew or non-Jew. That base is that you have to acknowledge your sin and repent by submitting your life to Him the Creator God who saves from inequities.

What I've written above post is what my take is on Israel. They ARE God's special people since He chose them out of all nations and also He said to Abraham whoever blesses them God will also bless and whoever curses them He will also curse. So we as believers of His word and covenant are to be on Israel's side, but I don't think God's saving grace plays favoritism.
Mety said:
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
Paul who followed the Law all the more than anyone preached the importance of receiving God's salvation by God's grace, not by the works or following the Law just like how God gave grace to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be saved. This is actually what Jews still don't believe today, but there will come a day when Israel will call on the Name of Jesus as their Lord. For now since the "Christians" or even the "Gentiles" have received God's grace, they are the ones who are now being saved. But God surely promised His salvation for Israel also so it WILL happen one day. Hopefully soon.

So this is why I wonder what will happen to those who don't believe in Jesus.

Everyone received God's grace, Jesus died for everyone's sins... how will there be a day that Israel will call Jesus their God? After the rapture?

I guess it's just above my pay grade.

Standard POV is that Jews are in heaven because they are God's chosen people but that non-Jews must go Jesus. 

But like you...a lot of things are above my pay grade.  I have enough to deal with myself.

I don't know if that's really the standard POV, but that seems a little off with God's character since God is a God who saves people with the same base even from the OT times whether you are Jew or non-Jew. That base is that you have to acknowledge your sin and repent by submitting your life to Him the Creator God who saves from inequities.

What I've written above post is what my take is on Israel. They ARE God's special people since He chose them out of all nations and also He said to Abraham whoever blesses them God will also bless and whoever curses them He will also curse. So we as believers of His word and covenant are to be on Israel's side, but I don't think God's saving grace plays favoritism.

I don't really know how that is different than what I wrote.
Irvinecommuter said:
Mety said:
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
Paul who followed the Law all the more than anyone preached the importance of receiving God's salvation by God's grace, not by the works or following the Law just like how God gave grace to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be saved. This is actually what Jews still don't believe today, but there will come a day when Israel will call on the Name of Jesus as their Lord. For now since the "Christians" or even the "Gentiles" have received God's grace, they are the ones who are now being saved. But God surely promised His salvation for Israel also so it WILL happen one day. Hopefully soon.

So this is why I wonder what will happen to those who don't believe in Jesus.

Everyone received God's grace, Jesus died for everyone's sins... how will there be a day that Israel will call Jesus their God? After the rapture?

I guess it's just above my pay grade.

Standard POV is that Jews are in heaven because they are God's chosen people but that non-Jews must go Jesus. 

But like you...a lot of things are above my pay grade.  I have enough to deal with myself.

I don't know if that's really the standard POV, but that seems a little off with God's character since God is a God who saves people with the same base even from the OT times whether you are Jew or non-Jew. That base is that you have to acknowledge your sin and repent by submitting your life to Him the Creator God who saves from inequities.

What I've written above post is what my take is on Israel. They ARE God's special people since He chose them out of all nations and also He said to Abraham whoever blesses them God will also bless and whoever curses them He will also curse. So we as believers of His word and covenant are to be on Israel's side, but I don't think God's saving grace plays favoritism.

I don't really know how that is different than what I wrote.

The standard you said of that "all Jews are in heaven and non-Jews must go Jesus" POV is not what I agree with. You didn't say you agree with it either so I'm not arguing against your opinion. I'm just saying Jews or non-Jews, they all need to go through the Savior, Jesus. Jews don't have the special ticket to heaven without believing in Jesus either.
After I wrote the last post, there came a good comparison we could use. How come if Jesus died for everyone, then He can't just save everyone? Here is an example we could use (though can't be exact comparison) to illustrate what we need to do on our end to participate in God's grace.

If someone gave you a free plane ticket to Hawaii or any of your favorite place to be ultimately, would you take it and go there? It's an obvious answer that of course you would. But you yourself would have to do your part to get to that destination. You first would have to confirm check-in, go to the airport, get on the line for all those security check-ups, wait in another line on the gate, and finally need to get on board. The rest is on the air where you just wait until you get to the place. For whatever reason though, there might be people who would not go there because you would either not wanna go through all those checkups and lines at the airport or you would just rather stay home or maybe you just came up with something you think is better and so on. The point is, if you don't do your part, you will not get there. The free ticket is no longer activated for you. The person who gave you the free ticket can't force and grab you to the final destination either. It's your choice.

If you choose to go and get to your ultimate favorite place, you would be thanking that person who gave you the ticket. It's that person who gets the glory.

If you choose not to go, then it's your own fault that you're not there. The person who gave you the ticket has already done much. You just ignored the gift.

God gave everyone the free ticket to His Kingdom. God gave us His Son, Jesus as the way to salvation. Now, we need to do our part to accept, repent, believe, and naturally live as He commanded by loving one another. Then we're on the right path to get to the final destination. If however anyone does not accept Jesus and live on their own, then that person is on his/her own without receiving God's best gift.

Side Note - On that sense, I guess we could say Jews do have a special free ticket to heaven. Probably the 1st class. They still do need to go to the airport and go through the check-ups. If they choose not to go, then it's that 1st class privilege is not any more useful than the economy seats. 
irvinehomeowner said:
This is where I may stray from scripture, but I don't think Jews have any privileges above anyone else.

We are all equal.

I don't know where you are straying from, but indeed, all under the same grace. Though it's clear God first chose Israel. They are like the first son from the prodigal son story Jesus gave. They are the ones God gave the Laws to. Though they share the same equal amount of grace in terms of salvation, they only have much more responsibility to know His words.
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
This is where I may stray from scripture, but I don't think Jews have any privileges above anyone else.

We are all equal.

I don't know where you are straying from, but indeed, all under the same grace. Though it's clear God first chose Israel. They are like the first son from the prodigal son story Jesus gave. They are the ones God gave the Laws to. Though they share the same equal amount of grace in terms of salvation, they only have much more responsibility to know His words.

So why them? Do you ever wonder why it started with Israel?
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
This is where I may stray from scripture, but I don't think Jews have any privileges above anyone else.

We are all equal.

I don't know where you are straying from, but indeed, all under the same grace. Though it's clear God first chose Israel. They are like the first son from the prodigal son story Jesus gave. They are the ones God gave the Laws to. Though they share the same equal amount of grace in terms of salvation, they only have much more responsibility to know His words.

So why them? Do you ever wonder why it started with Israel?

Maybe God chose Israel because that was the way God wanted to have the line of offspring to have Jesus? Why not from England or China? I think God chose to be the line of Israel because that was the best way it could work out throughout the whole generation if we believe God is the perfect God who is in control of everything and every generation. Technically God made Adam and Eve first so it all started with them.

Also I suggest reading Romans 9. It kind of covers the question you have.
. said:
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
God hasn't sent anyone to the hot house. Never has, never will. After a lifetime of rejection on earth, a God of love wouldn't force someone to spend eternity living with him.
I don't think I said God would send them there, my question was would he allow them to end up there if they chose to worship the "wrong" God?

As I said before, many Christians feel the only way into the good place is belief in Jesus, but for those who don't believe in him but do believe in God (like Jewish and Islamic religions), what happens to them?

because they chose not to be with God.  God wants to have a relationship with every human but if s/he chooses not to have that relationship, God is not going to force it.  They just end up in a place where God and all his goodness do not exist (i.e. love, compassion, empathy, etc.).

we really need to separate god and religious.  reading this post i dont know if god does not allow non-believer or christian does not allow non-believer in the good place.

also a quick question, if hilter is a christian, will he be a in the good place right now?

Jesus talked about hell in Luke 16:19-31. This is the example of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man who had all his glory while alive is now suffering in flames being tormented and even wanting to send back Lazarus alive to warn his brothers. Jesus teaches us though that those who don't receive Moses and the prophets won't receive someone came back to life from dead. Those who don't receive God's word won't receive Christ who did come back to life from dead. If you think there is no hell or think of hell as just a place without God which some might think of it not so bad, then you are very mistaken.

Hitler was not a Christian. He might have said he was, but we all know his actions were proven otherwise therefore he is not in heaven. I even think he was a preview of the upcoming anti-Christ.

irvinehomeowner said:
I want to go back to this:
Irvinecommuter said:
Yes because salvation for a Christian is not based upon actions.
This has been mentioned more than once and I want to understand what you are saying.  I think you mean "not based *just* upon actions".

James 2:17,24,26

- So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
- You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
- For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.

Faith is a proof before God that you are a genuine believer.
Work/action is a proof before men that you are a genuine believer.
Those two do come together.

Since about half of you guys voted you guys are Christians and sounds like many people do believe in God in TI, what are you guys' thoughts on getting rich?

Do we need to strive to become rich? Do we need to get financially well situated? If so, what about Jesus' warning on the rich? According to Jesus, a camel to go through the eye of a needle is easier than for a rich to enter into heaven. I would say the most Irvine people with MAXROI homes are considered pretty rich in any perspective.

What are you guys' thoughts? I have what I believe in this matter as of now, but interested to see what others think which might change my view also.

You mean like the parable of talents, (story of stewardship of talent/money of the 3 servants and what they did with it when the master is away, MAXROI was praised and the one that buried in the dirt and got 0 ROI got punished)?
Basically be wise with money
AW said:
You mean like the parable of talents, (story of stewardship of talent/money of the 3 servants and what they did with it when the master is away, MAXROI was praised and the one that buried in the dirt and got 0 ROI got punished)?
Basically be wise with money

Interesting example. I didn't think about this verse when I was asking the question, but I guess we can relate to this parable Jesus gave also.

I think the main theme Jesus wanted to teach of this verse you brought up is that the man who made 0 ROI had a wrong knowledge of the master, who really is Jesus Himself. The man who made 0 ROI speaks of Jesus as "a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed.." which are all wrong information about the master, Jesus. However, Jesus gave praise to others because of their faithfulness not because of the result they made with talents/money.

Being wise with money, like you said, is a right advice, but I'm not quite sure if that answers where I was going originally. I was asking the question if you should strive to become rich or if you should not care about that in your mind at all as a Christian. Or if you would like to bring up something in the middle between those two ideas, please share.
