Gay thread

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[quote author="winex"]
On another note, I must say that I find your particular set of morals "interesting". Most people would consider death threats to be far more inflammatory than simple name calling.[/quote]

I'm tired of this. You win Winex.
[quote author="winex"]Trooper, you neglected to mention other recent LGBT news.

Don't forget about "Safe Schools Czar" Keith Jennings being a keynote speaker at the youth conference at Tufts University that promoted "fisting" at the "youth-only age 14-21" conference. nt-in-advance/[/quote]

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[quote author="evalseraphim"]
[quote author="winex"]Trooper, you neglected to mention other recent LGBT news.

Don't forget about "Safe Schools Czar" Keith Jennings being a keynote speaker at the youth conference at Tufts University that promoted "fisting" at the "youth-only age 14-21" conference. nt-in-advance/[/quote]

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Perhaps you could elaborate here. I'm the only person in this thread who ISN'T advocating certain sexual practices. And certainly you couldn't consider me mentioning that Kevin Jennings being made "Czar of Safe Schools" is hate speech.

So where is the crime officer?

You don't need to make up offenses. If you want to ban me, then ban me.

Simple enough.

In fact, let's make it a little easier. I'll start a poll for you on the subject.
[quote author="winex"]
Perhaps you could elaborate here. I'm the only person in this thread who ISN'T advocating certain sexual practices. [/quote]

Please show me where I or anybody else in this thread advocated "certain" sexual practices, such as "fisting". I objected to your hasty generalization and weak inductive reasoning in using the specific circumstances surrounding Jennings' appointment and actions in order to make general conclusions about the moral compass of society and LBGT people.

[quote author="winex"]
But I'm glad that you acknowledge that Jennings has long tried to indoctrinate our youth into a deviant "lifestyle".The only question is how you or anyone can support something like this.[/quote]

Again, you have misstated what I advocate or support with your sloppy reasoning. I objected to your reasoning, and in turn, you twisted that objection into "support" for what you consider to be "deviant" sexual practices.

On other topics, you're able to develop well reasoned arguments. Unfortunately, on this particular topic, it appears that your fear or hatred for LGBT people has inhibited all rational thought or reasoning.

As for the poll, I don't care either way and I won't be voting. Your presence or absence is of little importance to me. However, I will say that each time you spew your nonsense, I become more committed to taking a more active role in advocating for LGBT rights.
[quote author="winex"]Perhaps you could elaborate here. [/quote]

Sure. All of your comments in thread, taken together, are trying to spread hate of LGBT persons. You could just say, "That's interesting, Trooper. Personally, I don't think gays should have equal rights to married persons and that homosexual behavior should still be illegal. It's against the Bible." But no, you have to take it much further.
[quote author="evalseraphim"]
[quote author="winex"]Perhaps you could elaborate here. [/quote]

Sure. All of your comments in thread, taken together, are trying to spread hate of LGBT persons. You could just say, "That's interesting, Trooper. Personally, I don't think gays should have equal rights to married persons and that homosexual behavior should still be illegal. It's against the Bible." But no, you have to take it much further.[/quote]

Surely you can come up with a more credible line of BS than that...
Well Winex, I voted for you to go. Seriously mods - this got old on the IHB with Winex and his hate. I'd appreciate some sort of courtesy here.
I agree, a block feature would not only prevent a lot of rising blood pressures here, but also dissuade others from leaving an unwelcoming environment. I thought this site would serve to bring our community together.

I'm acquainted with people of many different backgrounds, beliefs and outlooks, and we manage to have civil conversations about controversial topics. There is a lack of respect in your posts, Winex.

I will not be voting in your attempt at martyrdom. I believe in free speech, but I also believe in my right to ignore your disrespectful spew.
OK Winex

There are some really nice people here and I want them to continue on this forum. Your closed minded feeble existence is boring me and others to no end. Your obvious need for attention and lack of social interaction skills reminds me of my son at about 9 years of age.

How and why you would even mention what you did is beyond me. You obviously did it for the shock value. Nothing more. In fact I think what you did was directly hurtful

When I think of GOP scum like yourself. All high and mighty. I think of Larry Craig. Big and religious GOP Senator. Busted in a mens room in an Airport trying to get a BJ.

I am going to vote we BLAST you off the board. Normally I am not for a Total Ban of anyone. But unless you apologize. Which I know you wont because your underdeveloped personality skills wont allow that kind of adult behavior. And you call yourself a grown man. Your a just a simple Homophob.
And bytheway. Most homophobs have some deep seated gay thoughts.

I still cant believe you posted what you did. I am just shocked.
by your total lack of class. LOSER.
DAMNIT... i completely missed this party. I would have enjoyed discussing all of the obvious flaws in logic behind Winex's positions, right down to pillars of his arguments - the word "deviant".

I am also a bit disappointed by certain members' decisions to leave the forum shortly after this fiasco. You're kind of giving winex what he wanted.