Cute things your kids say


New member
I want to post this somewhere, so I'll do it here! I can't keep posting them on Facebook, because then my non-parent friends will think I'm uncool. Kidding! (They already know I'm uncool.) But anyway, yesterday my 4-year-old was having a fit about not wanting to do something, so he started crying. He said, in this very solemn tone, "I'm going to cry and flood the house with my tears, and then we'll need a boat!" So he cried for a while, but then he got bored and stopped and said, "I'm just taking a break from crying, Mommy. I'm gonna cry again soon." So funny--it's hard not to laugh!

Anyone else have any cute kid sayings to share?
I always take my niece out for lunch on Saturdays and when I do I try not to use slang words in front of her.  (My sister hates it when I use slang in front of her daughter because she would pick it up and use it over and over again)..  Well I slipped up last Saturday and said "Let's Roll" when we prepared to head out and she has picked up the word "Roll" from me.

So last night the entire family was at my parent's house meeting before we would head out to dinner.  My mom said "Ok we are ready to go to dinner" and as soon as she said that my little niece turns to me and screams out "Uncle Homer , you ready to Roll?" 

Well yeah... you know who paid for dinner last nite.. 
About 20 years ago in Irvine there was this 3 year old white kid who saw a black man for the first time and he pointed to him and said to his dad "Michael Jackson!".

My kid was in the first grade when Elf came out that year. After seeing the trailers many times my kid and I were waiting in line to see the actual movie. A middle age midget walked by us and my kid said "Daddy, daddy, daddy, look, Elf is here!" The midget was horrified and everone in line obviously struggled from laughing. I then realized the place I lived was too insulated from the real world.
At the Chanel store my kid saw a cross dresser for the first time the same year Elf came out. My kid looked at sHe funny and told me " she is a man". I could not explain the reasoning to a 6 year old so I said for him everyday is Hallowween. My kid replied "I know because he wants to look pretty and dress is prettier pants". 
My wife's a teacher in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood and at the end of each school year, I bring pizza for the class.  The students always want to ask me a bunch of questions. Because I'm Asian, the most memorable question was, "Mr Movingonup, do you know kung-fu?!?!?"

Per my wife, kids tell their teacher everything that goes on at home.
I don't know about "cute", but my 3rd grade son told me something the other day that left me stunned.

We were discussing the things he has to look forward to one day as an adult. Milestones, what achievements he might like to set his sights on, etc. I said one day he will be a big boy and move out of the house to get his very own place. I said that would be a time in his life to look forward to. I asked, "What is the first thing you will do on your own when you're no longer living with mom and dad?" I thought the answer might be stay up late or eat all kinds of junk food. He looked at me serious and said: "Have a naked shower party with lots of girls."  :-\  :eek:

I swear to you on a stack of Bibles, we are a "normal" family. In fact, I'd like to go beyond that and say that is not at all what I hope to instill in him. Nothing like this is going on at my house nor is it discussed. I don't know where he even heard this. Could be the playground at school. Who knows! Definitely didn't see this one coming. I'm not even sure he knows what that really means. I tried to ask but once he sensed he may have given his mother the wrong answer, he shut down completely. Couldn't get a word out of him. Kids. They can shock the hell out of you.
This fresh from last evening. We were shopping, and we split up to tackle the list fast. I was done and waiting, and daughter asked "Do you love daddy more?". I said "no". "Do you love him less than me?" "I don't love him at all" "But he loves you" "So?" "Don't tell him though" "Why? He will be sad?" "No, then he won't buy you diamonds for your birthday".
A funny difference between little boys and little girls.

We had a parent / teacher conference recently for my Kindergartner. The teacher was concerned my boy is not developing enough strong friendships. I guess she feels this is important to carry him through next year when they get thrown to the wolves on the big kid playground. Safety in numbers, I guess! He sort of does his own thing. She wanted me to find out who his best buddy is so she can pair them up in the same class next year - cool!

So, I asked him: "Who is your best friend at school? Do you have any really good friends?"

He said " ::) Mommy. I can't possibly choose a best friend... because everybody loves me so much. They are all my best friends." Then he starts rattling off the names of all his "best friends" i.e. everyone in class.

I told his teacher what he says. She thought it was incredible. She has a long teaching career and has noticed the attitude of girl students is often the exact opposite with low self-esteem: "Nobody likes me.  :'( " In the male mind it's a case of: "Everybody loves me.  8) "

Well, at least he has confidence! Humility, I'm not so sure.  ;) At least a good attitude is important.
SoCal78 said:
A funny difference between little boys and little girls.

We had a parent / teacher conference recently for my Kindergartner. The teacher was concerned my boy is not developing enough strong friendships. I guess she feels this is important to carry him through next year when they get thrown to the wolves on the big kid playground. Safety in numbers, I guess! He sort of does his own thing. She wanted me to find out who his best buddy is so she can pair them up in the same class next year - cool!

So, I asked him: "Who is your best friend at school? Do you have any really good friends?"

He said " ::) Mommy. I can't possibly choose a best friend... because everybody loves me so much. They are all my best friends." Then he starts rattling off the names of all his "best friends" i.e. everyone in class.

I told his teacher what he says. She thought it was incredible. She has a long teaching career and has noticed the attitude of girl students is often the exact opposite with low self-esteem: "Nobody likes me.  :'( " In the male mind it's a case of: "Everybody loves me.  8) "

Well, at least he has confidence! Humility, I'm not so sure.  ;) At least a good attitude is important.
Sounds like a mama's boy.  :p  Boys tend to be close to their moms when they are really young but then gravitate towards their fathers as they get older. 
Last year, we asked the kids what they want from Santa.

My oldest says: "A dog!"
My youngest says: "Santa can't give life."
I ask him why, and he says: "Only God can give life."

Well... at least that got me off the hook from getting a dog.
Highlight from yesterday's homework session at home, from my 1st-grader:
"Parents just don't understand what it's like to be a kid."

Our daughter, which is little enough that she gets free admission pretty much everywhere,  likes to point at houses and tell us: "this is plan 1, that is plan 2, and this is plan 3..."

One day after she fought off other kids in the playground, she mumbled this during her sleep
"Everything is mine, don't touch..."
We were at Fridays for dinner many years ago. The waiter came to the table "Hi, I'm Juan"

My very young daughter (Soylent Yellow) fires back with a big smile, fingers outstretched "Hi..I'm two!".

Tonight at dinner my son announced (with absolutely no prompting whatsoever, I swear), that "Mommy is always right, and Daddy is always wrong." Train 'em young!
This isn't a thing he says but a thing he does.

I helped out all day in my Kindergartner's class yesterday for their year-end Luau. He was wearing swim trunks (the kind with the net-type underwear thing that boys' suits have, not board shorts) because the kids were going to get wet. We were playing a water balloon relay race where the kids have to squash a water balloon with their bottom by sitting on the balloon in a chair. Each kid did it about 10 times. At the end of the game, I made sure to dry him off well like a good mommy. Every time he would sit down and then stand up, more water kept dripping down his legs which I just dried. This went on for a while. I kept drying him. He started getting the shivers but wasn't sick. I wrapped him up in the towel inside class long after the game was over. He kept saying how cold he was and wanted me to give him lots of hugs to keep warm. So, I started putting my hand under his clothes to see why he's so wet. His back felt fine. I put my hand down the back of his suit. His butt cheek was all cold and clammy. That's when I realized he had put on his cotton boxer-brief underwear beneath his suit. It had soaked up all the water. The funny thing is he ALWAYS does this. It seems like every time we go swimming, I either have to stop him from putting underwear on under his suit or we get home to change at the end of the day and he asks me where to put the wet undies!! Silly boy. Makes me laugh. I thought he had learned by now.
Speaking of kids.

I want this baby.


No, I don't know the baby or the baby's parents. (Not creepy at all, right?!?) It's a friend of a friend on Facebook. You've heard of the "ridiculously photogenic guy" and "ridiculously photogenic girl" pics that went viral. I vote for this baby as "ridiculously photogenic baby".

She's mixed - half Asian, half Hispanic, I believe. She is the cutest thing I ever saw.  :)

if your friends page isnt public, i think its a bit weird to post their kids pic on a public forum.  but yes, kid is totally cute
rkp said:
if your friends page isnt public, i think its a bit weird to post their kids pic on a public forum.  but yes, kid is totally cute

It's the person's public profile picture which is how I noticed it.
Love it when I see a bug, scream bloody murder, and the boys come running into the room with their long, plastic swords drawn, ready for action. They sure know to protect me from those big, bad bugs! My heroes.