Commerical on owning a home


Active member
Just saw a commercial sponsored by the Association of Realtors.  It had kids playing a sport and showing a good test score, with a narrator in the background stating something like, it has been shown that owning a home leads to confident kids, that do better in school...

So, if you are renting, your kids are not confident and they will do bad in school???? :mad:
SunCare said:
Just saw a commercial sponsored by the Association of Realtors.  It had kids playing a sport and showing a good test score, with a narrator in the background stating something like, it has been shown that owning a home leads to confident kids, that do better in school...

So, if you are renting, your kids are not confident and they will do bad in school???? :mad:
Those realtor commercials crack me much fluff and BS.  I guess that's where a good portion of my realtor dues go.  haha
I know which commercial you mean but I still think this is the cheesiest ad. The taste of the cheese overwhelms that good Cabernet:


Who knew the pancakes taste better in an ow(n)ed home.
Of course it does, but not because of anything intrinsic to owning a home. People who own homes tend to be more white and more wealthy. In the US, that has a huge impact on test scores.
More cheese? Coming right up.  (p.s. I serve for rental properties as well as sales/purchases)  :p

