Chinese Immersion Programs

songkou said:
And to irvinehomeowner, your assessment of the Mandarin is all getting back-ward, man.  Your resentment towards Chinese/Mandarin seems to tell you're part of "Green Party" in Taiwan.  But Green Party don't approve of Mandarin totally, let alone appreciating its beauty and poetic.  So you got me confused too.
Darn that shopper... people are confusing us... we're like Twins.

Sorry "owner" and you're right. I meant "shopper".
irvinehomeowner said:
songkou said:
And to irvinehomeowner, your assessment of the Mandarin is all getting back-ward, man.  Your resentment towards Chinese/Mandarin seems to tell you're part of "Green Party" in Taiwan.  But Green Party don't approve of Mandarin totally, let alone appreciating its beauty and poetic.  So you got me confused too.
Darn that shopper... people are confusing us... we're like Twins.

Lol green party.... Hard to say though, most of the Green Party folks I know have very personal reasons on their opposition against the kmt... It's not always related to china (although the kmt came from china haha).. So I guess a better way to say it is that it's not always related to "communist" china... They either got land confiscated by the kmt, family members killed, or got dicked over some other way by the kmt.... So not all of them are really anti-communist china per se...

songkou said:
world chaos, your trying to spell Mandarin in English characters makes me all not figuring out what them mean.

And to irvinehomeowner, your assessment of the Mandarin is all getting back-ward, man.  Your resentment towards Chinese/Mandarin seems to tell you're part of "Green Party" in Taiwan.  But Green Party don't approve of Mandarin totally, let alone appreciating its beauty and poetic.  So you got me confused too.
I think its the Same reason as why ppl wanted to learn Japanese b4, it's back to the guarantee of opening doors or opportunity... If chinas economy wasn't so big I doubt anybody would be interested, but they are, so its guaranteed some opportunities will be open to u once u learn the language... Just like back in the day Japan's economy was huge...

I mean in reverse, it's why I learned English... If by some chance we lived in a completely different universe and the two largest economies were Korea and Mexico, then I wouldn't be bilingual in mandarin n English like I am today... cause without a doubt, I'd be bilingual in Korean and Spanish in that universe...

But speaking of Mexico, with the trend towards NAFTA, albeit it aint guaranteed opportunity, now might be a good chance to pick up Spanish to ride the next wave of "potential" opportunity
world chaos said:
I mean in reverse, it's why I learned English...

Were you a kid when you learned English? Your command of the English language is very good. It's usually only this good if a child learns under age 8. (That is what I learned in training for English tutoring.)
i dont remember lol... but according to my mom i had to stay afterschool in kindergarten to take this ESL class... she says i was so angry on my first day of that class like shes like "did u learn anything fun today?" and im like fuming "i listen so hard, but... but i dont understand anything they are saying!!"... and then i cried =_=
world chaos said:
i dont remember lol... but according to my mom i had to stay afterschool in kindergarten to take this ESL class... she says i was so angry on my first day of that class like shes like "did u learn anything fun today?" and im like fuming "i listen so hard, but... but i dont understand anything they are saying!!"... and then i cried =_=

Awww! Cute!! Well, you do an awesome job now.
world chaos said:
yo no cuteness here... i gotta a reputation to maintain here on TI heh

Exactly!  Rocking that Artest gear really shows the "thug" in you.

Plus, people need to remember that you are a man's man. A dog lover not a cat loving sissy.  You are fierce like the dog in your avatar. 

(No offence to cat people as I am very much a cat person and not a dog person, haha.)
EXACTLY!!... u can take ron out of Brooklyn, but u cant take the Brooklyn out of ron!! grawr!! (disclaimer: if u do try, he might elbow u)
but then again, if ur more of a sea food person like i am... should go to denmark sometime n check this out

Chinese Immersion Programs in Irvine (in the order of my own preference)

1. Le Port Montessori Preschool (starts Fall 2014, new campus on Alton/Culver - former Claim Jumper, currently under construction).  Estimated cost for 5 days/week for Primary (8:30 to 3 p.m.): $1,470.  They will have toddler and primary classes.  Went to their "open house" - total bloodbath for spots, majority attendees are Chinese parents rushing to place their kids on the waiting list ($150).  They are still undecided whether they will teach traditional or simplified. In the "tiger mom" fashion, one parent wanted to know which one is on the Chinese AP exam (traditional or simplified). Welcome to the word of competitive preschool hysteria.  :D

2. A Little Dynasty (ALD) for students starting at 4 years and 9 months and up (9 to 12 p.m.). Cost for 5 days/week: $1,450.  Spectrum and Quail Hill locations.

3.  OC First Chinese Preschool & Kinder Class.  Not sure what it is, offered at Cypress Community Park. Ages 3-5 (9:30 to 12 p.m.), 1 month tuition seems to be $478 (Irvine residents).

Do you know others?  If so, let me know.
bones said:
I think you got all of the ones in Irvine.  For those that live in the southern part of Irvine can also consider Montessori on the Lake in Lake Forest.  They have a Mandarin Immersion program for 4-6 year olds. And those that live in the northern part can consider Renascence School in Costa Mesa.  They do trilingual immersion starting with preschool. 

I've read quite a bit on the Renaissance School International OC. Very intriguing. If you send your kids their in their general track, you can expect your kids to be business proficient in both Spanish and Mandarin. If you choose a foreign language track, your child will be fluent in either Spanish or Mandarin and business proficient in the other language. Cost is ~$1500/month and there is no homework, they will do it with your kids during school time!
Sadly, Irvine's Chinese are so obsessed with Westernization that they are less interested than the westerners are in Chinese culture and language.

That's why you can never get around Irvine with Chinese only, and the Chinese in Irvine can hardly speak, much less read, Chinese.

So, no demand for immersion schools.
Haowen Wong said:
Sadly, Irvine's Chinese are so obsessed with Westernization that they are less interested than the westerners are in Chinese culture and language.

That's why you can never get around Irvine with Chinese only, and the Chinese in Irvine can hardly speak, much less read, Chinese.

So, no demand for immersion schools.

Not sure if you know this but your in the US. I don't think there is an expectation that you can get around irvine just speaking mandarin