Basketball Summer Camp recommendations?

OC troll

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I have a 6 yr old boy who wants to learn and play basketball. Parents who have enrolled their kids into a basketball camp, which one and how was the experience?
I have a client running a camp at the Misty May Treanor Sports Center this summer, July and August.

I believe the cost is $270/week (each camp is 8am-5pm Monday through Friday) online. and includes lunch and snacks each day.

The camp is new, with some Clippers connections for those who care. I highly recommend the people behind it as they're a great family to work with.



We signed up for Wintersburg Little Hoopsters for our daughter.  $90 for the summer.  Only Saturday's, usually at the SCCCCCCCA with the first and last meeting at Wintersburg in Santa Ana.  Our first year doing this, seems well run, lots of families and kids and ran into a few people we knew.  It does have a heavy dose of Jesus thrown in.  So don't sign up if you're not comfortable with god and prayer stuff.  Many families had older kids go through and are repeat sign uppers.  They also fingerprint/live scan the coaches/assistant coaches as well.  Not a bad thing since you never know who's the next Sandusky.  A little overboard since the parents are always there, but the church is paying for it so why not.
I'll second the Wintersburg program.  We like it, but I'm biased (since I'm a coach in the program  :)). 

The good part about having a church-centered programs is that you don't get the same "alpha parent" mentality you see in programs like Irvine Pony (where everyone seems to be gunning for a college scholarship opportunity).  It focused more on fundamentals and having fun.  It's pretty low pressure.

I've also heard good things about So Cal Elite (
