Annoying Detail for Maricopa Homes

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Can someone explain why the Maricopa Homes in Stonegate have an address followed by a second number?  For example, a few of the Maricopa model three homes appeared on Redfin a couple of days ago (though I can't seem to find them right now) and the address reads something like:

28 Lyndhurst #39
Irvine, CA

I get that the second number indicates a mailbox number but it's annoying to be paying close to a million bucks for a home and have it look like you're living in an apartment---not that there's anything wrong with that!  We're currently renting an apartment from the Irvine Company and our address doesn't even look like we live in an apartment complex.         

Was it because it was cheaper for IPac to build homes with a centralized mailbox system instead of having to build individual mailboxes in front of each home?  The second number is really annoying to me and may even chill me from buying there.  Also, it creates more issues because even if I'm OK with the beginning number, I may not be OK with the mailbox number.

The sales rep told me that a recent buyer (who already closed on his Maricopa house) got his mailbox number & key and was shocked to learn that it was a number 4. 

It's already a hassle trying to avoid the 4s in the address as it is but now having to avoid it at the back end is another added nuisance.  Yikes.  What are these people thinking?     
Any thoughts??  Would love to hear them! 
SecretGarden said:
Can someone explain why the Maricopa Homes in Stonegate have an address followed by a second number?  For example, a few of the Maricopa model three homes appeared on Redfin a couple of days ago (though I can't seem to find them right now) and the address reads something like:

28 Lyndhurst #39
Irvine, CA

I get that the second number indicates a mailbox number but it's annoying to be paying close to a million bucks for a home and have it look like you're living in an apartment---not that there's anything wrong with that!  We're currently renting an apartment from the Irvine Company and our address doesn't even look like we live in an apartment complex.         

Was it because it was cheaper for IPac to build homes with a centralized mailbox system instead of having to build individual mailboxes in front of each home?  The second number is really annoying to me and may even chill me from buying there.  Also, it creates more issues because even if I'm OK with the beginning number, I may not be OK with the mailbox number.

The sales rep told me that a recent buyer (who already closed on his Maricopa house) got his mailbox number & key and was shocked to learn that it was a number 4. 

It's already a hassle trying to avoid the 4s in the address as it is but now having to avoid it at the back end is another added nuisance.  Yikes.  What are these people thinking?     
Any thoughts??  Would love to hear them! 

I seriously doubt they would let something like this go by...  check with the sales office to make sure..  redfin listings for new homes sometimes show up weird (like in this instance) and are all over the map. 
ps99472 said:
SecretGarden said:
Can someone explain why the Maricopa Homes in Stonegate have an address followed by a second number?  For example, a few of the Maricopa model three homes appeared on Redfin a couple of days ago (though I can't seem to find them right now) and the address reads something like:

28 Lyndhurst #39
Irvine, CA

I get that the second number indicates a mailbox number but it's annoying to be paying close to a million bucks for a home and have it look like you're living in an apartment---not that there's anything wrong with that!  We're currently renting an apartment from the Irvine Company and our address doesn't even look like we live in an apartment complex.         

Was it because it was cheaper for IPac to build homes with a centralized mailbox system instead of having to build individual mailboxes in front of each home?  The second number is really annoying to me and may even chill me from buying there.  Also, it creates more issues because even if I'm OK with the beginning number, I may not be OK with the mailbox number.

The sales rep told me that a recent buyer (who already closed on his Maricopa house) got his mailbox number & key and was shocked to learn that it was a number 4. 

It's already a hassle trying to avoid the 4s in the address as it is but now having to avoid it at the back end is another added nuisance.  Yikes.  What are these people thinking?     
Any thoughts??  Would love to hear them! 

I seriously doubt they would let something like this go by...  check with the sales office to make sure..  redfin listings for new homes sometimes show up weird (like in this instance) and are all over the map. 
Agreed, one of my buyers who closed on a home recently also had Redfin show an address like XXX Main St #X but they verified with the post office that it's really XXX Main St which agrees to the address in the Prelim Title Report. 
I'm unfamiliar with Maricopa. Are you saying the million-dollar home has a centralized mailbox system?? Other than the lack of value (a million dollars and they're so packed in they have to use a centralized mailbox), I wouldn't let it chill me from buying, as you said. No matter where you look for a house, it becomes apparent that someone, somewhere always has it better and someone, somewhere has it worse. It doesn't matter where you go or what you buy. If you like the house, forget how the address extension reads. For what it's worth, if I was writing you a letter, I would not think you're in an apartment because I'd expect it to say "Apt. X" or "Unit X", not just some letters and numbers... I'd think that was exactly what it is - a mailbox. Hope this helps.
SoCal78 said:
I'm unfamiliar with Maricopa. Are you saying the million-dollar home has a centralized mailbox system?? Other than the lack of value (a million dollars and they're so packed in they have to use a centralized mailbox), I wouldn't let it chill me from buying, as you said. No matter where you look for a house, it becomes apparent that someone, somewhere always has it better and someone, somewhere has it worse. It doesn't matter where you go or what you buy. If you like the house, forget how the address extension reads. For what it's worth, if I was writing you a letter, I would not think you're in an apartment because I'd expect it to say "Apt. X" or "Unit X", not just some letters and numbers... I'd think that was exactly what it is - a mailbox. Hope this helps.

Yes, each group of houses gets a centralized mail box.  I just noticed this a few weeks and was shocked.  In my mind, part of getting a SFR includes getting your own mail box and driveway.
On the bright side, you might have a safe receptacle for packages, which an individual box wouldn't have.... and.... well... that's the only bright side that comes to mind. Even if you don't like the address extension, you will like looking at the zip code. That's the trade-off, if you're into that kind of thing.
I've not seen this tract. Are they detached condos? If so, that additional unit number is pretty common. Perhaps a quirk in subdivision rules.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People.
sgip said:
I've not seen this tract. Are they detached condos? If so, that additional unit number is pretty common. Perhaps a quirk in subdivision rules.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People.

SFR in stonegate proper.
Your legal address can probably drop the box number... that's probably a reference for the Post Office and not even needed.

First the 3-car garage, then the driveway... and now your mailbox (although there have been group mailboxes in Irvine for years).

TIC will start charging a premium for front doors soon.
irvinehomeowner said:
TIC will start charging a premium for front doors soon.

I guess since we all come in through the garage anyway, who really needs a front door.  :) That's a good one.
Starlight East said:
I'm curious. So when you try to avoid the number 4, does that mean you can not have 4 bedrooms or 4 kids?
You can't wear glasses... or have a dog or cat... or an off-road vehicle.
Starlight East said:
I'm curious. So when you try to avoid the number 4, does that mean you can not have 4 bedrooms or 4 kids?

No, I just try to avoid the number 4 in the address (i.e., 4 Lyndhurst, 44 Lyndhurst, 4 Lyndhurst #44, etc.)  This is based on the same logic laid out in the prior string regarding Asians and numbers.  I'm an Americanized Asian and don't mind the number but when I learned that Asian buyers don't like 4 because of it phonetic similarity to "death" or "die" (in Chinese) I decided to be mindful of that for resale purposes. 

Are you sure that's part of the address but not the lot #?

For example:

If you look at the listing, it actually says the legal lot # is 56.

Hope this helps!

SecretGarden said:
Can someone explain why the Maricopa Homes in Stonegate have an address followed by a second number?  For example, a few of the Maricopa model three homes appeared on Redfin a couple of days ago (though I can't seem to find them right now) and the address reads something like:

28 Lyndhurst #39
Irvine, CA

I get that the second number indicates a mailbox number but it's annoying to be paying close to a million bucks for a home and have it look like you're living in an apartment---not that there's anything wrong with that!  We're currently renting an apartment from the Irvine Company and our address doesn't even look like we live in an apartment complex.         

Was it because it was cheaper for IPac to build homes with a centralized mailbox system instead of having to build individual mailboxes in front of each home?  The second number is really annoying to me and may even chill me from buying there.  Also, it creates more issues because even if I'm OK with the beginning number, I may not be OK with the mailbox number.

The sales rep told me that a recent buyer (who already closed on his Maricopa house) got his mailbox number & key and was shocked to learn that it was a number 4. 

It's already a hassle trying to avoid the 4s in the address as it is but now having to avoid it at the back end is another added nuisance.  Yikes.  What are these people thinking?     
Any thoughts??  Would love to hear them!
SecretGarden said:
Starlight East said:
I'm curious. So when you try to avoid the number 4, does that mean you can not have 4 bedrooms or 4 kids?

No, I just try to avoid the number 4 in the address (i.e., 4 Lyndhurst, 44 Lyndhurst, 4 Lyndhurst #44, etc.)  This is based on the same logic laid out in the prior string regarding Asians and numbers.  I'm an Americanized Asian and don't mind the number but when I learned that Asian buyers don't like 4 because of it phonetic similarity to "death" or "die" (in Chinese) I decided to be mindful of that for resale purposes. 

As I said in the past, my address of the home I sold in Irvine a few years ago had a '4' in it and it did scare away several potential buyers.  I also had a potential buyer walk away from the house and never enter if because she said the door was at an angle to the front of the house and not parallel to it.  Kinda funny that grown adults would let such benign things affect their major life decisions.

So with the '4' issue, is everyone born in April or the 4th, 14, and 24th of each month screwed?  Will all potential spouses run away as soon as they find out when their boyfriend/girlfriend was born?  Will Asians avoid having kids in 2014?  I can see the news report "Mystery drop in Asian birth rate in 2014".

So silly...   

I tend to agree with davenlei but my husband and I are from Seattle - cannot confirm how sensitive Asian Irvine buyers are to house numbers but back in WA, it doesn't seem to be a major issue.
I am second generation Chinese myself and am a bit shocked to read about the examples discussed here on TI. I thought those days are long gone?!?!  ???

davenlei said:
SecretGarden said:
Starlight East said:
I'm curious. So when you try to avoid the number 4, does that mean you can not have 4 bedrooms or 4 kids?

No, I just try to avoid the number 4 in the address (i.e., 4 Lyndhurst, 44 Lyndhurst, 4 Lyndhurst #44, etc.)  This is based on the same logic laid out in the prior string regarding Asians and numbers.  I'm an Americanized Asian and don't mind the number but when I learned that Asian buyers don't like 4 because of it phonetic similarity to "death" or "die" (in Chinese) I decided to be mindful of that for resale purposes. 

As I said in the past, my address of the home I sold in Irvine a few years ago had a '4' in it and it did scare away several potential buyers.  I also had a potential buyer walk away from the house and never enter if because she said the door was at an angle to the front of the house and not parallel to it.  Kinda funny that grown adults would let such benign things affect their major life decisions.

So with the '4' issue, is everyone born in April or the 4th, 14, and 24th of each month screwed?  Will all potential spouses run away as soon as they find out when their boyfriend/girlfriend was born?  Will Asians avoid having kids in 2014?  I can see the news report "Mystery drop in Asian birth rate in 2014".

So silly... 
mmm.... on second thought, I have read about Chinese celebrities scheduling c-section on certain dates for better fortune... so maybe we ARE kinda nutty.  :-\

davenlei said:
SecretGarden said:
Starlight East said:
I'm curious. So when you try to avoid the number 4, does that mean you can not have 4 bedrooms or 4 kids?

No, I just try to avoid the number 4 in the address (i.e., 4 Lyndhurst, 44 Lyndhurst, 4 Lyndhurst #44, etc.)  This is based on the same logic laid out in the prior string regarding Asians and numbers.  I'm an Americanized Asian and don't mind the number but when I learned that Asian buyers don't like 4 because of it phonetic similarity to "death" or "die" (in Chinese) I decided to be mindful of that for resale purposes. 

As I said in the past, my address of the home I sold in Irvine a few years ago had a '4' in it and it did scare away several potential buyers.  I also had a potential buyer walk away from the house and never enter if because she said the door was at an angle to the front of the house and not parallel to it.  Kinda funny that grown adults would let such benign things affect their major life decisions.

So with the '4' issue, is everyone born in April or the 4th, 14, and 24th of each month screwed?  Will all potential spouses run away as soon as they find out when their boyfriend/girlfriend was born?  Will Asians avoid having kids in 2014?  I can see the news report "Mystery drop in Asian birth rate in 2014".

So silly... 
yellowplum said:
I tend to agree with davenlei but my husband and I are from Seattle - cannot confirm how sensitive Asian Irvine buyers are to house numbers but back in WA, it doesn't seem to be a major issue.
I am second generation Chinese myself and am a bit shocked to read about the examples discussed here on TI. I thought those days are long gone?!?!  ???

davenlei said:
SecretGarden said:
Starlight East said:
I'm curious. So when you try to avoid the number 4, does that mean you can not have 4 bedrooms or 4 kids?

No, I just try to avoid the number 4 in the address (i.e., 4 Lyndhurst, 44 Lyndhurst, 4 Lyndhurst #44, etc.)  This is based on the same logic laid out in the prior string regarding Asians and numbers.  I'm an Americanized Asian and don't mind the number but when I learned that Asian buyers don't like 4 because of it phonetic similarity to "death" or "die" (in Chinese) I decided to be mindful of that for resale purposes. 

As I said in the past, my address of the home I sold in Irvine a few years ago had a '4' in it and it did scare away several potential buyers.  I also had a potential buyer walk away from the house and never enter if because she said the door was at an angle to the front of the house and not parallel to it.  Kinda funny that grown adults would let such benign things affect their major life decisions.

So with the '4' issue, is everyone born in April or the 4th, 14, and 24th of each month screwed?  Will all potential spouses run away as soon as they find out when their boyfriend/girlfriend was born?  Will Asians avoid having kids in 2014?  I can see the news report "Mystery drop in Asian birth rate in 2014".

So silly... 
I think it's more of an issue with first generation asian buyers than other following generations. 
USCTrojanCPA said:
I think it's more of an issue with first generation asian buyers than other following generations. 
You'll be surprised how much influence that first generation has on the following ones.

"No grandson, I will not give you the red envelope if you plan to buy a house with '4' in the address!"
"I will not live with you and take care of your kids because your house is facing the wrong direction!"
irvinehomeowner said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
I think it's more of an issue with first generation asian buyers than other following generations. 
You'll be surprised how much influence that first generation has on the following ones.

"No grandson, I will not give you the red envelope if you plan to buy a house with '4' in the address!"
"I will not live with you and take care of your kids because your house is facing the wrong direction!"
I don't doubt that and that's why some of my 2nd and 3rd generation asian buyers will prefer not to buy a home that has a 4 in the address.