30 Day Fitness Challenge

I think that's what it is for me. I am doing weights at least twice a week, suddenly the weight range has gone up. I attribute it to the awesomeness of Folgers fully caffeinated, but I do leg presses with twice the weight as last year without getting sore.
@ CZ & @28inIrvine:

Mr. SoCal is 5'10". Having a desk job and being allergic to exercise, he has very little muscle tone. (Picture your typical Irvine software engineer.) He still has a little tummy and he's always had a full face but his arms and legs seem a lot thinner now. He also has a small frame i.e. narrow shoulders. Man, it's a good thing he doesn't visit this site.  :p I guess I'm happy for him because he feels better. But now he tells me he plans to stay this way which was kind of a surprise. And although he's not trying to lose anymore, it's just melting off due to keeping track so he doesn't overeat but not really "trying" to lose. So, he'll probably get even thinner.  :-\ I just suggested to him if he's going to keep his weight down maybe he wants to bulk up just a little bit with some muscle. He's really not interested in pumping iron at all. Mmmkay.

Cubic Zirconia said:
For his height, 180 would be too low..don't you think so?

Yeah, I thought 220 was too low on him! I can't help it, I just prefer "husky". He's never really been what I'd call a "husky" guy but he's been a little bigger. If he wanted to be more muscular, that's fine, too. But he doesn't. So I'll learn to get used to it. He's still the same person on the inside where it really matters. I find bigger more attractive but I'll take him huge, tiny, rich, broke, 1-armed, or with purple polka dots.  :)
SoCal said:
@ CZ & @28inIrvine:

Mr. SoCal is 5'10". Having a desk job and being allergic to exercise, he has very little muscle tone. (Picture your typical Irvine software engineer.) He still has a little tummy and he's always had a full face but his arms and legs seem a lot thinner now. He also has a small frame i.e. narrow shoulders. Man, it's a good thing he doesn't visit this site.  :p I guess I'm happy for him because he feels better. But now he tells me he plans to stay this way which was kind of a surprise. And although he's not trying to lose anymore, it's just melting off due to keeping track so he doesn't overeat but not really "trying" to lose. So, he'll probably get even thinner.  :-\ I just suggested to him if he's going to keep his weight down maybe he wants to bulk up just a little bit with some muscle. He's really not interested in pumping iron at all. Mmmkay.

Cubic Zirconia said:
For his height, 180 would be too low..don't you think so?

Yeah, I thought 220 was too low on him! I can't help it, I just prefer "husky". He's never really been what I'd call a "husky" guy but he's been a little bigger. If he wanted to be more muscular, that's fine, too. But he doesn't. So I'll learn to get used to it. He's still the same person on the inside where it really matters. I find bigger more attractive but I'll take him huge, tiny, rich, broke, 1-armed, or with purple polka dots.  :)

Ah! So he has scale for his slave! How nice.. and here were are, trying to at least friend the scale...
Aww @ huge, tiny, rick, broke and purple polka dots???- what's that.. didn't get the reference..
5'10" and 180 is pretty normal/standard weight combo, not skinny at all. 5'10 and 160 is probably too thin. really depends on the natural body type.

Guess who I met at the gym?
Ate at Annapoornas for lunch... ugh!!

Think I'm gonna go run a few miles tonight!

And that video is not of IHO... IHO is just a bit darker.
LOL! IHO bait it was :)
Annapurna.. haven't eaten there in years. I like eating Indian food only at Artesia. Yeah, run Homer run! Carb fest?
Cubic Zirconia said:
Ah! So he has scale for his slave! How nice.. and here were are, trying to at least friend the scale...
Aww @ huge, tiny, rick, broke and purple polka dots???- what's that.. didn't get the reference..

I'm just saying neither one of us has a "what-have-you-done-for-me-lately?" attitude. We operate the other way around. We've both always done our best for the other. I know a good thing when I see it (some poor sap who loves me as much as he does, I try not to ask too many questions of  :p) and to return the thanks, I also know not to nag him (Secret #18 to a happy marriage). He can look like whatever he wants to look like. I won't say anything more unless he gets frail or there is cause for concern. He has never criticized the way I look - ever. Who am I to say anything. 
Cubic Zirconia said:
LOL! IHO bait it was :)
Annapurna.. haven't eaten there in years. I like eating Indian food only at Artesia. Yeah, run Homer run! Carb fest?

I'm a sucker for Palak Paneer and Paneer Tikka Masala.. Reminds me of the good ol' days at Cal... ugh! Now my suit smells like curry and spice  :'(
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
Ah! So he has scale for his slave! How nice.. and here were are, trying to at least friend the scale...
Aww @ huge, tiny, rick, broke and purple polka dots???- what's that.. didn't get the reference..

I'm just saying neither one of us has a "what-have-you-done-for-me-lately?" attitude. We operate the other way around. We've both always done our best for the other. I know a good thing when I see it (some poor sap who loves me as much as he does, I try not to ask too many questions of  :p) and to return the thanks, I also know not to nag him (Secret #18 to a happy marriage). He can look like whatever he wants to look like. I won't say anything more unless he gets frail or there is cause for concern. He has never criticized the way I look - ever. Who am I to say anything. 

GRRRR.. I got everything else.. but the purple-polka dot.. where did that come from? Is it a normal phrase? Is it something you made up? Back story?
homer_simpson said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
LOL! IHO bait it was :)
Annapurna.. haven't eaten there in years. I like eating Indian food only at Artesia. Yeah, run Homer run! Carb fest?

I'm a sucker for Palak Paneer and Paneer Tikka Masala.. Reminds me of the good ol' days at Cal... ugh! Now my suit smells like curry and spice  :'(

Haha! The people you know where cook dinner every evening at 7pm. If I go out for walk around that time, I feel so guilty for not being a good Indian woman and burn those spices in my kitchen..making my hair smell like curry ;-)
Cubic Zirconia said:
GRRRR.. I got everything else.. but the purple-polka dot.. where did that come from? Is it a normal phrase? Is it something you made up? Back story?

Oh. It's just something I made up.  :)
Um, technically, at 5'10", overweight starts at 175.  For 6'0" 185 is the border.  At 6' 0" most american think 200 is normal but reality is we're all think carrying an extra 20 is the new normal.

That said, if I said 180 for my 6 foot, my doctor would just laugh.