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I think you can find some of the older communities, like West Irvine, without HOAs.
Most newer/more desirable communities have HOAs though-- you need something to keep the FCBs in line.
USCTrojanCPA said:
I love not having an HOA.  No sucking suck in my wallet every month.

No response to that comment?  Where you at Qwerty? 

Which neighborhood do you live in that doesn't have an HOA?
Having lived in a community with a weak HOA, I can't imagine what it would be like entirely without one.
For me, it's not a Goldilocks situation, it's the stronger the HOA, the better.
Since I'm not hanging my laundry from balconies, trying to raise livestock or refusing to maintain my home, I've never had an HOA problem.

Good HOAs make good neighbors.
When I was younger. 10 years ago.  I used to loathe HOAs.  I now feel HOAs does have an overall benefit to upkeep the neighborhood and keeping the process more civil.  There is always a trade off with your freedom and right to your real estate to preserve order.  It does not discriminate against anyone in particular.  For example, I received a notice about the paint fading on the door and garage doors.  If I did not keep it up to date, it would affect the neighbor's view and value.  If the notice never came, I would honestly never had repainted my doors.  I've seen good HOA and bad ones.  So far in Irvine, at least in Northpark.  I like them.  In San Diego, where I was from, I hated them. 

When moving into a house, it is a nice assurance that what you see is what you get.  No surprises. 

I don't mind an HOA as long as there are amenities that go along with it (a gate for some, a pool for others, a pocket park for Irvinecommuter :) ).

It's also useful for when you see things in your 'hood you don't like (old jalopy in the driveway on cinder blocks, clothes hanging from the balcony, house that hasn't been painted since 1863, IHO view lot). But having an HOA doesn't guarantee against those things.

What I wonder about the 'hoods in Irvine with no HOA (like USC's south West Irvine "ghetto" :) ), who foots the bill to maintain the common areas and pay for the utilities (street lighting, plant watering)? I assume the city of Irvine... so USC owes me money.    :D
ob1 said:
I think you can find some of the older communities, like West Irvine, without HOAs.
Most newer/more desirable communities have HOAs though-- you need something to keep the FCBs in line.

I tell all my non-Asian friends this.

Rules and regulations do not apply to Asians.. they are merely suggestions to them...  Stop signs, red lights, don't hang your clothes out in the front yard, don't put your kids in the stroller and ride up the escalator at SCP... all suggestions..  >:D
ob1 said:
I think you can find some of the older communities, like West Irvine, without HOAs.
Most newer/more desirable communities have HOAs though-- you need something to keep the FCBs in line.

I tell all my non-Asian friends this.

Rules and regulations do not apply to Asians.. they are merely suggestions to them...  Stop signs, red lights, don't hang your clothes out in the front yard, don't put your kids in the stroller and ride up the escalator at SCP... all suggestions..  >:D
You *should* be telling your Asian friends to follow the rules. :)
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