Recent content by thinqueprep

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    Online College Admissions Workshop for the Class of 2021

    Attention College-Bound Students! Do you find the college application process intimidating? Looking to build a winning college admissions strategy before school starts? Need a road map to give you a college admissions advantage? Wondering how to make your personal profile stand out from other...
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    AP Calculus and AP Physics Review Course

    Many students have been complaining about the lack of resources from their schools and need help getting ready for the modified AP Calc and Physics exams. Particularly, some students need help because their schools are limiting classes to asynchronous assignments -- there is no face-to-face...
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    Attention High School Seniors -->> College Application Workshop!

    Attention college bound families! This August, Thinque Prep will be hosting its 5th Annual "College Admissions Workshop" in partnership with Soka University!  Students will be collaborating one-on-one with University counselors from UCLA, Stanford, Chapman, Oregon State, and many more to polish...
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    College Admissions Workshop

    Hey all, I recently heard about an awesome college admissions workshop that one of my colleagues is hosting. He's invited college counselors from around the country are coming together to bring you an immersive college experience that will allow students to see what really goes on behind closed...
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    AP courses - confusing

    I'm a independent counselor who has worked with quite a few students from each of the Irvine schools. The advice I give each family truly depends on what the student's abilities an goals are. From a competitive admissions standpoints, not all AP classes are created equal. Some classes are...