This sums the excess and lack of knowledge at the height of the market

This is a <a href="">long read but points out the excess and stupidity of many people </a>during the height of the market and easy money in SoCal.

It points out that there is more then enough blame to go around and it would be hard to point out one individual or company except maybe Lyon Homes at fault since it sounds like they took the money and ran.

[quote author="xsocal land merchant" date=1226486910]This is a <a href="">long read but points out the excess and stupidity of many people </a>during the height of the market and easy money in SoCal.

It points out that there is more then enough blame to go around and it would be hard to point out one individual or company except maybe Lyon Homes at fault since it sounds like they took the money and ran.

The buyer was stupid enough to buy it with environmental issues without doing their homework so the blame stops there, but I wonder how the city/county provided William Lyon a CofO with such crappy execution of construction (I guess William Lyon should leave golf course construction projects to golf courses developers).
It's not William Lyon's fault that she did not do her due diligence. Had she done her research she could have had the builder fix those things much easier than her. Like the story says. "It's all my Fault". Sounds like a career in fast foods could be in her future.