The closest Chinese foot massage?


New member
The reactions shown here are priceless:

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Is anyone aware of a place like this closer than L.A.? I'm always up for a challenging and it would make for a great experience.

I'm guessing this isn't a first date sort of thing either...

Maybe a fourth or fifth date? lol
There's one on Bolsa/Brookhurst for those in the HB, Westminster, Garden Grove area. It's really great but definitely a different experience. Probably the best massage I've ever had and without a doubt the cheapest ($20!).
I agreed with Tmare...there are tons of those places in Bolsa...some of them are even $ 15 for an hour.
There is one in the Ranch 99 market. When you walk in, go to your right hand side before entering the market. It is at the end of the hall way.