Sleeping arrangements


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So our almost two year old is co-sleeping with us.  She was on her own since birth in her own crib in her own room.  She was sick for the first time last month and we had her sleeping with us.  Now that she is better, she's used to sleeping with us.  We'll put her down in her crib at night and she'll wake up in about two hours and throw a tantrum until we bring her into our bed.  Now we don't mind co-sleeping now, but don't want any bad habits to develop.  Any good parenting advice?  We're thinking of converting her crib into a toddler bed, but I don't think that will solve the problem.  We can let her cry it out for the first few nights, but that drives us crazy as well.  Both my wife and I co-sleeped with our parents when we were babies so the grandparents don't really see this as a problem.  Is it a problem?
only you know whether its a problem or not. you say its not, but then you are asking if it is a problem so maybe it is.
I'll tell you one thing, don't let her tantrums dictate what you guys do because she'll be smart enough to know if it works for this matter then she'll be throwing tantrums when she wants something else.  You guys will need to put your foot down sooner or later.
If you don't mind her sleeping with you, it's not a problem...but you will have to deal with this eventually since she can't sleep with you forever. If you're only letting her sleep with you because she's throwing tantrums, I'd say bite the bullet and let her cry it out for a couple of nights until she is used to sleeping in her crib again. When my son was 1.5, we had a similar issue. He was totally fine sleeping alone in his crib, but then we went on vacation and he slept on our hotel bed with us for a few nights. When we got home and put him to bed in his crib, he would stand up and cry. It was hard, but we let him cry. In a couple of days he was back to normal. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I agree with others here. There are no right answers. Co-sleeping is okay but if it bothers you then crying it out is fastest way to go. You probably already do this but just in case--kids love night routines. For my kids that would include bath time with toys, 3 short books, prayer time, and sleep. Whatever you do, be consistent to help cue your children to sleep. Good luck!
Our 21 month year old has co-slept with pretty much since birth. From what I read and what our pediatrician says it's all about what you guys are comfortable with as parents.

If we had to do it again we would. It's really cute. Lot of cute memories already. ;)
I agree with Lucy.
I have 2 kids- one I co-slept with and the other not.  I cherish those memories when I co-slept with my baby.  My baby (and me!) slept much better.  They do grow older! 
Well our daughter has been co-sleeping with us for the last 4 months.  I've learned to sleep very well on my side during that time and also to tuck my hand underneath my behind so it doesn't fall of the bed.  I wish we have a king size bed.  Good thing is that she sleeps much better with us and we don't have to worry as much about her naps since she'll have no problem falling asleep at night with us.  I guess this only makes sense to parents with finicky sleepers.  Can't wait for our second child.
Enough interest and price forecasting and talking about affordability in Irvine... we all know it's for the children.

So this morning's Today show reminded me of this topic:

Basically, they said either way is acceptable as long as the parents are consistent.

My kids are no long toddlers but lately, they have been coming into our bed in the middle of the night or early morning because they're scared... maybe I should put them in the same room.
We're still cosleeping, i saw the report this morning as well and did make sense to me.  It's too late for my 2 year old, she says Mommy and Dada sleep in "my" bed.  I don't mind it as much, got use to sleeping on and over the edge of "her" bed. The most important thing like the show said was that we all sleep better this way.  Better then waking up in the middle of the night to tend a crying 2 year old.  Just kicking the can down the road till she turns 3. 

@IHO. Do ur kids sleep in ur bed every night?  Find out whTs scaring them and try to solve it that way.  Again, the important thing here is sleep, do whatever it takes to ge a decent night of sleep.
Not every night... but many of them... if they are tired or go to sleep later... they won't bother coming into the room because they don't wake up.

I think it's the waking up in the middle of the night when it's dark and no one is around.
irvinehomeowner said:
many of them... if they are tired or go to sleep later... they won't bother coming into the room

Many of them? How many kids in your brood, Iho? If you don't mind my asking. I can't imagine how it would be with many kids trying to jump into the bed.
I meant many nights... not many kids.

I'll stay vague as my stalker here might try to use that information against me... I have just the right amount of kids.
We got my son a full-sized bed and on the nights he does have a nightmare (like last night) one of us will bring him back to his room and lay down with him until he falls asleep.

He and my wife are very "large" sleepers (move around a lot), so co-sleeping is not an option if I ever want to sleep.