Meltdown Election 2008


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With less than 50 days until we vote, there are going to be meltdowns into the final hours. Which party will deliver the message and which party will fail to deliver?

<em>The last few days have focused people on the importance of this election. This isn't a game, it's the real thing. Our very future is on the line.

On one hand you have a candidate that has risen from a single-parent household and poverty to obtain an education at one of the world's finest universities. He is intelligent and has chosen his aides with thoughtfulness and care. He has surrounded himself with smart people who don't make up their minds until all the facts are in. He is pragmatic and shows flexibility, sound judgment and wisdom. He and his family are the American dream come true. He has had one theme throughout his campaign - change.

On the other hand we have a candidate who is running based on his war record of 50 years ago. He is stubborn and inflexible. He surrounds himself with people not based on their character or intelligence. Like Bush, he has chosen them for their ideological beliefs. He has a hot temper and is quick to pull the trigger, even before all the facts are known. He doesn't waiver even when the facts contradict his position. He has run on character, a maverick, experience, change, and a host of other themes. Like Bush and the war, he keeps throwing cow pies against the wall to see if anything sticks. Like Bush, if one does stick it will turn out that it's still just a cow pie.

Personally, I have had enough of people who have determined what to do based on ideology, not facts. I have had enough of people being chosen for ideological beliefs rather than their intelligence and their skills. I have had enough of the last 8 years and I don't want another 4.

Bush's policies, foreign and domestic, have led this country to the brink of a financial disaster. McCain offers the same.

Hopefully the last few days have sobered Americans up to the harsh realities we face as a nation.</em>
Team Obama forming up:

<em>Barack Obama turned to a team of advisers that shaped America's economy in happier days to fashion fresh ideas for calming the stomach-churning financial crisis that has thundered from Wall Street to Main Street.

Some of the most respected names in the business world were pitching in Friday, including billionaire investor Warren Buffett, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, former Treasury secretaries Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers and Paul O'Neill and Laura Tyson, former head of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Clinton.

..."This is not a time for fear, it's not a time for panic," Obama said Thursday in New Mexico. "This is a time for resolve and it is a time for leadership."

...Briefly outlining his proposals, Obama said he would call for a Homeowner and Financial Support Act "that would establish a more stable and permanent solution than the daily improvisations that have characterized policy-making over the past year."

...Obama had telephone discussions Thursday about the financial markets with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Fed chief Paul Volcker and former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers.

Saying that McCain strongly advocated deregulation and then changed his mind, Obama said, "We can't afford to lurch back and forth between positions depending on the latest news of the day when dealing with an economic crisis.

"We need some clear and steady leadership and that's why I was ahead of the curve in calling for regulation," he said. "And that's why I'm calling on the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to use their emergency authorities to maintain the flow of credit, to support the availability of mortgages and to ensure that our financial system is well capitalized." </em>