Leport Montessori or Westpark Montessori


New member

Does anybody have any information good or bad on Leport or Westpark Montessori? I am considering enrolling my toddler there, but would like to hear from other parents who have children there.

Do you have you child on the waitlist for Westpark Montessori? We put our daughter on the waitlist when she was 2 years old....They never called for an opening. She's 5 and in Kindergarten now.... :-S I've heard that some people put their child on the waitlist while they are still pregnant....

With regard to LePort, if you are talking about the new Westpark location on San Marino/Harvard, we sent our child to that facility for about a year when it was still a Tutor Time. I can't speak to quality of LePort, but I will say the facility and grounds were very nice. I drive past there each morning, it appears to be really packing the kids in now that it is a LePort --- traffic in and out of their parking lot is a zoo, much worse than when it was Tutor Time. Wonder if they have a waitlist as well...
My son is currently on the wait list for both Leport and Westpark. I put my son on the waitlist for Westpark while I was pregnant, and while there was an opening when he was a little younger, I wasn't quite ready to send him to preschool/daycare at such an early age. Right now, they may have openings for us in the Fall (He'll be about 2 3/4), but he must be potty trained for that classroom. For Leport, I put him on the wait list when he was one year old. While I prefer the San Marino campus, I think the wait list for that location is much longer that the Lake campus. I'm looking for a facility that helps with potty training, and that may have openiings in the Spring. If you have any other suggestions I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Yep, we put our child on the Westpark Montessori waitlist when we were 4 months pregnant. I thought it was totally crazy at the time, but I'm not complaining now. We got the call when she was 16 months old for a spot in the toddler room. It was a lot earlier than we thought we were ready for, but we were worried about how long it might be before we got another call, and my babysitter had just announced out of the blue that she was going on a 3 week vacation, so we went ahead and put her in. Never regretted it. She loves the program. They potty-trained her. We love all of her teachers.

My understanding is that the Leport wait lists are much shorter. I've never had any friends have any problems getting their children into the Lake facility within a 3 month period. I have no idea why their wait list is so short compared to Westpark Montessori. My friends all rave about the Leport program. And these are some pretty particular parents, so I have no doubt that they have an excellent program. If we didn't get into the Westpark Montessori, we would have sent our child to Leport.

One thing that seems to help in terms of getting your child in sooner than he/she otherwise may get in is if you know other families that attend Westpark Montessori. Tell the director that you are friends with these other families and use them as a sort of reference for you. Ask your friends to talk to the director about your situation. Sometimes if there is a surprise opening (e.g. somebody moves midyear), they'll consider your application for that spot.

Good luck!