IUSD Afterschool programs


New member
Where can I find out information about kindergarten afterschool care at Irvine schools (without calling any specific school)? I'm interested in schedule, cost, what they do there etc.
The idea being, since I will have a kindergartner and a second grader next year, to have the K one stay at school until the 2nd grader comes out (so I don't have to go to school twice). The Kindergartner will do the Early Bird program (8:15 to about 11:30 I believe0),  2nd grade gets out at 2:30.
Thanks for the link, it still doesn't show schedule and prices, I guess I will have to call them directly.
Each one differs slightly in price and policies.

From what you are describing, I do think they have a K program where they take care of them from 1/2 day to when primary comes out... but you do need to call to confirm. Even on their own websites, it says you have to call about tuition.