It?s Bayh


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OBAMA DRAMA: Prepares to name mate...

FLASH: Fri Aug 22 2008 17:52:03 ET /// KMBC's Micheal Mahoney reports a company in Kansas City, which specializes in political literature, has been printing Obama-Bayh material... MORE... Gill Studios, would not confirm information about the material. They would not deny it either. At least three sources close to the plant's operations reported the Obama-Bayh material was being produced.
I think it's going to be Biden.

<a href="">flightwatch</a>

but then again, there is this story 1 minute later:

<a href="">obama bayh stickers</a>
ok, here's a sticker for you.... ;)

<img src="" alt="" />
That's just more evidence of Democrats trying to interfere with elections. Disenfranchisement is only an issue when the public speaks against oppressive rule by liberals.

Here's a bumper sticker for you:

<img src="" alt="" />
CNN is also reporting that Kaine and Bayh are out of the running and supporters will receive a text message with the choice tomorrow in the morning.

Yes Hillary. Too much of the undecided voter pool are Hillary supporters.

Obama is slipping to much week by week on the polls with McCain closing the gap.

Hillary plays to the change message. Biden doesn't.

And they need the votes. All the drama is the perfect cover for a complete media storm when they announce Hillary.

Plus, Hillary has disappeared from the spotlight. Bill isn't running his mouth.

Drama in the media coverage and



and the media love story starts up about the Dream Team, First black man and woman for Pres/VP even though Ferraro previously ran... but I digress.

I'm certainly glad that I was wrong on this one. Here is what wrote about Biden two days ago:

August 20, 2008

The Unbearable Lightness of Biden

Some time in the next 48 hours, Barack Obama will announce his running mate. The current favorite seems to be Joe Biden. I hope it's true: if Obama chooses Biden, it will be more evidence that he, and the Democrats generally, are living in a bubble.

Personally, I kind of like Biden. He can be disarming at times, and occasionally borders on the moderate. But how can he possibly help Obama? Throughout his long career, Biden has been anything but a powerhouse. His several Presidential runs have gone nowhere. On the national scene he is, frankly, a bit of a joke. What is he going to do, help Obama carry Delaware?

You can see the logic behind choosing Biden. Obama is young, so he wants an old Veep. Obama knows little about American history, diplomacy, foreign affairs or military matters, and Biden is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Superficially, it seems to make sense.

The problem is that, whereas Obama is a young lightweight, Biden is an old lightweight--Obama with a hair transplant. While Obama has only been a lightweight for 47 years, Biden has been one for 65. Is this a big plus? I doubt it. If you put Biden on a stage next to Tim Pawlenty and ask voters which one is the serious candidate, two-thirds will say Pawlenty.

So: Slow Joe Biden for Vice-President? Absolutely! It's one more sign that Obama, the supposed harbinger of change, is running an unimaginative, paint-by-numbers campaign.

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